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personnel managerPersonaldirektor {m}
personnel managerPersonaler {m} [ugs.]
personnel manager [female]Personalchefin {f}
personnel manager [female] Personalerin {f} [ugs.]
personnel master dataPersonalstammdaten {pl}
personnel matter Personalie {f}
personnel mattersPersonalangelegenheiten {pl}
personnel monitoring Personenüberwachung {f}
personnel numberPersonalnummer {f}
personnel office Personalbüro {n}
personnel office Personalabteilung {f}
personnel office Personalstelle {f}
personnel officerPersonalchef {m}
personnel officerPersonalreferent {m}
personnel officer [female] Personalsachbearbeiterin {f}
personnel officer [male] Personalsachbearbeiter {m}
personnel placementPersonaleinsatz {m}
personnel planning Personalplanung {f}
personnel planning in the firm betriebliche Personalplanung {f}
personnel policy Personalpolitik {f}
personnel problemPersonalproblem {n}
personnel procurementPersonalvermittlung {f}
personnel procurement Personalbeschaffung {f}
personnel progress Personalentwicklung {f}
personnel qualificationPersonalqualifikation {f}
personnel record Personalbogen {m} [Mitarbeiterbogen, personell]
personnel records Belegschaftsdaten {pl}
personnel records Personalakte {f}
personnel recruitmentPersonalrekrutierung {f}
personnel reduction Personalabbau {m}
personnel requirements {pl} Personalbedarf {m}
personnel requisition Personalanforderung {f}
personnel research Personalforschung {f}
personnel responsibilityPersonalverantwortung {f}
personnel roster Stammrolle {f}
personnel screening board Personalgutachterausschuss {m} <PGA>
personnel secondment Personalüberlassung {f}
personnel secretary [female] Personalsekretärin {f}
personnel service provider Personaldienstleister {m}
personnel services Personaldienstleistungen {pl}
personnel structure Belegschaftsstruktur {f}
personnel structure Personalstruktur {f}
personnel supportMitarbeiterbetreuung {f}
personnel supportpersonelle Unterstützung {f}
personnel support agency Betreuungsamt {n} für Angehörige
personnel support agency Betreuungsamt {n} für Militärangehörige
personnel turnover Personalwechsel {m}
personnel turnover Personalfluktuation {f}
personnel-consulting agency Personalberatungsfirma {f}
personnel-wise personell
person-oriented personenorientiert
person-oriented developmental psychologypersonenorientierte Entwicklungspsychologie {f}
personsPersonen {pl}
persons at particular risk Risikopersonen {pl}
persons concernedBetroffene {pl}
persons in civilian employment zivile Erwerbstätige {pl}
persons involved in the trialProzessbeteiligte {pl}
persons leavingAbgänge {pl}
persons leaving Austritte {pl}
persons leaving school Abgänger {pl}
persons mainly responsibleHauptverantwortliche {pl}
person's name Personenname {m}
persons of interest <POI> [law enforcement]Personen {pl} von besonderem polizeilichen Interesse
persons of no fixed abode Nichtsesshafte {pl}
persons or objects Personen {pl} oder Sachen
persons presentAnwesende {pl}
persons responsible [sl.] [regional, e.g. Jamaica] [people responsible]Verantwortliche {pl}
persons responsible for regulatory affairsRegulatory-Affairs-Verantwortliche {pl}
persons seeking help Hilfesuchende {pl}
persons under ageUnmündige {pl} [minderjährige Personen]
persons wearing glassesBrillenträger {pl}
Persons who are present in the room ...Personen, die sich im Raum befinden, ...
Persons who were child victims of violence ...Personen, die als Kinder Opfer von Gewalt waren ...
persons with free service contracts freie Dienstnehmer {pl} [österr.]
persons with normal hearing (ability) Normalhörende {pl}
[persons involved in the killings at the inter-German border] Mauermörder {pl} [ugs.]
[persons or animals of the same sex] Geschlechtsgenossen {pl}
[persons with eclectic reading habits] Querbeetleser {pl} [ugs.]
[persons with partial Jewish ancestry considered Jews by the Nuremberg Laws] Geltungsjuden {pl} [inoffizieller Naziausdruck]
person-time incidence rate Personenzeit-Inzidenzrate {f}
person-to-person callGespräch {n} mit Voranmeldung
person-to-person lending {sg} <P2P lending>Peer-to-Peer-Kredite {pl} <P2P-Kredite>
persorption Persorption {f}
perspectivationPerspektivierung {f}
perspective Blickwinkel {m}
perspective Perspektive {f}
perspective Anblick {m}
perspective perspektivisch
perspective Blickrichtung {f} [fig.]
perspective [appearances] Optik {f} [fig.]
perspective [fig.]Sichtweise {f} [Standpunkt]
perspective [mental outlook]Gesichtspunkt {m}
perspective [mental view, prospect] Betrachtungsweise {f}
perspective [point of view] Durchblick {m} [ugs.]
perspective [view, prospect] [also fig.] Ausblick {m} [auch fig.]
perspective [way of seeing] Sehweise {f}
perspective box Perspektivkasten {m}
« perspersperspersperspersperspertpertPeruperv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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