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perisperm Perisperm {n}
perispermous mit Perisperm [nachgestellt]
Perisphere Perisphere {f} [auch {n}] [kugelförmiger Ausstellungsraum auf der Weltausstellung 1939/40 in New York]
perispomenon Perispomenon {n}
perissodactyl [order Perissodactyla]Unpaarhufer {m}
peristalsis Peristaltik {f}
peristaltic pump Schlauchradpumpe {f}
peristaltic pumpperistaltische Pumpe {f}
peristaltic pump Schlauchpumpe {f}
peristaltic pumpPeristaltikpumpe {f}
peristaltic pump Schlauchquetschpumpe {f}
peristaltic pump Rollenpumpe {f} [Peristaltikpumpe]
peristaltic sounds Darmgeräusche {pl}
peristaltic wave Peristaltikwelle {f}
peristaltically peristaltisch
peristaphylitisPeristaphylitis {f} [Entzündung des Gewebes um das Gaumenzäpfchen]
peristasis Peristasis {f}
peristediids [family Peristediidae] Panzerknurrhähne {pl}
peristediids [family Peristediidae] Panzerhähne {pl}
PeristeriPeristeri {n}
peristeronicTauben betreffend [nachgestellt]
peristome Peristom {n}
peristome ring Peristomkreis {m}
peristome teethPeristomzähne {pl}
peristome type Peristomtyp {m}
peristomial Peristom-
peristomial layerPeristomschicht {f}
peristomial membrane Peristomialmembran {f}
peristomiumPeristomium {n}
peristyle Peristyl {n}
peri-substitution peri-Substitution {f}
perite [PbBiO2Cl]Perit {m}
peritendinitis Peritendinitis {f}
perithallus Perithallus {m}
perithecial Perithecien-
perithecial perithecial
perithecial wall Perithecienwand {f}
perithecium Perithecium {n}
perithelium Perithelium {n}
Perithous [Pirithous]Peirithoos {m}
peritomyPeritomie {f}
peritonaeum [Br.] Bauchfell {n}
peritonea Bauchfelle {pl}
peritoneal peritoneal
peritoneal cancer <PC> Peritonealkrebs {m}
peritoneal carcinosisPeritonealkarzinose {f}
peritoneal cavity Bauchhöhle {f}
peritoneal cavity [Cavitas peritonealis] Peritonealhöhle {f}
peritoneal dialysis <PD> Peritonealdialyse {f} <PD>
peritoneal dialysis <PD> Bauchfellspülung {f} [Peritonealdialyse]
peritoneal dialysis therapy Peritonealdialysetherapie {f}
peritoneal effusionPeritonealerguss {m}
peritoneal epithelium Peritonealepithel {n}
peritoneal fluid Peritonealflüssigkeit {f}
peritoneal lavagePeritoneallavage {f}
peritoneal lavageSpülung {f} der Bauchhöhle
peritoneal pouchBauchfellgrube {f}
peritoneal process Bauchfellprozess {m}
peritoneal puncture Peritonealpunktion {f}
peritoneal tumor [Am.] Peritonealtumor {m}
peritoneal tumour [Br.]Peritonealtumor {m}
peritoneocentesisBauchhöhlenpunktion {f}
peritoneocentesis Peritoneozentese {f} [selten] [Parazentese]
peritoneography Peritoneographie {f}
peritoneography Peritoneografie {f}
peritoneo-intestinal [also: peritoneointestinal]peritoneo-intestinal [auch: peritoneointestinal]
peritoneoscopy Peritoneoskopie {f}
peritoneumBauchfell {n}
peritoneum Peritoneum {n}
peritoneum forceps {pl} [Am.] [one pair] Peritoneumklemme {f}
peritonismPeritonismus {m}
peritonitisBauchfellentzündungen {pl}
peritonitis Bauchfellentzündung {f}
peritonitis Peritonitis {f}
peritonsillar abscess <PTA> Peritonsillarabszess {m} <PTA>
peritracheal peritracheal
peritraumatic dissociation peritraumatische Dissoziation {f}
peritrichous völlig begeißelt [peritrich]
peritrichous flagellationperitriche Begeißelung {f}
peritriptonPeritripton {n}
peritrochanteric peritrochantär
peritrophic peritrophisch
peritrophic membraneperitrophische Membran {f}
peritumoral [Am.] peritumoral
peritumoural [Br.] peritumoral
peritusPeritus {m} [Konzilstheologe]
perityphlitic abscess perityphlitischer Abszess {m} [österr. auch {n}: perityphlitisches Abszess]
periumbilical periumbilikal
periungual [periungualis] periungual
« periperiperiperiperiperiperipermpermpermperm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers