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petrous bone fractureFelsenbeinfraktur {f}
petrous part of temporal bone [Pars petrosa ossis temporalis]Felsenbein {n} mit Innenohr
petrous portion of the temporal bone [Pars petrosa ossis temporalis] Felsenbeinpyramide {f}
petrous pyramidFelsenbeinpyramide {f}
petrovicite [PbHgCu3BiSe5]Petrovicit {m}
petrovskaite [AuAg(S,Se)]Petrovskait {m}
PetrozavodskPetrosawodsk {n}
petrukite [(Cu,Fe,Zn)2(Sn,In)S4]Petrukit {m}
Petrushka [Igor Stravinsky] Petruschka [Igor Strawinski]
petsHaustiere {pl}
pets Schoßkinder {pl}
pets corner [zoo] Streichelzoo {m}
pet's health Haustiergesundheit {f}
petscheckite [UFe(Nb,Ta)2O8] Petscheckit {m}
petted geknutscht
petted verhätschelt
petterdite [Pb(Cr,Al)2 [(OH)2|CO3]2·H2O] Petterdit {m}
Petter's sportive lemur [Lepilemur petteri] Petter-Wieselmaki {m}
Petterson and Findus [Sven Nordqvist] Pettersson und Findus
petticoatUnterrock {m}
petticoatUnterkleid {n} [für Damen]
petticoatTaillenunterrock {m}
petticoat [full, tiered, starched or from stiff material]Petticoat {m}
petticoat government [coll.] [pej.] [dated] Frauenherrschaft {f}
petticoat government [idiom] [coll.] [pej.] Mätressenwirtschaft {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
petticoat mottlegill [Panaeolus papilionaceus, syn.: Panaeolus sphinctrinus, Psilocybe campanulata] (Behangener) Glocken-Düngerling / Glockendüngerling {m}
petticoat mottlegill [Panaeolus papilionaceus, syn.: Panaeolus sphinctrinus, Psilocybe campanulata] Runzeliger Düngerling {m}
petticoat mottlegill [Panaeolus papilionaceus, syn.: Panaeolus sphinctrinus, Psilocybe campanulata]Blasser Düngerling {m}
petticoat mottlegill [Panaeolus papilionaceus, syn.: Panaeolus sphinctrinus, Psilocybe campanulata]Runzeliger Glockendüngerling {m}
pettieskleine Ausgaben {pl}
pettieskleine Posten {pl}
pettifoggerHaarspalter {m}
pettifoggerWinkeladvokat {m}
pettifogger Rechtsverdreher {m}
pettifoggery [pej.]Rabulistik {f} [geh.] [pej.]
pettifogging rechtsverdrehend
pettifogging pedantisch
pettifogging [irrelevant] unwesentlich
pettifogging [negligible]unbedeutend
pettifogging [unimportant]unwichtig
pettifogging lawyer Winkeladvokat {m}
Pettigo [also: Pettigoe, Irish: Paiteagó] Pettigo {n}
pettigree [Ruscus aculeatus]Stechender Mäusedorn {m}
pettigree [Ruscus aculeatus]Dornmyrte {f}
pettily geringfügig
pettily [insignificantly] unbedeutend
pettinessGeringfügigkeit {f}
pettiness Kleinlichkeit {f}
pettiness Kleinheit {f}
pettinessTrivialität {f}
pettiness Unwichtigkeit {f}
pettiness Unbedeutendheit {f}
pettiness Belanglosigkeit {f}
pettiness [small-mindedness] Engherzigkeit {f}
petting knutschend
petting Knutschen {n} [ugs.]
petting Fummelei {f} [ugs.]
pettingKnutscherei {f} [ugs.]
pettingGeschmuse {n} [ugs.]
pettingPetting {n}
petting farm Streichelzoo {m}
petting tank Streichelbecken {n}
petting zooStreichelzoo {m}
Pettis integral [also: Gelfand-Pettis integral] Pettis-Integral {n}
Pettis (measurability) theorem [also: Pettis's measurability theorem]Messbarkeitssatz {m} von Pettis
pettish launisch
pettish reizbar
pettish verdrießlich
pettishly gereizt
pettishness Empfindlichkeit {f}
pettitoeSchweinefuß {m}
pettitoes Schweinsfüße {pl}
pettitoes Schweinefüße {pl}
pettyklein [unbedeutend]
petty geringfügig
petty unwichtig
petty kleinlich
petty [remark] spitz
petty [small-minded]engherzig
petty [small-minded]kleinkariert [ugs.]
petty [insignificant]unbedeutend
petty apartheid kleine Apartheid {f}
petty average kleine Havarie {f}
petty bourgeois [Br.] Kleinbürger {m}
petty bourgeois [pej.] spießig [ugs.] [pej.] [kleinbürgerlich]
petty bourgeois [pej.] [philistine]Biedermann {m} [pej.] [Spießer]
petty bourgeois [sometimes pej.] kleinbürgerlich
petty bourgeoisie [Br.]Kleinbürgertum {n}
petty cashPortokasse {f}
petty cashHandkasse {f}
« petaPetepetipetrpetrpetrpettpewtpHinphalphan »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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