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painting Lackierung {f}
painting [act of painting] Malen {n}
painting [attr.] [e.g. apron, class, competition, equipment, process, technique] Mal- [z. B. Schürze, Klasse, Wettbewerb, Zeug, Vorgang, Technik]
painting [of a room, interior] Ausmalung {f}
painting [of no great value] Schwarte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
painting [picture] Gemälde {n}
painting [picture] Bild {n} [Gemälde]
painting adhesive Malerleim {m}
painting and drawing materials {pl} Mal- und Zeichenbedarf {m}
painting and paperhanging {sg}Maler- und Tapezierarbeiten {pl}
painting apron Malschürze {f}
painting businessMalerbetrieb {m}
painting classMalklasse {f}
painting collections Gemäldesammlungen {pl}
painting competition Malwettbewerb {m}
painting courseMalkurs {m}
painting display roomBilderzimmer {n}
painting en plein air Malen {n} im Freien
painting en plein air Pleinairmalerei {f}
painting en plein airFreilichtmalerei {f}
painting equipment Malzeug {n}
painting exhibitionBilderausstellung {f}
painting frame Gemälderahmen {m}
painting gallery Bilderzimmer {n}
painting gallery Gemäldegalerie {f}
painting in watercolors [Am.]Aquarellmalerei {f}
painting in watercolours [Br.] Aquarellmalerei {f}
painting lessonMalstunde {f}
painting lessons {pl}Malunterricht {m}
painting on glassGlasmalerei {f}
painting on porcelain Porzellanmalerei {f}
painting over übermalend
painting process Malvorgang {m}
painting process Malprozess {m}
painting quality Lackierqualität {f}
painting robot Lackierroboter {m}
painting scene Malerszene {f}
painting set Malset {n}
painting studio Malatelier {n}
painting styleMalstil {m}
painting style Malweise {f}
painting technique Maltechnik {f}
painting techniques Malereitechniken {pl} [auch: Malerei-Techniken]
painting therapy Maltherapie {f}
paintings Gemälde {pl}
paintings {pl} [collectively] Malerei {f}
paintings conservator Gemälderestaurator {m}
paintings conservator [female] Gemälderestauratorin {f}
painting's titleName {m} des Gemäldes
paintressMalerin {f}
paintress [dated] Kunstmalerin {f}
paints Farben {pl}
paints Malerfarben {pl} [Anstrichfarben]
paints and coatings industry Farben- und Lackindustrie {f}
paints and varnishes - evaluation of properties of coating systems related to the application processBeschichtungsstoffe {pl} - Beurteilung applikationsbedingter Eigenschaften von Beschichtungssystemen
paints and varnishes [ISO] Lacke und Anstrichstoffe [DIN]
paintshop Lackiererei {f}
paint-splatter Farbspritzer {m}
paint-splattered mit Farbe bespritzt
paintworkLackierung {f}
paintwork Lackschicht {f} [auf Metall]
paintwork {sg} [esp. Br.] [work with paint] Malerarbeiten {pl}
paintwork defectLackierfehler {m}
paintwork defect Lackfehler {m}
paintymit viel Farbe [nachgestellt]
pairPaar {n}
pair Pärchen {n}
pair Duo {n}
pair {sg} of pants [Br.] [underpants] Unterhosen {pl} [auch {f}] [veraltend, noch regional für: eine Unterhose, ein Paar Unterhosen]
pair [of planes or ships operating together]Rotte {f} [zwei gemeinsam operierende Flugzeuge oder Schiffe]
pair [one member of a matching pair, esp. of shoes, gloves]der Andere {m} [der zweite Teil von einem Paar Schuhe, Socken usw.]
pair bondPaarbund {m}
pair bond Paarbindung {f}
pair bonding Paarbildung {f}
pair caseDoppelschalen-Gehäuse {n}
pair densityPaardichte {f}
pair groominggegenseitige Fellpflege {f}
pair grooming gegenseitige Gefiederpflege {f}
pair in metal foil cable <PiMF cable>PiMF-Kabel {n} [Paar in Metallfolie]
(pair of ) salopettes(gesteppte) Skilatzhose {f}
(pair of ) salopettes Lifthose {f} [für Skifahrer]
pair of albatrossAlbatrospaar {n} [auch: Albatros-Paar]
pair of albatross Albatrospärchen {n} [auch: Albatros-Pärchen]
pair of albatrossesAlbatrospaar {n} [auch: Albatros-Paar]
pair of albatrosses Albatrospärchen {n} [auch: Albatros-Pärchen]
pair of antennaeFühlerpaar {n}
pair of antennae Antennenpaar {n}
pair of antlers Geweih {n}
pair of autosomes Autosomenpaar {n}
pair of barbelsBartelpaar {n}
pair of bellowsBlasebalg {m}
pair of bellows Faltenbalg {m}
pair of binoculars Fernglas {n}
pair of binoculars Binokular {n}
pair of blackbirds Amselpärchen {n}
pair of bookends Buchstützenpaar {n}
pair of bootsPaar {n} Stiefel
pair of braces [Br.] Hosenträger {pl}
pair of briefs [short underpants] Höschen {n} [Verkleinerungsform zu Hose] [hier: Unterhöschen]
« painpainpainpainpainpainpairpairpaisPalapala »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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