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English-German Dictionary

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people in their fiftiesFünfziger {pl} [ugs.] [Personen zwischen 50 und 59 Jahren]
people in work / employment Berufstätige {pl}
people initiative Volksinitiative {f}
people interested in archaeologyArchäologieinteressierte {pl} [auch: Archäologie-Interessierte]
people interested in archeology [Am.] [spv. for: archaeology] Archäologieinteressierte {pl} [auch: Archäologie-Interessierte]
people interested in quitting (sth.) [e.g. cigarettes]Ausstiegswillige {pl}
people keen on angling Angelfreunde {pl}
people keen on horse ridingReitbegeisterte {pl}
people leverage [Vervielfachung der eigenen Arbeitsleistung durch andere Menschen im MLM]
people like her ihresgleichen
people like me / myself meinesgleichen
people like me / myself Menschen {pl} wie ich
people like ourselvesunseresgleichen
people like thatsolche Leute {pl}
people like themihresgleichen
people like us unseresgleichen
people like you / yourselfeuresgleichen
people like you / yourselfIhresgleichen
people like you / yourself deinesgleichen
people like yourselveseuresgleichen
People look at me and see my brother. [American History X] Die Menschen sehen mich an und sehen meinen Bruder.
People might be interested to know that ...Was viele Leute interessieren dürfte, ist, ...
people moverPeoplemover {m}
People never learn. Die Leute lernen's nie. [ugs.]
people of all ages Menschen {pl} aller Altersgruppen
people of all ranksLeute {pl} aus allen Schichten
people of another religion Andersgläubige {pl}
people of color [Am.] <POC, PoC> farbige Menschen {pl}
people of color [Am.] <POC, PoC> [non-whites] Farbige {pl}
people of colour [Br.] <POC, PoC> [non-whites] Farbige {pl}
people of Cush Kuschiter {pl}
people of Cush Mohren {pl} [bei Luther]
people of God Volk {n} Gottes
people of position Leute {pl} von Rang
people of that ilk solche Leute {pl}
People of the Book [Islam: ahl al-kitab]Schriftbesitzer {pl}
people of this townLeute {pl} dieser Stadt
people of your kind euresgleichen
people persongeselliger Mensch {m}
people pleaser [also: people-pleaser] [pej.]Jasager {m} [pej.] [auch: Ja-Sager]
people powerVolksmacht {f}
people sensitive to heat Hitzeempfindliche {pl} [hitzeempfindliche Menschen]
people sharing the same destinySchicksalsgenossen {pl}
people sharing the same fate Schicksalsgenossen {pl}
people skills {pl}soziale Kompetenz {f}
people skills {pl} Sozialkompetenz {f}
people smuggler Schleuser {m}
people smugglerMenschenschmuggler {m}
people smugglers Schlepper {pl} [ugs.]
people smugglingMenschenschmuggel {m}
people smugglingSchlepperei {f} [illegal über Grenzen]
people smuggling networkSchlepperorganisation {f}
people staying away auswärts Weilende {pl}
People still believe in it. Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen.
People still haven't given up the idea. Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen.
people such as I / me meinesgleichen
People think he's crazy.Die Leute meinen, er ist verrückt.
people waiting Wartende {pl}
people watchingMenschenbeobachtung {f}
People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Leute mit Übergewicht leiden häufiger an Diabetes.
people who have returnedZurückgekehrte {pl}
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll / sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen.
People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen.
people who stayed at home Daheimgebliebene {pl}
people who want to slim down Abnehmwillige {pl}
people with a sweet toothLeckermäuler {pl} [ugs.] [Naschkatzen]
people with cognitive disabilities Menschen {pl} mit geistigen Behinderungen
people with damaged eyesight Sehgeschädigte {pl}
people with disabilitiesBehinderte {pl}
people with frequently changing sexual partners Menschen {pl} mit häufig wechselnden Sexualpartnern
people with great mindsgroße Geister {pl}
people with impaired hearing Hörbehinderte {pl}
people with many children Kinderreiche {pl}
people with mental handicaps geistig behinderte Menschen {pl}
people with mental illnesspsychisch kranke Menschen {pl}
people with morbid obesity [class III obesity] Menschen {pl} mit Adipositas permagna [Adipositas Grad III]
people with normal hearing (ability) Normalhörende {pl}
people with reduced mobility mobilitätseingeschränkte Personen {pl}
people with reduced mobility Personen {pl} mit eingeschränkter Mobilität
people with unlicensed TV setsSchwarzseher {pl} [ugs.]
people without papers [undocumented people] Menschen {pl} ohne Papiere
[people appearing to be dead] Scheintote {pl}
[people bidding farewell] Abschiednehmende {pl}
[people looking for rest and relaxation]Erholungssuchende {pl}
[people receiving no public unemployment or health benefits any more] Ausgesteuerte {pl}
[people who have lost everything in a fire] Abbrandler {pl} [österr.] [veraltend]
[people with a wool allergy]Wollallergiker {pl}
[People without Space] Volk {n} ohne Raum
(people) trafficker Schleuser {m} [Menschenhändler]
peopled bevölkert
people-oriented benutzerorientiert
people-owned enterprise [GDR] volkseigener Betrieb {m} <VEB> [DDR]
people-owned property [GDR]volkseigenes Gut {n} <VEG> [DDR]
peoples Völker {pl}
peoplesVölkerschaften {pl}
people's [attr.] Volks- [Volksrepublik etc.]
people's altar Volksaltar {m}
People's Armed Police Force <PAPF> [China] Chinesische Bewaffnete Volkspolizei {f}
people's army Volksarmee {f}
people's assemblyVolksversammlung {f}
« pennpenspentpentpenupeopPeoppepppeppper peru »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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