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PegasusPegasus {m}
Pegasus Pegasos {m} [selten für: Pegasus]
Pegasus sea moth [Eurypegasus draconis] Kleines Flügelross {n}
Pegasus sea moth [Eurypegasus draconis]Kleiner Flügeldrache {m}
Pegasus sea moth [Eurypegasus draconis] Zwerg-Flügelrossfisch {m}
peg-billed finch [Acanthidops bairdi] Vulkanammertangare {f}
peg-billed sparrow [Acanthidops bairdii] Spitzschnabelämmerling {m}
pegboardStecktafel {f}
pegboard Werkzeugwand {f}
pegboard gelochte Hartfaserplatte {f}
pegboard [board with holes for pegs] Lochbrett {n} [Steckplatte]
pegboxWirbelkasten {m} [Streichinstrument]
pegged angenagelt
pegged festgeklammert
pegged exchange ratesfixe Wechselkurse {pl}
pegged intoeingebunden
pegged marketgestützter Kurs {m}
pegged market gestützter Markt {m}
pegged market unveränderlicher Markt {m}
pegged onto angebunden
pegged out [coll.] [died] verreckt [derb]
pegged pricegestützter Preis {m}
pegged rate festgelegter Kurs {m}
pegged to the euro an den Euro gekoppelt
pegged to the U.S. Dollar an den US-Dollar gekoppelt
pegging annagelnd
peggingKursstützung {f}
pegging Preisabstützung {f}
pegging [sexual practice] Pegging {n} [Sexualpraktik]
pegging of prices Stützung {f} des Kurses
pegging system System {n} der Kursstützung
peggle wine [coll.] [dated] [cowslip wine]Schlüsselblumenwein {m}
Peggy Sue Got Married [Francis Ford Coppola] Peggy Sue hat geheiratet
peghead [guitar, electric bass]Kopf {m} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
peghead [headstock for: guitar, electric bass, etc.] Kopfplatte {f} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
pegholeWirbelloch {n}
peghole reamer Wirbelreibahle {f}
PEGI systemPEGI-System {n}
pegione Pegione {m}
peg-leg [coll.]Mann {m} mit Holzbein
peg-legger [coll.] [male with an artificial leg, esp. a wooden leg] Einbeiniger {m} [bes. mit einem Holzbein]
pegmatite Pegmatit {m}
pegmatitic pegmatitisch
pegmatitic-pneumatolytic pegmatitisch-pneumatolytisch
pegmatoidPegmatoid {m}
Pegnitz Pegnitz {f}
pegs Stöpsel {pl}
pegsDübel {pl} [Holzdübel]
pegs Wirbel {pl}
pegs [stakes, dowels] Pflöcke {pl}
peg-shapedzapfenförmig [Zahn]
peg-shaped tooth [Dens emboliformis] Zapfenzahn {m}
peg-shaped tooth [Dens emboliformis] Griffelzahn {m}
peg-shaped tooth [Dens emboliformis]Kegelzahn {m}
pegtop Kreisel {m}
pegtop pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Karottenhose {f}
peg-top pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Karottenhose {f}
peg-top slacks {pl}Karottenhose {f}
peg-top trousers {pl} [one pair] Karottenhose {f}
pegtop trousers {pl} [one pair]Karottenhose {f}
pegtops / peg tops {pl} [one pair] [Am.] [coll.] [pegtop pants] Karottenhose {f}
Pegu sparrow [Passer flaveolus]Gelbbauchsperling {m}
pegwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Blutroter Hartriegel {m}
pegwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Roter Hartriegel {m}
pegwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Rotes Beinholz {n}
pegwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Hundsbeere {f} [Roter Hartriegel]
pegwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Roter Hornstrauch {m}
pegylated liposomal doxorubicin pegyliertes liposomales Doxorubicin {n}
peignoir Frisiermantel {m}
peignoirMorgenrock {m}
pein hammer [Br.] Hammer {m} mit Kreuzpinne
pein hammer [Br.]Pinnhammer {m}
peinobiomePeinobiom {n}
peinomorphosis Peinomorphose {f}
Peircean [C.S. Peirce] Peircesch
Peisistratus Peisistratos {m}
peisleyite [Na3Al16(SO4)2(PO4)10(OH)17·20H2O]Peisleyit {m}
Peissberg ram Rammhobel {m}
[pej., functionary of the former GDR's Socialist Unity Party] rote Socke {f} [Politikjargon] [pej.] [ehemaliger SED-Funktionär]
[pej. term of unclear origin and meaning]Pissnelke {f} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort ohne besondere Bedeutung]
pejoration Verschlechterung {f}
pejorationPejoration {f}
pejoration Pejorisierung {f}
pejorative abwertend
pejorative verschlechternd
pejorativeabschätziges Wort {n}
pejorative Pejorativum {n}
pejorativenegativ besetzt
pejorative depretiativ [selten] [geh.] [abschätzig, pejorativ]
pejorative <pej.> pejorativ <pej.>
pejorative term abwertende Bezeichnung {f}
[pejorative adjective to describe followers of the leftwing and green political movements]linksgrünversifft [ugs.] [pej.] [auch: linksgrün-versifft, linksgrün versifft]
[pejorative nickname for a Russian or Soviet soldier and the Red Army]Iwan {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
[pejorative nickname for a small German person; in particular Joseph Goebbels]Schrumpfgermane {m} [pej.]
[pejorative phrase used to criticize the impact of wind farms on the landscape; literally "transformation into asparagus"]Verspargelung {f} (der Landschaft)
[pejorative term for a person originating from one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia] Jugo {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
« pedepedipedopeelpeerPegapejopelepellpelvpen[ »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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