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[pastoral visit to a dying man / woman]Versehgang {m}
[pastoral work with foreign minorities] Ausländerseelsorge {f}
[pastoral work with immigrants] Ausländerseelsorge {f}
[pastoral work with the working class] Arbeiterseelsorge {f}
pastoralePastorale {f}
pastoralismPastoralismus {m}
pastoralist Hirte {m}
pastoralist Viehhüter {m}
Pastorals [Pastoral Epistles] Pastoralbriefe {pl}
pastorateGeistliche {pl}
pastorateHirtenamt {n}
pastoratePfarramt {n} [Dienst]
pastoratePfarrstelle {f}
pastorate Pastorat {n} [Amt des Pfarrers]
pastorelle [spv.] [pastourelle]Pastorelle {f} [Rsv.] [Pastourelle]
past-oriented vergangenheitsorientiert
pastoringSeelsorge {f}
pastorium [Southern Am.]Pfarrhaus {n} [baptistisch]
pastorlypastorlich [selten]
pastorsPastoren {pl}
pastorsPastore {pl} [nordd.] [Pastoren]
pastors Pastöre {pl} [mundartl.] [Pastoren]
pastors [female]Pastorinnen {pl} [bes. nordd.] [Pfarrerinnen]
pastor's daughter Pastorentochter {f}
Pastors' Emergency LeaguePfarrernotbund {m}
pastor's secretary [female] Pfarrsekretärin {f}
pastor's wife Pastorin {f} [ugs.] [Ehefrau eines Pastors]
pastor's wife Pfarrfrau {f}
pastor's wife Pfarrersfrau {f}
pastor's wifePredigerfrau {f}
pastose pastos
Pastoureaux [French crusading sect]Pastorellen {pl}
pastourelle Pastourelle {f}
pastrami Rauchfleisch {n}
pastramiPastrami {f} [geräuchertes, stark gewürztes Rindfleisch]
pastries Backwaren {pl} [süße]
pastriesPasteten {pl}
pastries Mehlspeisen {pl} [österr.]
pastries {pl} Backware {f}
pastries {pl} Gebäck {n}
pastries {pl} [deep-fried] Fettgebäck {n}
pastries [square-shaped, stuffed with curd or jam]Golatschen {pl} [österr.]
pastryTeig {m}
pastry Gebäck {n}
pastry Pastete {f}
pastry Mehlspeise {f} [österr.] [bayer.] [pfälz.]
pastry blender Teigmischer {m}
pastry board Nudelbrett {n}
pastry bowl Teigschüssel {f}
pastry brush Backpinsel {m}
pastry brush Kuchenpinsel {m}
pastry brush Tortenpinsel {m}
pastry brush Küchenpinsel {m}
pastry brushesBackpinsel {pl}
pastry brushesKuchenpinsel {pl}
pastry case Teighülle {f}
pastry chefKonditor {m}
pastry chef [female] Konditorin {f}
pastry chef [female]Mehlspeisköchin {f} [österr.]
pastry cook Konditor {m}
pastry cookPatissier {m}
pastry cook Stutenbäcker {m} [nordd.] [veraltet]
pastry crustTeigmantel {m}
pastry cutter [pastry blender]Teigmischer {m}
pastry disk [disk made of pastry, used as a base for various baked goods]Oblate {f} [Scheibe aus Teig, die als Unterlage für verschiedenes Gebäck verwendet wird]
pastry finisher Konditor {m}
pastry fork Kuchengabel {f}
pastry lidTeigdecke {f}
pastry made with beer Bierteig {m}
pastry products Feinbackwaren {pl}
pastry scraper Teigschaber {m}
pastry serving tongs {pl}Gebäck- und Servierzange {f}
pastry shopKonditorei {f}
pastry spatulaTeigspatel {m} {f} [österr. nur {m}] [Teigschaber mit Stiel]
pastry stick Gebäckstange {f}
pastry sticks Gebäckstangen {pl}
pastry tong Gebäckzange {f}
pastry tong Konditorzange {f}
pastry tongs {pl}Konditorzange {f}
pastry tongs {pl} [one pair]Gebäckzange {f}
pastry tube Spritztülle {f} [Spritzbeutel]
pastry weights [e.g. pie weights] Backgewichte {pl} [bes. Keramik-Blindbackkugeln]
pastry wheel Teigrad {n}
pastry wheel Teigrädchen {n}
pastry wheelBackrädchen {n}
pastry-cutting wheel Kuchenrad {n}
pastry-cutting wheel Teigrädchen {n}
pastry-cutting wheelKuchenrädchen {n}
pastry-cutting wheel Teigrad {n}
pasturable beweidbar
pasturageWeiden {pl}
pasturage Viehweide {f}
pasturage [grass eaten by livestock] Weidegras {n} [Grasfutter]
pasturage [land used for pasture] Weidefläche {f}
pasturage [land used for pasture] Weideland {n}
pasturage [land used for pasture]Weide {f} [Weideland]
pasturage [occupation or process of pasturing] Weiden {n} [von Vieh etc.]
pasture Viehweide {f}
pasture Weide {f}
pasture Weideland {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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