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pavement art [street painting]Pflastermalerei {f}
pavement artistPflastermaler {m}
pavement artist [Br.] Straßenmaler {m}
pavement artist [female] [Br.]Straßenmalerin {f}
pavement cafe Straßencafé {n}
pavement flag Gehwegplatte {f}
pavement marking Bodenmarkierung {f}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis] Straßen-Champignon / Straßenchampignon {m}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis]Stadt-Champignon / Stadtchampignon {m}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis] Scheiden-Egerling / Scheidenegerling {m}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis] Scheiden-Champignon / Scheidenchampignon {m}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis] Stadt-Egerling / Stadtegerling {m}
pavement mushroom [Agaricus bitorquis] Trottoir-Champignon {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
pavement pizza [sl.] [Erbrochenes auf dem Gehweg]
pavement princess [Am.] [sl.] Bordsteinschwalbe {f} [ugs.]
pavement slabGehwegplatte {f}
pavement special [S.Afr.] [hum.] [pej.]Trottoirmischung {f} [schweiz.] [hum.] [pej.] [Promenadenmischung]
pavement surface [Am.] Belag {m} [einer Straße]
pavement surface [Am.] Straßenbelag {m} [Straßenbau]
pavement tableStraßentisch {m}
pavements [Br.]Gehwege {pl}
paver Plattenleger {m}
paver Deckenfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
paver Steinplatte {f} [Pflaster]
paverPlatte {f} [als Pflaster]
paverPflasterklinker {m}
paverPflasterer {m}
paver [short for: road paver finisher, road paving machine] Straßenfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
paver [short for: road paver finisher, road paving machine] Asphaltfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
paver [short for: road paver finisher, road paving machine]Fertiger {m} [kurz für: Straßenfertiger] [Straßenbaumaschine]
paver-finisher Deckenfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
paver's dressing hammerZurichthammer {m}
paver's dressing hammer Zurichtehammer {m}
paver's hammerPlattenverlegehammer {m}
paver's hammer Plattenlegerhammer {m}
paveway bomb(lasergelenkte) Gleitbombe {f}
pavid [rare]furchtsam
pavilionPavillon {m}
pavilion Gartenhäuschen {n}
pavilion of the ear [external ear] Ohrmuschel {f}
Pavilion of Women [novel: Pearl S. Buck, film: Ho Yim]Die Frauen des Hauses Wu
pavilion roof Zeltdach {n}
pavilion roof Ardand type polygon roof Polygonaldach {n}
pavilion system [hospital design]Pavillonsystem {n} [Krankenhausgestaltung]
pavilions Pavillons {pl}
pavillon chinois [percussion instrument]Schellenbaum {m}
pavimentum sectile [opus sectile work]Pavimentum Sectile {n} [auch: Pavimentum sectile]
pavimentum tessellatumPavimentum Tessellatum {n} [auch: Pavimentum tessellatum]
pavimentum vermiculatum [vermiculated mosaic]Pavimentum Vermiculatum {n} [auch: Pavimentum vermiculatum]
paving pflasternd
paving Pflaster {n}
pavingDeckeneinbau {m} [Straßenbau]
paving Pflasterung {f} [mit Steinplatten]
pavingPflästerung {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [mit Pflastersteinen, Steinplatten]
paving block Pflasterstein {m}
paving block Pflasterblock {m}
paving brickStraßenklinker {m}
paving forms Seitenschalung {f}
paving hammer Pflasterhammer {m}
paving hammer Pflastererhammer {m}
paving material Straßendeckenmaterial {n}
paving mixer Mischfertiger {m} [Straßenbaumaschine]
paving slab Gehwegplatte {f}
paving slabBodenplatte {f}
paving slab lifterPlattenheber {m}
paving stone Pflasterstein {m}
paving stonePflasterblock {m}
paving stone Flurstein {m} [veraltet] [Pflaster / Pflasterstein]
paving support padsStelzlager {pl}
paving the wayWegbereitung {f}
paving tile Bodenfliese {f}
paving tiles Bodenfliesen {pl}
paving tiles Bodenplatten {pl}
pavior [Am.]Straßenpflasterer {m}
paviour [Br.] Pflasterer {m}
pavis Langschild {m}
pavisePavese {f}
pavlova Pavlova {f}
pavlova [Aus.] [NZ] [soft meringue with crisp crust topped with whipped cream and fruit] Baiserkuchen {m}
Pavlovian conditioningPavlov'sche Konditionierung {f}
Pavlovian conditioning Pawlow'sche Konditionierung {f}
Pavlov's dogs Pawlowsche Hunde {pl} [alt]
Pavlov's dogs pawlowsche Hunde {pl}
Pavlov's dogs Pawlow'sche Hunde {pl}
pavlovskyite [Ca8(SiO4)2(Si3O10)]Pavlovskyit {m}
Pavo <Pav> [constellation] Pfau {m} [lat. Pavo] <Pav> [Sternbild]
pavonine [literary]pfauenartig
pavonine cuckoo [Dromococcyx pavoninus] Pfauenkuckuck {m}
pavonine quetzal [Pharomachrus pavoninus] Pfauentrogon {m}
pavonine trogon [Pharomachrus pavoninus] Pfauentrogon {m}
pavonite [(Ag,Cu)(Bi,Pb)3S5]Pavonit {m}
pawPfote {f}
pawTatze {f}
pawPranke {f}
paw [also fig. for hand]Pratze {f} [Pranke, Pfote, Tatze] [auch fig. für Hand]
paw [Am.] [dial.]Vater {m}
paw [coll.] [hand]Pfote {f} [ugs.] [Hand]
paw [coll.] [hand]Patsche {f} [ugs.] [Hand]
paw [of all furred predatory animals]Brante {f} [auch: Prante] [jägerspr.] [Pfote bei allem Haarraubwild]
paw [of all furred predatory animals] Brante {f} [auch: Prante] [jägerspr.] [Pfote bei allem Haarraubwild]issmus
« patrpattpattpauapauppavepaw[pay payppayapayi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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