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English-German Dictionary

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pairwise distinct paarweise verschieden
Pais equation Pais-Gleichung {f}
paisleyPaisleymuster {n}
paisleyPaisley {n}
Paiute cutthroat trout [Oncorhynchus clarki seleniris]Paiutecutthroat-Forelle {f}
pajama [Am.]Pyjama-
pajama [Am.] Schlafanzug-
pajama bottoms [Am.]Pyjamahose {f}
pajama bottoms [Am.] Schlafanzughose {f}
pajama cardinalfish [Sphaeramia nematoptera] Pyjama-Kardinalbarsch {m}
pajama pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Pyjamahose {f}
pajama pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Schlafanzughose {f}
pajama trouser Pyjamahose {f}
pajamas {pl} [Am.]Pyjama {m}
pajamas {pl} [Am.] Schlafanzug {m}
pajamas [Am.] Pyjamas {pl}
pajamas [Am.] [more than one pair]Schlafanzüge {pl}
PajonismPajonismus {m}
Pak [female] [often offensive] Pakistanerin {f}
Pak [often offensive] Pakistaner {m}
pak choi [Br.] [Brassica rapa chinensis, syn.: Brassica campestris chinensis] Blätterkohl {m} [Pak Choi]
pak choi [Br.] [Brassica rapa chinensis, syn.: Brassica campestris chinensis] (Chinesischer) Senfkohl {m} [Pak Choi]
pak choi [Br.] [Brassica rapa chinensis, syn.: Brassica campestris chinensis]Paksoi {m} [Chinesischer Senfkohl]
pak choi [Br.] [Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis]Pak Choi {m}
pakamac [Br.] [raincoat; originally a trademark "Pack-a-Mack"] zusammenfaltbare Regenjacke {f}
Pakeha [NZ][europäischer Neuseeländer]
pakhavaj Pakhawaj {f}
Pakhna Formation [southern Cyprus]Pakhna-Formation {f}
pakhomovskyite [Co3(PO4)2·8H2O] Pakhomovskyit {m}
Pakhuis Formation [South Africa: Cape Province]Pakhuis-Formation {f}
Paki [Br.] [coll.] [offensive]Pakistani {m}
Paki [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [Pakistani] pakistanisch
Pakistan <.pk>Pakistan {n}
Pakistan calomyscus [Calomyscus baluchi] Belutschischer Maushamster {m}
Pakistan sand cat [Felis margarita scheffeli]Pakistanische Sandkatze {f}
PakistaniPakistaner {m}
Pakistani Pakistani {m}
Pakistani {pl} Pakistaner {pl}
Pakistani {pl}Pakistani {pl}
Pakistani [female]Pakistanerin {f}
Pakistani [female] Pakistani {f}
Pakistani butterflyfish [Chaetodon collare]Halsband-Falterfisch {m}
Pakistani loach [Botia almorhae, syn.: Botia lohachata]Netzschmerle {f}
Pakistani loach [Botia almorhae, syn.: Botia lohachata]Netz-Prachtschmerle {f}
Pakistani rupee <PKR, ₨> Pakistanische Rupie {f} <PKR, ₨>
PakistanisPakistanis {pl}
Pakistanis {pl} Pakistaner {pl}
Pakistanis {pl} Pakistani {pl}
Pakistanis [female]Pakistanerinnen {pl}
pakol [also: pakul] Pakol {m} [auch: Pakul]
pal Kamerad {m}
pal Freund {m} [Kumpel]
pal Spezi {m} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
pal [coll.] Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
pal [coll.] Kumpan {m} [ugs.]
pal [coll.]Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin., ugs.]
pal [coll.] [aggressive form of address]Freundchen {n} [ugs.]
palacePalast {m}
palace Schloss {n} [Palast]
palacePfalz {f} [Palast]
palace Palais {n}
palace administration Palastverwaltung {f}
palace administration Schlossverwaltung {f}
Palace Bridge [Berlin] Schloßbrücke {f} [Berlin]
palace building Palastbau {m}
palace chapelPfalzkapelle {f}
palace chapel Schlosskapelle {f}
palace chapelSchlosskirche {f}
palace chapel Palastkapelle {f}
palace clergy [usually treated as pl.] Palastklerus {m}
palace complexPalastanlage {f}
palace complexSchlossanlage {f} [Gesamtanlage]
palace coupPalastrevolution {f}
palace courtyard Schlosshof {m}
palace district Palastbezirk {m}
palace economyPalastwirtschaft {f}
palace fortification Palastbefestigung {f}
palace garden Palastgarten {m}
palace grounds {pl} Schlossgelände {f}
palace grounds {pl} Palastgelände {n}
palace guardSchlosswache {f}
palace guardPalastwache {f}
palace guard <strike>easter egg</strike> Palastwache {f}
palace guardsPalastwachen {pl}
palace intrigue Hofintrige {f}
palace intriguePalastintrige {f}
palace moatSchlossgraben {m}
palace of a housewahrer Palast {m}
Palace of BlachernaeBlachernen-Palast {m}
Palace of Culture [e.g. in Dresden]Kulturpalast {m}
Palace of Culture and Science in WarsawKultur- und Wissenschaftspalast {m} in Warschau
Palace of Europe Europapalast {m}
Palace of Fontainebleau [Château de Fontainebleau]Schloss {n} Fontainebleau
palace of justice Justizpalast {m}
palace of justice Gerichtspalast {m}
Palace of Nestor Palast {m} des Nestor
Palace of Pranks [SpongeBob SquarePants] Palast der Streiche [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
Palace of the Curators [Palazzo dei Conservatori] Konservatorenpalast {m}
Palace of the Grand Master (of the Knights of Rhodes) Großmeisterpalast {m} von Rhodos
« painpainpainpairpairpairPalapalapalapalaPala »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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