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pebbliest kieseligste
pebibyte <PiB> Pebibyte {n} <PiB>
pebrineFleckenkrankheit {f}
pec [coll.] [pectoral muscle] [usually used in pl.] Brustmuskel {m}
pec deckButterfly-Gerät {n} [Muskeltrainingsgerät]
pec deck Brustmaschine {f} [Muskeltrainingsgerät]
pecan [Carya illinoiensis, (spv. are Carya illinoensis, C. illinoinensis), syn.: Carya angustifolia, C. oliviformis] Pekannuss {f}
pecan [Carya illinoinensis] Pecannussbaum {m}
pecan [nut of the hickory tree] Pecannuss {f}
pecan nutPekannuss {f}
pecan nut [Carya illinoensis] Pecannuss {f} [Rsv.]
pecan pie Pecan Pie {m}
pecan tree [Carya illinoinensis / illinoensis] Pekannussbaum {m}
pecan (tree) [Carya illinoiensis (spv. are Carya illinoensis, C. illinoinensis), syn.: Carya angustifolia, C. oliviformis] Pecan {m}
pecan weevil [Curculio caryae]Pekanrüssler {m}
pecan weevil [Curculio caryae]Pekannussbohrer {m}
peccability Sündhaftigkeit {f}
peccable sündig
peccable [formal] [liable or prone to sin] sündhaft [geh.]
peccadillo Kavaliersdelikt {n}
peccadillo kleine Sünde {f}
peccadillo [of youth]Jugendsünde {f}
peccancy [rare] Fehlerhaftigkeit {f}
peccant [archaic] sündig
peccaries [family Tayassuidae] Nabelschweine {pl}
peccaries [family Tayassuidae] Neuweltliche Schweine {pl}
peccaries [family Tayassuidae] Pekaris {pl}
Pechenegs Petschenegen {pl}
Pechora pipit [Anthus gustavi] Petschorapieper {m}
Pechora (River) Petschora {f} [Fluss]
peckViertelscheffel {m}
peckViertel {n} von einem Scheffel [Maßeinheit]
peck [coll.] Kuss {m} [flüchtiger Kuss]
peck [coll.]Busserl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [flüchtiger Kuss]
peck [coll.] Bussi {n} [südd.] [österr.] [flüchtiger Kuss]
peck [coll.] [perfunctory kiss] flüchtiger Kuss {m}
peck [strike with the beak] Schnabelhieb {m}
peck basketViertelscheffelkorb {m} [selten] [Korb mit einem Volumen von rund 9 Litern]
peck on the cheek [coll.] <POTC> Küsschen {n} auf die Wange
pecked gepickt
pecker [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [penis] Pimmel {m} [ugs.]
pecker [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [penis] Pillermann {m} [ugs.]
pecker [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [penis] Penis {m}
pecker [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [penis]Schwanz {m} [vulg.] [Penis]
pecker [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [penis] Schniedel {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Penis]
pecker [Br.] [beak] Schnabel {m}
pecker [Br.] [coll.] [courage] [chiefly in the phrase keep one's pecker up] Traute {f} [ugs.] [Schneid]
pecker [coll.] [woodpecker]Specht {m}
pecker [telegraphy tool]Abfühlstift {m}
pecker head [Am.] [sl.]Arschloch {n} [vulg.]
pecker head [Am.] [sl.]Arsch {m} (mit Ohren) [ugs.] [Trottel]
peckerhead [Am.] [vulg.] [sl.]Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort]
peckerwood [Am.] [sl.] [bigoted white man] Prolet {m}
Peckham GlacierPeckham-Gletscher {m}
Peckhamian mimicry Peckham'sche Mimikry {f}
peckingPicken {n}
pecking orderHackordnung {f}
pecking orderHackabstand {m} [veraltet]
pecking stone Pickstein {m}
peckish [crotchety] nörglerisch
peckish [esp. Br.] [pred.] [coll.] [hungry] hungrig
peckishnessnörglerische Art {f}
Peck's hydnum [Hydnellum Peckii, syn.: Hydnum Peckii] [devil's tooth]Scharfer Korkstacheling {m}
Pecksniffery Heuchelei {f} [pej.]
Pecksniffian scheinheilig
Pecksniffian [pej.] heuchlerisch [pej.]
Péclet number <Pe>Péclet-Zahl {f} <Pe>
Pecora (infraorder) [“horned livestock”] Stirnwaffenträger {pl} [Pecora-Infraordnung]
pecoraite [Ni3Si2O5(OH)4]Pecorait {m}
Pecorino Pecorino {m}
Pécs Fünfkirchen {n}
pecs [coll.] [short for: pectoral muscles] Brustmuskeln {pl}
pec-slapping [of a humpback whale]Flossenklatschen {n} [eines Buckelwals]
pectenitic pektenitisch
pectenitisPektenitis {f}
pectic acid Pektinsäure {f}
pectin [E-440]Pektin {n}
pectinasePektinase {f}
pectinate gekämmt [z. B. Fühler]
pectinate line [Linea dentata, Linea pectinata] Kryptenlinie {f}
pectinate line [Linea pectinata canalis analis] [dentate line] Linea pectinata {f} [eine anatomische Grenzline im Analkanal]
pectineal ligament [Ligamentum pectineum] Cooper-Ligament {n}
pectineal line [Linea pectinea, Pecten ossis pubis] Schambeinkamm {m}
pectineal line [Linea pectinea] Linea pectinea {f}
pectineal line of the pubis [Linea pectinea ossis pubis]Kammlinie {f} des Schambeins
pectinesterase Pektinesterase {f}
pectineus muscle [Musculus pectineus]Kammmuskel {m}
pectinic acidPektinsäure {f}
pectinitefossile Kammmuschel {f} [Pectinidae]
pectins Pektine {pl}
pectolinarin [auch: neolinarin] [C29H34O15] Pectolinarin {n} [auch: Neolinarin]
pectoral Hustenmittel {n}
pectoral pektoral
pectoralzur Brust gehörig
« pearpearpearpeaspeatpebbpectpecupedapedepede »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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