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English-German Dictionary

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person of lofty mindMensch {m} von hoher Geistigkeit
person of mature yearsPerson {f} reif an Jahren
person of no fixed abode Nichtsesshafter {m}
person of no fixed abode [female] Nichtsesshafte {f}
person of noble family Person {f} von edler Abstammung
person of noble rankEdelmann {m}
person of outstanding ability besonders fähige Person {f}
person of quality [person of high estate] Standesperson {f}
person of rank Standesperson {f}
person of reference Bezugsperson {f}
person of regular habits Person {f} mit geregelten Gewohnheiten
person of renownPerson {f} von gutem Ansehen
person of small means Person {f} mit wenig Vermögen
person of the same age Altersgenosse {m}
person of the same age [female] Altersgenossin {f}
person of unsound mindUnzurechnungsfähiger {m}
person on average wage [Br.]Normalverdiener {n}
person on duty Diensthabender {m}
person on leaveUrlauber {m}
person on reliefUnterstützungsempfänger {m}
person on watch Wachhabender {m}
person opposite sb. [in a train etc.] jds. Gegenüber {n}
person out of workArbeitsloser {m}
person present [female] Anwesende {f}
person present [male] Anwesender {m}
person presumed (to be) deadVerschollener {m}
person presumed (to be) dead [female]Verschollene {f}
person primarily liable Hauptschuldner {m}
person providing a service Dienstleister {m}
person pulling the leversSchreibtischtäter {m}
person required to register meldepflichtige Person {f}
person responsible [female] Verantwortliche {f}
person responsible [male] Verantwortlicher {m}
person responsible for quality assurance Qualitätssicherungsverantwortlicher {m} <QSV>
person responsible for the plant Anlagenverantwortlicher {m} [z. B. einer Fabrik]
person responsible (for)Sachbearbeiter {m} (für)
person responsible (for) [female]Sachbearbeiterin {f} (für)
person rotting away [from gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis etc.]Verfaulender {m}
person running amokAmokläufer {m}
person running amok [female] Amokläuferin {f}
person seeking help Hilfesuchender {m}
person seeking help [female] Hilfesuchende {f}
person seeking (political) asylum Asylant {m} [oft pej.]
person seeking (political) asylum [female] Asylantin {f} [Asylbewerberin]
person seeking recourse Regressnehmer {m}
person sitting next to sb. jds. Sitznachbar {m}
person skilled in the art Fachmann {m}
person skilled in the art [female]Fachfrau {f}
person suffering from a pet allergyHaustierallergiker {m}
person suffering from (a) lung diseaseLungenkranker {m}
person suffering from (a) lung disease [female] Lungenkranke {f}
person suffering from an allergy Allergiker {m}
person suffering from an allergy [female] Allergikerin {f}
person suffering from chronic pains Schmerzkranker {m}
person switching [allegiance, brand etc.] Umsteiger {m}
person time under riskPersonenzeit {f} unter Risiko
person to be baptized Täufling {m}
person to be respectedRespektsperson {f}
person to contact Ansprechpartner {m}
person to contactKontaktperson {f}
person to contact [female]Ansprechpartnerin {f}
person to whom the small child relates most closely wichtigste Bezugsperson {f} des Kleinkindes
person travelling aloneEinzelreisender {m}
person unable to workArbeitsunfähiger {m}
person unable to work Erwerbsunfähiger {m}
person under age [underage person]unmündige Person {f} [minderjährige Person]
person under hypnosisHypnotisand {m}
person under threatbedrohte Person {f}
person undergoing rehabilitation Rehabilitand {m}
person unfit for dutyDefizient {m} [veraltet] [Dienstuntauglicher]
person unfit for duty Dienstuntauglicher {m}
person who always says no Neinsager {m} [pej.]
person who always says no [female] Neinsagerin {f} [pej.]
person who fires / fired the fatal shot Todesschütze {m}
person who is musical musikalischer Mensch {m}
person who is not the ownerNichteigentümer {m}
person who is out of work arbeitslose Person {f}
person who makes the best of things Lebenskünstler {m}
person who observes moderationPerson {f}, die gemäßigt lebt
person who robs dead peopleLeichenfledderer {m} [ugs.]
person who runs sth. Betreiber {m} [Person]
person who says no to everythingNeinsager {m} [pej.]
person who says no to everything [female] Neinsagerin {f} [pej.]
person who shall be nameless Person {f}, die nicht genannt werden soll
person with a smooth tongue Person {f} mit sanfter Zunge
person with autism Autist {m}
person with normal binaural hearing beidseitig Normalhörender {m}
person with specialist knowledgeSachverständiger {m}
person with subsidiary protection status subsidiär Schutzberechtiger {m}
person without mannersschlecht erzogene Person {f}
person working as a freelancer Freischaffender {m}
person working freelance [female]Freischaffende {f}
[person / child with a sweet tooth] Naschkatze {f} [ugs.]
[person afflicted with hemorrhoids] Hämorrhoidarier {m} [veraltet]
[person at a health spa with whom one develops a relationship] Kurschatten {m} [ugs.]
[person between the ages of 18 and 21]Heranwachsender {m} [18 - 21 Jähriger]
[person born in a town] Altbürger {m}
[person certified to practice the profession] Berufsberechtigter {m} [österr.] [z. B. Wirtschaftsprüfer]
[person entitled to a compulsory portion] Pflichtteilsberechtigter {m}
[person entitled to a pension]pensionsberechtigte Person {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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