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petrol tap [Br.] Benzinhahn {m}
petrol tax Benzinsteuer {f}
petrol torch [Br.] Benzinlötlampe {f}
petrol trap [Br.] Benzinabscheider {m}
petrol vapours [Br.] Benzindämpfe {pl}
(petrol) pump attendant [Br.]Tankwart {m}
petrolatum Vaseline {f}
petrol-driven car [Br.] Benziner {m} [ugs.]
petrol-electric [Br.] benzinelektrisch
petrol-engined [Br.] mit Benzinmotor [nachgestellt]
petrol-engined saw [Br.] benzinmotorgetriebene Säge {f}
petrol-engined saw [Br.]Benzinmotorsäge {f}
petroleumErdöl {n}
petroleumRohbenzin {n}
petroleum acne Ölakne {f}
petroleum asphalt Erdölasphalt {m}
petroleum benzine Petroleumbenzin {n}
petroleum benzine [Am.]Waschbenzin {n} [z. B. für Oberflächenreinigung]
petroleum boatPetroleumboot {n} [veraltet]
petroleum chemistry Erdölchemie {f}
petroleum cokeErdölkoks {m}
petroleum cokePetrolkoks {m}
petroleum cracking Erdölkracken {n}
petroleum crackingErdölcracken {n}
petroleum engineering <PE>Erdöltechnik {f}
petroleum engineering <PE> Erdöl- und Erdgastechnik {f}
petroleum ether Benzin {n}
petroleum ether Petroläther {m}
petroleum etherWaschbenzin {n} [Petrolether]
petroleum etherWundbenzin {n} [Petrolether]
petroleum ether Petrolether {m}
petroleum etherPetroleumäther {m}
petroleum ether Benzinum medicinale {n} [Petrolether]
petroleum etherMedizinalbenzin {n} [Petrolether]
petroleum ether [benzine] Leichtbenzin {n} [niedrigstsiedendes Leichtbenzin]
petroleum exploration Erdölsuche {f}
petroleum exploration [Am.]Ölsuche {f}
petroleum fly [Helaeomyia petrolei, syn. Psilopa petrolei] Petroleumfliege {f}
petroleum genesisErdölentstehung {f}
petroleum genesis Erdölbildung {f}
petroleum genesis Erdölgenese {f}
petroleum geologistErdölgeologe {m}
petroleum geologistÖlgeologe {m} [Erdölgeologe]
petroleum hydrocarbon Erdölkohlenwasserstoff {m}
petroleum industry Petroleumindustrie {f}
petroleum industry Erdölindustrie {f}
petroleum industry Mineralölindustrie {f}
petroleum industryÖlindustrie {f}
petroleum jellyVaseline {f}
petroleum jellyPetrolat {n}
petroleum jelly [Vaselinum] Vaselin {n}
petroleum jelly filling Petrolatfüllung {f}
petroleum naphtha [esp. Am.] Petrolether {m} [Petroleumäther (I)]
petroleum plant [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis] Tirucalli-Wolfsmilch {f}
petroleum plant [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis] Bleistiftstrauch {m}
petroleum plant [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis]Milchbusch {m}
petroleum policy Erdölpolitik {f}
petroleum processing Erdölverarbeitung {f}
petroleum product Erdölprodukt {n}
petroleum productErdölderivat {n}
petroleum productErdölerzeugnis {n}
petroleum production Erdölförderung {f}
petroleum productionErdölproduktion {f}
petroleum products Mineralölerzeugnisse {pl}
petroleum productsErdölprodukte {pl}
petroleum productsÖlprodukte {pl} [Erdölprodukte]
petroleum productsMineralölprodukte {pl}
petroleum products Petroleumprodukte {pl}
petroleum productsPetroleumerzeugnisse {pl}
petroleum refineryErdölraffinerie {f}
petroleum refiningErdölraffinierung {f}
petroleum refiningErdölraffination {f}
petroleum residueErdölrückstand {m}
petroleum resinErdölharz {n}
petroleum revenue tax <PRT> [Br.]Mineralölsteuer {f}
petroleum spirit [petroleum ether] Petrolether {m}
petroleum spirit [petroleum ether] Petroleumäther {m}
petroleum spirit [white spirit or mineral spirit] Terpentinersatz {m}
petroleum spirit [white spirit or mineral spirit]Terpentinölersatz {m}
petroleum tanker Öltanker {m}
petroleum tar Erdölteer {m}
(petroleum) white oil Weißöl {n}
petroleum-based erdölbürtig
petroleum-based erdölstämmig
petroleum-based products Mineralölprodukte {pl}
petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [car racing fan]Rennsportfreak {m} [ugs.]
petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [fan of fast cars]Autofreak {m} [ugs.]
petroliferous erdölführend
petroliferous bed erdölführende Schicht {f}
petroliferous structureerdölführende Struktur {f}
petrol-injection engine [Br.]Benzineinspritzmotor {m}
petrol-injection system [Br.]Benzineinspritzanlage {f}
petrologic petrologisch
petrological petrologisch
petrologist Petrologe {m}
petrologist Gesteinskundler {m}
petrologist [female] Petrologin {f}
petrology Gesteinskunde {f} [Petrologie]
petrology Petrologie {f}
petrology Gesteinslehre {f}
« PETbpetaPetepetipetrpetrpetrpettpetupfenphag »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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