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English-German Dictionary

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perfidiousness [literary] Perfidie {f} [geh.] [tückische Art od. Handlungsweise]
perfidy Niedertracht {f} [geh.]
perfidyNiederträchtigkeit {f}
perfidyUntreue {f}
perfidyTreulosigkeit {f}
perfidy Perfidität {f}
perfidy Treubruch {m}
perfidy [literary] Tücke {f} [Hinterlist; auch: heimtückische Handlung]
perfidy [literary] Perfidie {f} [geh.]
perfin [stamp that has had initials or a name perforated across it to discourage theft] Firmenlochung {f} [auch: Perfin]
perflation Pertubation {f}
perfluorinated perfluoriert
perfluorocarbon <PFC>Perfluorcarbon {n} <PFC>
perfluorocarbons <PFCs> Perfluorcarbone {pl} <PFC>
perfluorooctanesulfonic acid Perfluoroctansulfonat {n}
perfoliate alexanders [treated as sg.] [Smyrnium perfoliatum (subsp. perfoliatum)]Stengelumfassende Gelbdolde {f} [alt]
perfoliate alexanders [treated as sg.] [Smyrnium perfoliatum (subsp. perfoliatum)]Durchwachsenblättrige Gelbdolde {f}
perfoliate alexanders [treated as sg.] [Smyrnium perfoliatum (subsp. perfoliatum)] Durchwachsene Gelbdolde {f}
perfoliate alexanders [treated as sg.] [Smyrnium perfoliatum (subsp. perfoliatum)] Durchwachsgelbdolde {f}
perfoliate alexanders [treated as sg.] [Smyrnium perfoliatum (subsp. perfoliatum)] Stängelumfassende Gelbdolde {f}
perfoliate honeysuckle [Lonicera caprifolium]Jelängerjelieber {n}
perfoliate pennycress [Thlaspi perfoliatum, syn.: Microthlaspi perfoliatum] Öhrchen-Hellerkraut {n}
perfoliate pennycress [Thlaspi perfoliatum, syn.: Microthlaspi perfoliatum] Stängelumfassendes Hellerkraut {n}
perfoliate pennycress [Thlaspi perfoliatum, syn.: Microthlaspi perfoliatum] Durchwachsenblättriges Täschelkraut {n}
perfoliate pennycress [Thlaspi perfoliatum, syn.: Microthlaspi perfoliatum] Traubenkraut {n}
perfoliate pepperwort [Lepidium perfoliatum]Durchwachsenblättrige Kresse {f}
perfoliate pepperwort [Lepidium perfoliatum] Durchwachsene Kresse {f}
perfoliate pondweed [Potamogeton perfoliatus, syn.: P. amplexicaulis, P. bupleuroides] Gewelltblättriges Laichkraut {n}
perfoliate pondweed [Potamogeton perfoliatus, syn.: P. amplexicaulis, P. bupleuroides]Durchwachs-Laichkraut {n} [österr.]
perfoliate pondweed [Potamogeton perfoliatus] Durchwachsenes Laichkraut {n}
perforable perforierbar
perforate durchlöchert
perforate bellflower [Campanula excisa] Ausgeschnittene Glockenblume {f}
perforated durchlöchert
perforateddurchlocht [selten]
perforated [fabric, leather] durchbrochen [Stoff, Leder]
perforated [with several holes] mit Löchern versehen
perforated Babylon [Babylonia zeylanica, syn.: Buccinum giratum, Eburna perforata]Babylonia-Schnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
perforated batonLochstab {m}
perforated brick Lochziegel {m}
perforated by rust [postpos.] durchgerostet
perforated eardrumperforiertes Trommelfell {n}
perforated filterLochsieb {n}
perforated initials <perfins> perforierte Initialen {pl} <Perfins> [aus Gründen der Diebstahlsicherung; Firmenlochung]
perforated insignia <perfin> perforierte Initialen {pl} <Perfins> [aus Gründen der Diebstahlsicherung; Firmenlochung]
perforated line perforierte Linie {f}
perforated metal plate Lochblech {n}
perforated peaclam / pea clam [Pisidium punctatum] Pisidium punctatum {f} [Süßwassermuschelart]
perforated plate Lochplatte {f}
perforated plate covering Lochblechabdeckung {f}
perforated rail Lochschiene {f}
perforated sheet metal plate for air dischargeAbströmlochblech {n}
perforated sheet-metal air flow diffusorLochblechdiffusor {m}
perforated shelf board Lochblechregalboden {m}
Perforatella bidentata [land snail species] Zweizähnige Laubschnecke {f}
perforating perforierend
perforating durchbrechend [perforierend]
perforating durchbohrend [perforierend]
perforating Perforieren {n}
perforating canals [Canales perforantes] Volkmann-Kanäle {pl}
perforating fibers [Am.] [Sharpey's fibers] Sharpey-Fasern {pl}
perforating fibres [Br.] [Sharpey's fibers] Sharpey-Fasern {pl}
perforating folliculitisperforierende Follikulitis {f}
perforating fractureLochfraktur {f}
perforating keratoplasty <PKP>perforierende Keratoplastik {f} <PKP>
perforationPerforation {f}
perforationPerforieren {n}
perforationDurchstechung {f} [Perforation]
perforation Durchlöcherung {f}
perforationLochung {f} [Perforation]
perforationLöchrigkeit {f}
perforation Perforierung {f}
perforation {sg} [postage stamps]Zacken {pl} [ugs.] [Zahnung, Zähnung]
perforation [hole] Loch {n} [Perforationsloch]
perforation [postage stamps] Zähnung {f}
perforation [postage stamps] Zahnung {f}
perforation by rustingDurchrosten {n}
perforation damageZähnungsfehler {m}
perforation faultZahnfehler {m} <Zf.> [Briefmarke]
perforation of the esophagus [Am.] Perforation {f} des Ösophagus [Ösophagusperforation]
perforation of the lung Lungenperforation {f}
perforation of the oesophagus [Br.]Perforation {f} des Ösophagus [Ösophagusperforation]
perforation of the stomach Magendurchbruch {m}
perforation of the stomachMagenperforation {f}
perforation strip instrumentLochstreifengerät {n}
perforations Perforationen {pl}
perforator Handlocher {m}
perforator Perforiermaschine {f}
perforator Perforator {m}
perforator Perforatorium {n}
perforce zwangsläufig
perforce [formal] unweigerlich
perform statement Schleifendurchlaufbefehl {m}
« percPercpereperfperfperfperfperfperfperfperf »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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