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English-German Dictionary

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perioperative nurse Operationspflegekraft {f}
perioperative nurseOP-Pfleger {m} [ugs.] [Operationspfleger]
perioperative pain therapyperioperative Schmerztherapie {f}
periophthalmitisPeriophthalmitis {f}
periople [Epidermis limbi of the hoof] Perioplum {n}
periople [Epidermis limbi of the hoof]Saumoberhaut {f} [Perioplum]
periople [Perioplum] Saum {m} [Huf]
perioplic horn [Eponychium; Stratum externum s. tectorium] Saumhorn {n}
perioral perioral
perioral dermatitis <PD> periorale Dermatitis {f} <PD>
perioral dermatitis <PD> Mundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis]
perioral dermatitis <PD> Mannequin-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [periorale Dermatitis]
perioral dermatitis <PD> Rosazea-artige Dermatitis {f}
perioral paleness [pale area around the mouth in scarlet fever]Milchbart {m} [periorale Blässe]
perioral wrinkles periorale Falten {pl}
periorbital haematoma [Br.] Periorbitalhämatom {n}
periorbital hematoma [Am.]Periorbitalhämatom {n}
periorbital wrinkles [also: peri-orbital wrinkles] periorbitale Falten {pl}
periorificial dermatitisMundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis]
periostal hyperostosis periostale Hyperotose {f}
periosteal Knochenhaut / Periost betreffend
periosteal von der Knochenhaut ausgehend
periosteal elevatorPeriostschaber {m} [ugs.] [Raspatorium]
periosteal elevator Raspatorium {n}
periosteal knife Periostmesser {n}
periosteal reflex Periostreflex {m}
periosteoarthritis Periosteoarthritis {f}
periosteoma Periosteom {n}
periosteophytePeriosteophyt {m}
periosteum Knochenhaut {f}
periosteumPeriost {n} [Knochenhaut]
periosteum Periosteum {n}
periosteum äußere Knochenhaut {f} [Periost]
periosteumBeinhaut {f} [Periosteum, Periost]
periosteum knifeBeinhautmesser {n}
periosteum knife with raspatory Beinhautmesser {n} mit Schaber
periostitisPeriostitis {f} [Knochenhautentzündung]
periostitis Periostentzündung {f}
periostitisKnochenhautentzündung {f}
periostosisPeriostose {f}
periostracum Periostracum {n}
periotomePeriotom {n}
peripartumperipartal [auf die Mutter bezogen]
peripartum cardiomyopathy <PPCM> Peripartum-Kardiomyopathie {f} <PPCM>
peripatetic peripatetisch
peripatetic rastlos
peripatetic umherreisend
peripatetic wandernd
PeripateticPeripatetiker {m}
peripatetic routeWanderroute {f} [nicht zool.]
peripatetism [rare for: peripateticism] Peripatetismus {m} [selten für: peripatetische Philosophie]
peripatric peripatrisch
peripatrically peripatrisch
peripetal fasciole Peripetalfasziole {f}
peripeteia Peripetie {f}
peripetyPeripetie {f}
peripharyngeal coelomPeripharyngealcoelom {n}
peripharyngeal coelom peripharyngeales Coelom {n}
peripheral dezentral
peripheral Peripherie-
peripheral Peripheriegerät {n}
peripheralan der Außenfläche
peripheral nebensächlich
peripheral randständig
peripheral am Rande liegend
peripheral adapterPeripherieanschlussstecker {m}
peripheral anchorageRinganker {m}
peripheral angiography periphere Angiographie {f}
peripheral angiographyperiphere Angiografie {f}
peripheral area Randgebiet {n}
peripheral arterial disease <PAD>periphere arterielle Verschlußkrankheit {f} <pAVK, PAVK> [alt]
peripheral arterial disease <PAD> periphere Arterienerkrankung {f}
peripheral arterial disease <PAD> periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit {f} <pAVK, PAVK>
peripheral arteries Becken-Bein-Arterien {pl}
peripheral artery disease <PAD> periphere Arterienkrankheit {f} <PAD>
peripheral artery occlusive disease <PAOD> periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit {f} <pAVK, PAVK>
peripheral artery occlusive disease <PAOD> Schaufensterkrankheit {f} [ugs.]
peripheral blood cell <PBC> periphere Blutzelle {f}
peripheral blood flowperiphere Durchblutung {f}
peripheral blood mononuclear cells <PBMC> mononukleäre Zellen {pl} des peripheren Blutes
peripheral breath sounds {pl} peripheres Atemgeräusch {n}
peripheral breath sounds {pl}Vesikuläratmen {n} [veraltend] [peripheres Atemgeräusch]
peripheral business Randgeschäft {n}
peripheral business Nicht-Kerngeschäft {n}
peripheral chondroma [ecchondroma] peripheres Chondrom {n}
peripheral circulatory failure peripheres Kreislaufversagen {n}
peripheral control Ein-Ausgabe-Steuerung {f}
peripheral cooling Peripheriekühlung {f}
peripheral cyanosisperiphere Zyanose {f}
peripheral cyanosis periphere Blausucht {f} [selten]
peripheral development Randbebauung {f}
peripheral device Peripheriegerät {n}
peripheral device Zusatzgerät {n}
« periperiperiperiperiperiperiperiperiperkperm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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