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English-German Dictionary

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patellar reflex Patellareflex {m}
patellar reflex <PR> Patellarreflex {m}
patellar reflex <PR> Patellarsehnenreflex {m} <PSR>
patellar subluxation Patellasubluxation {f}
patellar tendinopathy <PT> [patellar tendinitis] Patellaspitzensyndrom {n}
patellar tendon [less common for: patellar ligament] [Ligamentum patellae] Patellasehne {f} [Kniescheibenband]
patellar tendon rupture Patellasehnenriss {m}
patellar tendon rupture <PTR> Patellarsehnenruptur {f}
patellar (tendon) reflexKniephänomen {n}
patellar (tendon) reflexWestphal-Kniephänomen {n}
patellas [Patellae] Kniescheiben {pl}
patellectomyPatellektomie {f}
patellids [family Patellidae] Napfschnecken {pl}
patellids [family Patellidae]Patelliden {pl} [Napfschnecken]
patellofemoral arthrosis Patellofemoralarthrose {f}
patellofemoral disorders [ICD-10, Version 2016] Krankheiten {pl} im Patellofemoralbereich [ICD-10, Version 2016]
patellofemoral joint <PFJ> Patellofemoralgelenk {n} <PFG>
patellofemoral pain {sg} <PFP> patellofemorale Schmerzen {pl}
patellofemoral pain syndrome <PFPS> patellofemorales Schmerzsyndrom {n} <PFSS>
Patel's sign [rare] [Hoffmann's sign, Tinel's sign]Hoffmann-Tinel-Zeichen {n}
paten Patene {f}
patenHostienteller {m}
patencyOffenkundigkeit {f}
patency Durchgängigkeit {f}
patency [primary or secondary] Offenheit {f} [primäre bzw. sekundäre]
patency of graftsOffenheit {f} von Grafts
patent Patent {n}
patent offen [durchgängig] [z. B. Gefäß]
patent Patenturkunde {f}
patent offensichtlich
patent [obvious] offenkundig
patent agent Patentanwalt {m}
patent agent [female] Patentanwältin {f}
patent annuity (jährliche) Patentgebühr {f}
patent applicant Patentanmelder {m}
patent applicantPatenteinreicher {m}
patent applicationPatentanmeldung {f}
patent application Patentantrag {m}
patent article Markenartikel {m}
patent assertion entity <PAE> Patenthai {m} [ugs.] [Gesellschaft oder Einzelperson, die sich auf die Durchsetzung von Patenten spezialisiert, ohne selbst Produkte im Markt zu verkaufen]
patent attorney [Am.]Patentanwalt {m}
patent attorney [female] [Am.] Patentanwältin {f}
patent attorney's office [Am.] Patentanwaltsbüro {n}
patent attorney's office [Am.]Patentanwaltskanzlei {f}
patent battle Patentstreit {m}
patent blue V [E-131] Patentblau V {n}
patent bulletin Patentblatt {n}
patent category Patentklasse {f}
patent certificatePatenturkunde {f}
patent check Patentprüfung {f}
patent claim Patentanspruch {m}
patent classification Patentklassifikation {f}
patent clerk Prüfer {m} am Patentamt
Patent Cooperation Treaty <PCT> Patentzusammenarbeitsvertrag {m}
patent cooperation treaty application <PCT application> PCT-Anmeldung {f} [Anmeldung, Patentzusammenarbeitsvertrag]
patent cooperation treaty application <PCT application>internationale Patentanmeldung {f} [PCT-Anmeldung]
patent courtPatentgericht {n}
patent department Patentabteilung {f}
patent descriptionPatentbeschreibung {f}
patent developmentPatententwicklung {f}
patent dispute Patentstreit {m}
patent ductus arteriosus <PDA> [Ductus arteriosus persistens] persistierender Ductus arteriosus {m} <PDA>
patent engineerPatentingenieur {m}
patent engineer [female] Patentingenieurin {f}
patent engineering Patentingenieurwesen {n}
patent Eustachian tube erweiterte Tuba auditiva {f}
patent Eustachian tubeklaffende Tube {f}
patent Eustachian tube offene Tube {f} [erweiterte Tuba auditiva]
patent examination Patentprüfung {f}
patent examination procedure Patentprüfungsverfahren {n}
patent examiner Prüfer {m} am Patentamt
patent examinerPatentprüfer {m}
patent expiration Ablauf {m} des Patentschutzes
patent expiryAblauf {m} des Patentschutzes
patent fee [application fee] Patentgebühr {f}
patent foramen ovaleoffenes Foramen ovale {n}
patent foramen ovale <PFO> persistierendes Foramen ovale {n}
patent granting procedurePatenterteilungsverfahren {n}
patent holderPatentinhaber {m}
patent in suit Streitpatent {n}
patent infection patente Infektion {f}
patent infringement Patentverletzung {f}
patent infringement proceedingsPatentverletzungsverfahren {n}
patent infringer Patentverletzer {m}
patent issuancePatenterteilung {f}
patent key Sicherheitsschlüssel {m}
patent law Patentrecht {n}
patent law [Germany]Patentgesetz {n} <PatG> [Deutschland]
patent lawsuit (gerichtlicher) Patentstreit {m}
patent leather Lackleder {n}
patent leather bootsLackstiefel {m}
patent leather buckled shoeLackschnallenschuh {m}
patent leather corsetLackleder-Korsett {n}
patent leather shoe Lackschuh {m}
patent leather shoe Lacklederschuh {m}
patent leather skirtLacklederrock {m}
patent licence agreement <PLA> [Br.] Patentlizenzvertrag {m}
patent license agreement <PLA> [Am.] Patentlizenzvertrag {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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