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peripheral devicesPeripheriegeräte {pl}
peripheral devicesRandgeräte {pl}
peripheral dialect Randdialekt {m}
peripheral equipment Peripherie {f}
peripheral equipment Zusatzausstattung {f}
peripheral equipment Peripheriegerät {n}
peripheral equipment {sg}Peripheriegeräte {pl}
peripheral facial paralysis Bellsche Parese {f}
peripheral figure [person] Randfigur {f}
peripheral ganglionperipheres Ganglion {n}
peripheral interface adapterperipherer Schnittstellenadapter {m}
peripheral interface program <PIP> Interfaceprogramm {n}
peripheral jointsperiphere Gelenke {pl}
peripheral leakageLuftspaltstreuung {f} [periphere Streuung]
peripheral location Randlage {f}
peripheral low voltage periphere Niedervoltage {f}
peripheral matter Randerscheinung {f}
peripheral membrane protein <PMP> membranständiges Protein {n}
peripheral membrane proteins <PMPs> membranständige Proteine {pl}
peripheral memory externer Speicher {m}
peripheral nervous system <PNS> [Systema nervosum periphericum / Pars peripherica] peripheres Nervensystem {n} <PNS>
peripheral neurofibromatosis <NF1, NF-1> periphere Neurofibromatose {f} <NF1, NF-1>
peripheral neuropathy <PN>periphere Neuropathie {f} <PN>
peripheral occlusive disease <POD>periphere Verschlusskrankheit {f} <PVK>
peripheral phenomenonRanderscheinung {f}
peripheral positionRandlage {f}
peripheral precocious puberty periphere Pubertas praecox {f}
peripheral pump Peripheralpumpe {f}
peripheral quantitative computed tomography <pQCT> periphere quantitative Computertomographie {f} <pQCT>
peripheral rayRandstrahl {m}
peripheral region Randgebiet {n}
peripheral region Randregion {f}
peripheral requirement Peripherievoraussetzung {f}
peripheral requirements Peripherievoraussetzungen {pl}
peripheral resistance peripherer Widerstand {m}
peripheral retinal degeneration periphere Netzhautdegeneration {f}
peripheral seal Umfangsdichtung {f}
peripheral speed Umfangsgeschwindigkeit {f}
peripheral storage deviceperiphere Speichereinheit {f}
peripheral system Umsystem {n}
peripheral system Peripheriesystem {n}
peripheral taxiway peripherer Rollweg {m}
peripheral tissue peripheres Gewebe {n}
peripheral tolerance periphere Toleranz {f}
peripheral ulcerative keratitis <PUK>periphere ulzerative Keratitis {f} <PUK>
peripheral unit Peripheriegerät {n}
peripheral vascular disease <PVD>periphere Gefäßerkrankung {f}
peripheral vascular disease <PVD>periphere Gefäßkrankheit {f}
peripheral vascular disease <PVD> periphere Verschlusskrankheit {f} <PVK>
peripheral vasodilators periphere Vasodilatatoren {pl}
peripheral venous access <PVA> [peripheral venous catheter] peripher-venöser Zugang {m}
peripheral venous access catheter periphervenöser Katheter {m} <PVK>
peripheral venous catheter <PVC>Venenverweilkatheter {m}
peripheral venous catheter <PVC>periphervenöser Katheter {m} <PVK>
peripheral venous catheter <PVC>peripherer Venenverweilkatheter {m}
peripheral venous lineperiphere Venenverweilkanüle {f}
peripheral venous pressure peripherer Venendruck {m}
peripheral visionperipheres Sehen {n}
peripheral vision indirektes Sehen {n} [peripheres Sehen]
peripheral visual field peripheres Gesichtsfeld {n}
peripheral workers [part-time and other workers with flexible working arrangements who are on the payroll of a company]Arbeitnehmer {pl} der Randbelegschaft
peripheral zone Umfangszone {f}
peripheral zone Randzone {f}
peripheral zoneRandgebiet {n}
peripherally peripher
peripherally inserted central venous catheter <PICC>peripher eingeführter zentralvenöser Katheter {m}
peripheralsPeripheriegeräte {pl}
peripheralsRandgeräte {pl}
peripherals {pl}Peripherie {f} [Peripheriegeräte]
peripheric [Br.] [peripheral]peripherisch [veraltet]
peripheries Peripherien {pl}
periphery Peripherie {f}
periphery Stadtrand {m}
periphery Umfang {m}
peripheryUmfeld {n} [Umgebung, Umkreis]
periphery Umgebung {f}
peripheryäußerer Rand {m}
peripheryRandbereich {m}
periphery Randgebiet {n}
periphery {sg} Vororte {pl} [Stadtrand]
periphery [boundary]Grenze {f}
periphery of a circle Kreisumfang {m}
periphery of the body Körperperipherie {f}
periphrases Umschreibungen {pl}
periphrasis Umschreibung {f}
periphrasis Periphrase {f}
periphytic periphytisch
periphyton Periphyton {n}
periphyton biomassPeriphytonbiomasse {f}
periphyton community Periphytongemeinschaft {f}
periplasm Periplasma {n}
periplasmatic periplasmatisch
periplasmic space <PS>periplasmatischer Raum {m} <PR>
periplasmodium Periplasmodium {n}
periprocedural periprozedural
periproctPeriproct {n}
periproct Periprokt {n}
« periperiperiperiperiperiperiperiperkpermperm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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