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peach leafminer / leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella] Obstbaumschlangenminiermotte {f}
peach leafminer / leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella]Schlangenminiermotte {f}
peach leaves Pfirsichblätter {pl}
peach liqueur Pfirsichlikör {m}
peach Melba Pfirsich Melba {m}
peach moth [Grapholitha molesta, syn.: Cydia molesta]Pfirsichwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
peach moth [Grapholitha molesta, syn.: Cydia molesta] Pfirsichtriebbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
peach of an ideatolle Idee {f}
peach palm [Bactris gasipaes]Pfirsichpalme {f}
peach sage [Salvia dorisiana]Frucht-Salbei / Fruchtsalbei {m} [auch {f}]
peach scale [Parthenolecanium corni, syn.: Eulecanium corni, E. robiniarum, Lecanium corni, L. robiniarum] Zwetschgenschildlaus / Zwetschgen-Schildlaus {f}
peach scale [Parthenolecanium corni, syn.: Eulecanium corni, E. robiniarum, Lecanium corni, L. robiniarum]Gemeine Napfschildlaus {f}
peach scale [Parthenolecanium corni, syn.: Eulecanium corni, E. robiniarum, Lecanium corni, L. robiniarum]Große Obstbaumschildlaus {f}
peach scale [Parthenolecanium corni, syn.: Eulecanium corni, E. robiniarum, Lecanium corni, L. robiniarum]Rebenschildlaus {f}
peach scale [Parthenolecanium corni, syn.: Eulecanium corni, E. robiniarum, Lecanium corni, L. robiniarum]Zwetschgen-Napfschildlaus {f}
peach silver mite [Aculus fockeui, syn.: A. cornutus, Phyllocoptes cornutus, P. fockeui, Vasates cornutus, V. fockeui]Zwetschgengallmilbe / Zwetschgen-Gallmilbe {f}
peach slices Pfirsichscheiben {pl}
Peach State [nickname ] [State of Georgia] Pfirsichstaat {m} [selten] [Spitzname für Georgia, USA]
peach stone Pfirsichkern {m}
peach tea Pfirsichtee {m}
peach tip moth [Grapholita molesta, syn.: Cydia molesta, Laspeyresia molesta] Pfirsichtriebbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
peach tip moth [Grapholita molesta, syn.: Cydia molesta, Laspeyresia molesta] Pfirsichwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
peach tip moth [Grapholita molesta, syn.: Cydia molesta, Laspeyresia molesta] Pfirsichtriebwickler / Pfirsich-Triebwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
peach tree [Prunus persica] Pfirsichbaum {m}
peach trunk aphid [Pterochloroides persicae] Pfirsichbaumlaus {f}
peach weevil [Rhynchites bacchus] Purpurroter Apfelfruchtstecher {m}
peach wood [Haematoxylum campechianum, syn.: Haematoxyli lignum, Lignum campechianum, Lignum haematoxyli]Blauholz {n} [Holz des Blutholzbaums]
peach wood [Haematoxylum campechianum, syn.: Haematoxyli lignum, Lignum campechianum, Lignum haematoxyli] Blutholz {n} [Holz des Blutholzbaums]
peach wood [Haematoxylum campechianum, syn.: Haematoxyli lignum, Lignum campechianum, Lignum haematoxyli]Campecheholz {n} [Holz des Blutholzbaums]
peach worm [Anarsia lineatella] Larve {f} der Pfirsichmotte
(peach) leaf curlKräuselkrankheit {f}
peach-colored [Am.] pfirsichfarben
peach-colored [Am.] pfirsichfarbig
peach-coloured [Br.]pfirsichfarben
peach-coloured [Br.] pfirsichfarbig
peachesPfläumchen {n} [ugs.] [Vulva]
peaches Pfirsiche {pl}
peaches and cream complexionPfirsichhaut {f} [Gesichtshaut]
peach-faced lovebird [Agapornis roseicollis]Rosenköpfchen {n}
peach-flavored [Am.] mit Pfirsichgeschmack [nachgestellt]
peach-flavoured [Br.] mit Pfirsichgeschmack [nachgestellt]
peach-fronted conure [Eupsittula aurea, syn.: Aratinga aurea]Goldstirnsittich {m}
peach-fronted parakeet [Eupsittula aurea, syn.: Aratinga aurea]Goldstirnsittich {m}
peachick junger Pfau {m}
peachiest [coll.]prachtvollste
peachiness [Am.] [coll.] [state of being nice, satisfactory; often of a situation] Schick {m} [regional] [richtige, gewünschte Form, bes. einer Sachlage]
peaching ausplaudernd
peach-leaf / peachleaf willow [Salix amygdaloides] Pfirsichblättrige Weide {f}
peach-leaf bellflower [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora]Wald-Glockenblume / Waldglockenblume {f}
peach-leaf bellflower [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora]Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume {f}
peachleaf willow [Salix amygdaloides] Pfirsichweide {f}
peach-leaf willow [Salix amygdaloides] Pfirsich-Weide / Pfirsichweide {f}
peach-leaved bellflower [Campanula persicifolia, syn.: C. cristallocalyx, C. hispida, C. persiciflora, C. pumila, C. sessiliflora] Wald-Glockenblume / Waldglockenblume {f}
peach-leaved bellflower [Campanula persicifolia]Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume {f}
peach-leaved bellflower [Campanula persicifolia] Eierschale {f} [schweiz.] [Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume]
peach-leaved bellflower [Campanula persicifolia] Blauer Fingerhut {m} [regional, z. B. Eifel] [Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume]
peach-leaved bellflower [Campanula persicifolia] Waldglöckel {n} [ugs.] [regional] [Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume]
peach-leaved willow [Salix amygdaloides] Pfirsichweide {f}
peach-potato aphid [Myzus persicae, syn.: M. persicae cerastii, M. persicae dyslycialis, Aphis convolvuli, A. cynoglossi, A. dianthi, Myzodes persicae, M. tabaci, Siphonophora nasturtii] Bocksdornblattlaus {f}
peach-potato aphid [Myzus persicae, syn.: M. persicae cerastii, M. persicae dyslycialis, Aphis convolvuli, A. cynoglossi, A. dianthi, Myzodes persicae, M. tabaci, Siphonophora nasturtii] Nelkenblattlaus {f}
peach-potato aphid [Myzus persicae, syn.: M. persicae cerastii, M. persicae dyslycialis, Aphis convolvuli, A. cynoglossi, A. dianthi, Myzodes persicae, M. tabaci, Siphonophora nasturtii] Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus {f} [auch: Grüne Pfirsich-Blattlaus]
peach-shaped pfirsichförmig
peach-throat / peach-throated monitor [Varanus jobiensis]Sepik-Waran / Sepikwaran {m}
peach-throat /peachthroat monitor [Varanus jobiensis, syn.: V. (Euprepiosaurus) jobiensis, V. indicus jobiensis, V. karlschmidti]Rothalswaran / Rothals-Waran {m}
peach-throated monitor [Varanus jobiensis, syn.: V. (Euprepiosaurus) jobiensis, V. indicus jobiensis, V. karlschmidti] Rothalswaran / Rothals-Waran {m}
peach-twig / peach twig borer [Anarsia lineatella] [moth] Pfirsichmotte {f}
peach-twig / peach twig borer [Anarsia lineatella] [moth]Pfirsich-Palpenfalter {m}
peachwood / peach wood [Caesalpinia echinata, syn.: C. brasiliensis, Guilandina echinata] Bahiarosenholz {n}
peachwood / peach wood [Caesalpinia echinata, syn.: C. brasiliensis, Guilandina echinata] Echter Brasilholzbaum {m}
peachwood / peach wood [Caesalpinia echinata, syn.: C. brasiliensis, Guilandina echinata](Echtes) Brasilholz {n}
peachy prachtvoll
peachy pfirsichähnlich
peachy [fig.] schick
peachy [fig.]toll [ugs.]
peachy soft pfirsichweich
peaclams [Am.] [genus Pisidium]Erbsenmuscheln {pl}
peacock [also fig.: vainglorious man] Pfau {m} [bes. männlicher] [auch fig.: eitler Mann]
peacock [fig.] eitler Geck {m}
peacock [male peafowl] Pfauhahn {m} [männlicher Pfau]
peacock [male peafowl]Pfauenhahn {m} [männlicher Pfau]
peacock [male peafowl]Pfauenhahn {m} [männlicher Pfau]undsoo
peacock anemone [Anemone pavonina] Pfauen-Anemone {f}
peacock beetles [genus Elaphrus, family Carabidae] Uferkäfer {pl} [Laufkäfergattung]
peacock beetles [genus Elaphrus, family Carabidae]Uferläufer {pl} [Laufkäfergattung]
peacock beetles [genus Elaphrus, family Carabidae] Raschkäfer {pl} [Laufkäfergattung]
peacock blenny [Salaria pavo, syn.: Blennius pavo] Pfauenschleimfisch {m}
peacock bluePfauenblau {n}
peacock butterfly Pfauenauge {n} [Schmetterling]
peacock (butterfly) [Inachis io] Tagpfauenauge {n}
peacock cichlids [genus Aulonocara] Kaiserbuntbarsche {pl}
peacock coquette [Lophornis pavoninus] Pfauenelfe {f}
peacock day gecko [Phelsuma quadriocellata, syn.: P. bimaculata, P. parva, P. quadriocellata quadriocellata] Augenfleck-Taggecko / Augenflecktaggecko {m}
peacock day gecko [Phelsuma quadriocellata, syn.: P. bimaculata, P. parva, P. quadriocellata quadriocellata]Pfauenauge-Taggecko / Pfauenaugetaggecko {m}
peacock day gecko [Phelsuma quadriocellata, syn.: P. bimaculata, P. parva, P. quadriocellata quadriocellata] Pfauenaugen-Taggecko / Pfauenaugentaggecko {m}
peacock feather Pfauenfeder {f}
peacock feather-duster worm [Sabella pavonina]Pfauenfederwurm {m}
peacock feather-duster worm [Sabella pavonina] Pfauenwurm {m}
peacock flies [family Tephritidae, formerly Trypetidae] Bohrfliegen {pl}
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