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petiteness Zierlichkeit {f}
petit-four Feingebäck {n} [evtl. Konfekt]
petit-four Petit-Four {n} [kleines Gebäckstückchen]
petitionBitte {f}
petitionBittgesuch {n}
petition Bittschrift {f}
petitionEingabe {f}
petition Petition {f} [Amtssprache]
petition Gesuch {n} [Bittschrift]
petition Antrag {m}
petitionAntragsschrift {f}
petition Supplik {f} [Bittschrift]
petition Supplikation {f} [veraltet]
petition Petitum {n} [Antrag, Gesuch]
petition Bittschreiben {n} [Bittgesuch]
petition [collection of signatures]Unterschriftensammlung {f}
petition [in letter form]Bittbrief {m}
petition committeePetitionsausschuss {m}
petition for a divorce Scheidungsantrag {m}
petition for a referendumVolksbegehren {n}
petition for a relief Abhilfegesuch {n}
petition for bankruptcyKonkursantrag {m}
petition for bread [Lord's Prayer]Brotbitte {f} [Vaterunser]
petition for clemencyGnadengesuch {n}
petition for divorceEhescheidungsklage {f}
petition for divorceScheidungsbegehren {n}
petition for mercyGnadengesuch {n}
petition for naturalizationEinbürgerungsantrag {m}
petition for pardon Gnadengesuch {n}
petition for release Entlassungsgesuch {n}
petition in bankruptcy Konkursantrag {m}
petition of graceGnadengesuch {n}
petition rightAntragsrecht {n}
petition to modify a judgmentAbänderungsklage {f}
petitionary letterBittschrift {f}
petitionary prayer Bittgebet {n}
petitionerBittsteller {m}
petitioner Kläger {m} [bes. in Scheidungsfällen]
petitionerAntragsteller {m}
petitionerPetitionär {m}
petitioner Petent {m}
petitionerGesuchsteller {m} [schweiz., sonst veraltet]
petitioner [female] Bittstellerin {f}
petitioner [female]Antragstellerin {f}
petitioner for bankruptcy Konkursantragsteller {m}
petitioning ersuchend
petitioning ansuchend
petitioningStellen {n} einer Bittschrift
petitionsBitten {pl}
petitionsBittgesuche {pl}
petitionsGesuche {pl}
petitions Eingaben {pl}
petitions committee [also: Petitions Committee]Petitionsausschuss {m}
petitions page [e-page of parliaments, governments, etc.]Petitionsseite {f} [Internetseite von Parlamenten, Regierungen etc.]
petitjeanite [Bi3O(OH)(PO4)2]Petitjeanit {m}
Petit's cuckoo shrike [Campephaga petiti] Kongoraupenfresser {m}
petits pois {pl} feine Erbsen {pl}
Petit's saw-wing [Psalidoprocne petiti]Petitschwalbe {f}
pet-loving [attr.] tierlieb [in Bezug auf Haustiere]
Pető method [also: Pető's method, Peto method, Peto's method] Pető-Methode {f}
petrale sole [Eopsetta jordani] Kalifornische Scholle {f}
petrale sole [Eopsetta jordani] Pazifische Scharbe {f}
Petrarch Petrarca {m}
Petrarchan petrarkistisch
Petrarchism Petrarkismus {m}
petrels and shearwaters [Procellariidae] Sturmvögel {pl}
Petri dishPetrischale {f}
petri dish [often capitalized: Petri dish] Laborschale {f}
Petri net Petri-Netz {n}
Petri netPetrinetz {n}
Petri net semantics [usually treated as sg.]Petrinetzsemantik {f}
Petri platePetrischale {f}
Petrich Petritsch {n}
petrichorPetrichor {m}
petrichor Regengeruch {m}
petricolous petricol
petricolous felsbewohnend
petrifactionVersteinerung {f}
petrifactology [rare]Versteinerungskunde {f} [Petrefaktologie]
petrificationVersteinerung {f}
petrification Petrifikation {f}
petrified versteinert
petrified verkieselt
petrified [fig.]gelähmt
petrified forestversteinerter Wald {m}
petrified mossKalktuff {m}
petrified woodversteinertes Holz {n}
Petrine petrinisch
Petrine office Petrusamt {n}
petrissage Knetung {f} [Petrissage]
petrissage Petrissage {f}
Petroargid [also: petroargid] Petroargid {m}
Petrobrusians [followers of Peter of Bruys] Petrobrusianer {pl}
petrocallis [genus Petrocallis]Steinschmückel {m}
petrochemical petrochemisch
petrochemical Petrochemikalie {f}
petrochemically petrochemisch
« perxpestPETbpetaPetepetipetrpetrpetrpettpetu »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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