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pastimeLiebhaberei {f} [Zeitvertreib]
Pastime [Robert B. Parker] Keine Schonzeit für Spenser
pastimes {pl} Zeitvertreib {m}
pastinaPastina {f}
pastinesskränkliches Aussehen {n}
pastiness Klebrigkeit {f}
pastiness teigiger Zustand {m}
pasting anklebend
pasting klebend
pasting Kleistern {n}
pasting [sl.] [heavy defeat]schwere Niederlage {f}
pasting brush [wallpaper]Kleisterbürste {f}
pasting intoeinklebend
pasting oil Anmaischöl {n}
pasting pressKlebepresse {f}
pasting process [leather manufacturing]Klebetrockenverfahren {n} [Lederherstellung]
pasting table Tapeziertisch {m}
pasting upzuklebend
pastisPastis {m}
pastitsio [Greek dish with pasta]Pastitsio {f} {n} [griech. Nudelauflauf]
pastnessGewesenheit {f} [z. B. Heidegger]
pastnessVergangensein {n}
pastophoriumPastophorium {n}
pastorPfarrer {m}
pastor Pastor {m}
pastorSeelsorger {m}
pastorSeelenhirte {m} [veraltend, sonst geh., poet. oder hum.] [Pastor / Pfarrer / Priester]
pastorSeelenhirt {m} [veraltend, sonst geh., poet. oder hum.: Pastor / Priester]
pastor [female]Pfarrerin {f}
pastor [female] Pastorin {f} [bes. nordd.] [Pfarrerin]
pastor [female] Seelsorgerin {f}
pastor / chaplain of a German-language congregation abroad (deutscher) Auslandspfarrer {m}
pastoral idyllisch
pastoralPastorale {n} {f}
pastoral Schäferspiel {n}
pastoral seelsorgerlich
pastoral seelsorglich
pastoral pfarramtlich
pastoral [bucolic] schäferlich [bukolisch, ländlich idyllisch] [selten]
pastoral [e.g. letter, life, poem]Hirten- [z. B. Brief, Leben, Gedicht]
pastoral [pertaining to a pastor] pastoral [seelsorgerisch]
pastoral [R.C.]Hirtenbrief {m}
pastoral [rural]ländlich
pastoral advice service Telefonseelsorge {f}
pastoral agriculture Weidewirtschaft {f}
pastoral assistant [female]Pastoralassistentin {f}
pastoral assistant [male] Pastoralassistent {m}
pastoral care Seelsorge {f}
pastoral carePastoral {f} [Seelsorge aus kirchlicher Autorität]
pastoral care seelsorgerliches Handeln {n}
pastoral care [cura pastoralis] Hirtensorge {f} [kath. Bischöfe, Priester]
pastoral care for soldiers Armeeseelsorge {f} [schweiz.]
pastoral care of the aged Altenseelsorge {f}
pastoral care of the sick Krankenseelsorge {f}
pastoral care of tourists Touristenseelsorge {f}
pastoral college Pastoralkolleg {n}
pastoral conference Pfarrkonferenz {f}
pastoral conferencePastoralkonferenz {f}
pastoral council Pastoralrat {m}
pastoral counseling [esp. Am.]Seelsorge {f}
pastoral counselor [female]Pastoralreferentin {f}
pastoral counselor [male] Pastoralreferent {m}
pastoral economy Weidewirtschaft {f}
Pastoral Epistles Pastoralbriefe {pl}
pastoral farming Weidewirtschaft {f}
pastoral forestHutewald {m}
pastoral letter Hirtenbrief {m}
pastoral letter [R.C.] Hirtenbrief {m}
pastoral lifeHirtenleben {n}
pastoral mattersPastoralien {pl}
pastoral ministry seelsorgerliche Tätigkeit {f}
pastoral ministry Seelsorge {f}
pastoral ministry Pfarrdienst {m}
pastoral novelSchäferroman {m}
pastoral office Pfarramt {n} [Dienst]
pastoral office Hirtenamt {n}
pastoral people / tribeHirtenvolk {n}
pastoral playHirtenspiel {n}
pastoral poemSchäfergedicht {n}
pastoral poemHirtengedicht {n}
pastoral poet Bukoliker {m}
pastoral poetry Bukolik {f}
pastoral poetry Schäferdichtung {f}
pastoral power [esp. Michel Foucault] Pastoralmacht {f}
pastoral psychologyPastoralpsychologie {f}
pastoral reformSeelsorgereform {f}
pastoral relationship Seelsorgebeziehung {f}
pastoral rolePfarrerrolle {f}
pastoral secrecy Seelsorgegeheimnis {n}
pastoral sociology Pastoralsoziologie {f}
pastoral staffBischofsstab {m}
pastoral staff Hirtenstab {m} [auch: Bischofsstab]
Pastoral Symphony [Symphony no. 6, Op. 68]Pastorale {f} [Sinfonie Nr. 6 in F-Dur, L. van Beethoven]
pastoral theologianPastoraltheologe {m}
pastoral theologian [female] Pastoraltheologin {f}
pastoral theologyPastoraltheologie {f}
pastoral unit Seelsorgeeinheit {f}
pastoral useWeidenutzung {f}
pastoral work with the aged Altenseelsorge {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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