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English-German Dictionary

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penuriously geizig
penuriousness Geiz {m}
penuriousness Kargheit {f}
penury Knappheit {f}
penuryArmut {f}
penury Not {f}
penury Mangel {m}
penuryElend {n}
penury [extreme poverty]völlige Armut {f}
penwoman [dated]Schriftstellerin {f}
PenzaPensa {n}
penzhinite [(Ag,Cu)4Au(S,Se)4] Penzhinit {m}
peonTagelöhner {m}
peonArbeitssklave {m}
peon women Tagelöhnerinnen {pl}
peonageLeibeigenschaft {f}
peonidin [C16H13O6+] Peonidin {n}
peons [female] Tagelöhnerinnen {pl}
peony [Paeonia officinalis]Pfingstrose {f}
peony [Paeonia officinalis]Päonie {f}
peony family {sg} [family Paeoniaceae]Pfingstrosengewächse {pl}
peony seeds [Paeonia] Zahnerbsen {pl} [ugs.] [veraltet]
people Leute {pl}
peopleMenschen {pl}
peoplePersonen {pl}
peopleVölkerschaft {f}
people Leit {pl} [österr.] [bayer.] [Leute]
people Leut {pl} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [Leute]
people {pl} above forty (years of age) <... 40 ...> Über-Vierzig-Jährige {pl} <Über-40-Jährige>
people {pl} above ninety (years of age) <... 90 ...> Über-Neunzig-Jährige {pl} <Über-90-Jährige>
people {pl} above sixty (years of age) <... 60 ...> Über-Sechzig-Jährige {pl} <Über-60-Jährige>
people {pl} above thirty (years of age) <... 30 ...> Über-Dreißig-Jährige {pl} <Über-30-Jährige>
people {pl} around sb.Umwelt {f} [Menschen]
people {pl} fouling their own nest / nestsNestbeschmutzer {pl}
people {pl} in need of care Pflegebedürftige {pl}
people {pl} in their 50s die über 50-Jährigen {pl}
people {pl} in their eighties Achtziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 80 und 89 Jahren]
people {pl} in their eightiesLeute {pl} zwischen 80 und 89 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their eighties Achtzigjährige {pl} <80-Jährige> [Personen zwischen 80 und 89 Jahren; Gruppenbegriff]
people {pl} in their fiftiesLeute {pl} zwischen 50 und 59 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their fiftiesdie über Fünfzigjährigen {pl}
people {pl} in their fortiesVierziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 40 und 49 Jahren]
people {pl} in their fortiesLeute {pl} zwischen 40 und 49 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their fortiesLeute {pl} in den Vierzigern
people {pl} in their late twenties Endzwanziger {pl}
people {pl} in their nineties Neunziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 90 und 99 Jahren]
people {pl} in their nineties Leute {pl} zwischen 90 und 99 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their ninetiesLeute {pl} in den Neunzigern
people {pl} in their ninetiesMenschen {pl} zwischen 90 und 99 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their ninetiesMenschen {pl} zwischen 90 und 99 Jahren
people {pl} in their seventies Siebziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 70 und 79 Jahren]
people {pl} in their seventies Leute {pl} zwischen 70 und 79 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their seventies Leute {pl} in ihren Siebzigern [ugs.]
people {pl} in their seventies Menschen {pl} in ihren Siebzigern [ugs.]
people {pl} in their sixtiesSechziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 60 und 69 Jahren]
people {pl} in their sixties Leute {pl} zwischen 60 und 69 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their sixtiesLeute {pl} in den Sechzigern
people {pl} in their thirties Dreißiger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 30 und 39 Jahren]
people {pl} in their thirtiesLeute {pl} zwischen 30 und 39 [ugs.]
people {pl} in their thirties Leute {pl} in den Dreißigern
people {pl} next door Nachbarsleute {pl} [von nebenan]
people {pl} of that ilkderlei Volk {n} [ugs.]
people {pl} rolling their own [smokers] Selbstdreher {pl} [ugs.] [Raucher]
people {pl} sharing a flatWohngemeinschaft {f} <WG> [Personen]
people {pl} who have been bombed out (of their homes)Ausgebombte {pl}
people {pl} who want to reduce their weight Abnehmwillige {pl}
people {pl} with Asperger / Asperger's syndrome Asperger-Autisten {pl}
people [dated] [one's people, family] Familie {f} [Eltern und Verwandte]
people [nation, ethnic group]Volk {n}
people [population]Einwohner {pl}
people [with plural verb] man [mit Verb im Singular]
people / patients suffering from sensorineural hearing loss Schallempfindungsschwerhörige {pl}
people / People of God Gottesvolk {n}
people / persons presumed deadTotgeglaubte {pl}
people / persons said to be dead Totgesagte {pl}
people / persons thought dead Totgeglaubte {pl}
People are saying that. Das wird gesagt.
people carrier [Br.] [large car / MPV]Großraumlimousine {f}
people carrier [Br.] [large car / MPV]Minivan {m}
People come and go.Leute kommen und gehen.
people concerned Betreffende {pl}
people concernedBetroffene {pl}
people counting Personenzählung {f}
People don't do that. So was macht man nicht.
people drowningErtrinkende {pl}
people from all strata of society Leute {pl} aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten
People from Munich take less sick leave. Münchner gehen seltener in Krankenstand.
people from the street Leute {pl} von der Straße
people from Val Canale Kanaltaler {pl} [Menschen aus dem Valcanale]
People have short memories. Die Leute vergessen schnell.
people in authorityVerantwortliche {pl}
people in authoritymaßgebende Persönlichkeiten {pl}
people in hiding Untergetauchte {pl}
people in need Bedürftige {pl}
people in need bedürftige Menschen {pl}
people in need of helpHilfsbedürftige {pl}
people in one's corner [fig.] [friends] Menschen {pl} auf seiner Seite [Freunde]
people in power maßgebende Persönlichkeiten {pl}
people in power Verantwortliche {pl}
People in the Net [also: Unwilling Agent] Menschen im Netz [Franz Peter Wirth]
« PennpennpenspentpentpenupeopPeoppepppeppper  »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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