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perimysiumPerimysium {n}
perinatal perinatal
perinatal um die Geburt herum [nachgestellt]
perinatal complicationsperinatale Komplikationen {pl}
perinatal death <PND, PD>perinatale Sterblichkeit {f}
perinatal infectionPerinatalinfektion {f}
perinatal lethalityperinatale Letalität {f}
perinatal lethalityperinatale Sterblichkeit {f}
perinatal lossperinataler Verlust {m}
perinatal loss [perinatal child death]perinataler Kindstod {m}
perinatal medicine Perinatalmedizin {f}
perinatal mortality perinatale Sterblichkeit {f}
perinatal mortality <PNM>perinatale Mortalität {f} <PNM, PM>
perinatal pathology Perinatalpathologie {f}
perinatal periodPerinatalperiode {f}
perinatologist [female] [obstetrician] Perinatologin {f}
perinatologist [obstetrician] Perinatologe {m}
perinatologyPerinatologie {f}
perindoprilPerindopril {n}
perineal Damm-
perineal perineal
perineal biopsyPerinealbiopsie {f}
perineal body Centrum tendineum perinei {n} [Sehnenplatte / Bindegewebsplatte des Damms]
perineal hernia [Hernia perinealis]Perinealhernie {f}
perineal hernia [Hernia perinealis] Dammbruch {m} [ugs.]
perineal laceration Dammriss {m}
perineal laceration Perinealriss {m}
perineal massageDammmassage {f}
perineal nerves [Nervi perineales]Dammnerven {pl}
perineal nodular induration [cyclists] perineale knotige Induration {f} [Radsportler]
perineal painDammschmerz {m}
perineal pain {sg}Schmerzen {pl} im Dammbereich
perineal pain {sg}Dammschmerzen {pl}
perineal reflex Perinealreflex {m}
perineal reflex anokutaner Reflex {m}
perineal region [Regio perinealis] Perinealregion {f}
perineal region [Regio perinealis]Dammregion {f}
perineal sonographyPerinealsonographie {f}
perineal sonography Perinealsonografie {f}
perineal tear Dammriss {m}
perineal tear Perinealriss {m}
perineoplasty Perineoplastik {f}
perineoplastyPerineorrhapie {f}
perineorrhapy Perineorrhapie {f}
perinephric abscessperinephritischer Abszess {m}
perinephritis Perinephritis {f}
perinephrium Perinephrium {n} [veraltet] [Nierenbett]
Perinet night snake [Ithycyphus perineti] Perinet-Nachtnatter {f}
perineum Damm {m}
perineum Perineum {n}
perineural perineural
perineurial perineurial
perineuritic perineuritisch
perineuritis Perineuritis {f}
perineurium Perineurium {n}
perinevoid vitiligo [Leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum] [halo nevus]Halonävus {m} [auch: Halo-Nävus]
Peringuey's adder [Bitis peringueyi] Zwergpuffotter {f}
Peringuey's desert adder [Bitis peringueyi] Zwergpuffotter {f}
perinone [C26H12N4O2] Perinon {n}
Perinorm database [today: Nautos database] Perinorm-Datenbank {f} [heute: Nautos-Datenbank]
perinuclearrund um den Zellkern liegend
perinuclear spaceperinukleärer Raum {m}
periocular periokulär
period Frist {f}
period Periode {f}
periodSchwingungszeit {f}
period Unterrichtsstunde {f}
periodZeitraum {m}
period Abschnitt {m} [zeitlich]
periodDauer {f}
periodPhase {f}
period Umlaufzeit {f}
period Zeitalter {n}
periodZeitdauer {f}
periodSchulstunde {f}
period Regel {f} [Menstruation]
period [Am.] Punkt {m} [Satzzeichen]
period [Am.] [punctuation mark] Satzendepunkt {m}
period [attr.] [furniture, clothes]Stil- [Möbel, Kleider]
period [attr.] [pertaining to or evocative of a historical period] aus der Zeit [nachgestellt] [historisch, zeitgenössisch]
Period. [esp. Am.] Punkt. [i. S. von "weiter gibt es nichts zu sagen"]
Period. [esp. Am.] Und Schluss.
Period. [esp. Am.] Basta. [ugs.]
period [ice hockey]Drittel {n} [im Eishockey]
period [in the geologic timescale] Formation {f}
period [menstruation]Regelblutung {f}
period [of a loan] Laufzeit {f} [eines Kredits]
period [of time] Zeit {f}
period / time of vibrationSchwingungsdauer {f}
period <T>Periodendauer {f} <T>
period after an abbreviation [Am.]Abkürzungspunkt {m}
period allotted gesetzte Frist {f}
period allowedzugestandene Frist {f}
period allowed for paymentZahlungsziel {n}
period as a great power [esp. Sweden] Großmachtzeit {f} [Schweden]
« perfperfpergperiperiperiperiperiperiperiperi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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