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past perfect progressive Verlaufsform {f} der Vorvergangenheit
past perfect tense Plusquamperfekt {n}
past perfect (tense) vollendete Vergangenheit {f}
past performancefrühere Leistung {f}
past praying forunwiederbringlich verloren
past president früherer Präsident {m}
past psychiatric historypsychiatrische Vorgeschichte {f}
past recall [postpos.]unwiderruflich
past redemptionunwiederbringlich verloren
past remedynicht mehr zu retten
past retrievalunwiederbringlich
past sb./sth.an jdm./etw. vorbei
past subjunctive I [perfect subjunctive]Konjunktiv {m} Perfekt
past subjunctive II [pluperfect subjunctive] Konjunktiv {m} Plusquamperfekt
past tense (form) Vergangenheitsform {f}
Past the Headlands [Garry Disher] Hinter den Inseln
past the limitjenseits des Limits
past the normal retirement agenach Erreichen des Rentenalters
past the statute of limitations [postpos.]verjährt
past violent behavior [Am.] gewalttätiges Verhalten {n} in der Vergangenheit
past work {sg} [previous work]bisherige Arbeiten {pl} [Studien] [vergangene Arbeiten]
(past) performance examplesLeistungsbeispiele {pl}
pastaPasta {f}
pasta {sg} Teigwaren {pl}
pasta {sg}Nudeln {pl}
pasta bake Nudelauflauf {m}
pasta dish Nudelgericht {n}
pasta dishes Pastagerichte {pl}
pasta dishesNudelgerichte {pl}
pasta dough Nudelteig {m}
pasta factoryTeigwarenfabrik {f}
pasta filata cheese [pulled curd cheese]Pasta-filata-Käse {m}
pasta filata cheese [pulled curd cheese]Filatakäse {m}
pasta fork Pastagabel {f}
pasta machineNudelmaschine {f}
pasta makerNudelhersteller {m}
pasta making Nudelherstellung {f}
pasta pot Pastatopf {m}
pasta recipe Pastarezept {n}
pasta salad Nudelsalat {m}
pasta saucePastasoße {f}
pasta saucePastasauce {f}
pasta sauceNudelsoße {f}
pasta sauceNudelsauce {f}
pasta scoopNudellöffel {m}
pasta serving spoon Nudellöffel {m}
pasta shapeNudelform {f}
pasta spoon Pastaheber {m}
pasta squares Herrgottsbscheißerle {pl} [schwäbisch]
pasta squares Fleckerln {pl} [österr.] [quadratische Pasta]
pasta squares [filled with meat, spinach etc.] Maultaschen {pl}
pasta tongs {pl} [one pair] Pastazange {f}
pasta twins Goldzöpfli {pl} [schweiz.] [eine Nudelsorte]
pasta wheat [Triticum turgidum subsp. durum, syn.: Triticum durum] [durum wheat]Hartweizen {m}
pasta wheat [Triticum turgidum subsp. durum, syn.: Triticum durum] [durum wheat] Durumweizen {m}
[pasta in drop-shape with melted cheese and roasted onions]Kässpatzen {pl} [typisch Allgäu]
[pasta in the shape of little squares] Fleckerln {pl} [österr.]
past-due interestüberfälliger Zins {m}
paste Klebstoff {m}
paste Leim {m}
paste Paste {f}
paste Brei {m}
paste [artificial gem]künstlicher Edelstein {m}
paste [glass] Strass {m}
paste [glue] Kleister {m}
paste [jewellery] Similistein {m}
paste brushKleisterpinsel {m}
paste brush [wallpaper]Kleisterbürste {f}
paste bucket [used for wallpapering] Kleisterkübel {m}
paste eel [Anguillula aceti] Kleisterälchen {n} [veraltet]
paste necklace Strasskollier {n}
paste necklaceCollier {n} aus Similisteinen
paste print Teigdruck {m}
paste syringe Pastenspritze {f}
pasteboardPappdeckel {m}
pasteboard Pappe {f}
pasteboard Karton {m}
pasteboardPappendeckel {m} [österr.] [südd.]
pasteboardPappeinband {m}
pasteboard cup Pappbecher {m}
pasted geklebt
pasted into eingeklebt
pasted overüberklebt
pasted upzugeklebt
pastel Pastell {n}
pastel [attr.]pastellen
pastel [stick] Pastellkreide {f}
pastel blue [RAL 5024] Pastellblau {n} [RAL 5024]
pastel color [Am.]Pastellton {m}
pastel colors [Am.]Pastellfarben {pl}
pastel colour [Br.] Pastellton {m}
pastel colour [Br.] Pastellfarbe {f}
pastel colours [Br.]Pastellfarben {pl}
pastel drawing Pastellzeichnung {f}
pastel green [RAL 6019]Weißgrün {n} [RAL 6019]
pastel nail polish Pastell-Nagellack {m}
pastel orange [RAL 2003]Pastellorange {n} [RAL 2003]
pastel paintingPastellmalerei {f}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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