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petulant launisch
petulant bockig [ugs.]
petulantzickig [ugs.] [pej.]
petulantly gereizt
petulantly bockig [ugs.]
petunia Petunie {f}
petunidin <Pt, PT> [C16H13O7+(Cl−), C16H13O7Cl]Petunidin {n}
petzite [Ag3AuTe2] Petzit {m}
Petzval lensPetzvalobjektiv {n}
peu à peu peu à peu
Peugeot ® [French car brand] Peugeot ® {m} [französische Automarke]
Peutinger Map [Tabula Peutingeriana]Peutingertafel {f}
Peutinger Table [Tabula Peutingeriana] Peutinger'sche Tafel {f}
Peutinger's Tabula [Tabula Peutingeriana]Peutinger'sche Tafel {f}
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome <PJS>Peutz-Jeghers-Syndrom {n} <PJS>
pevy [Am.] [spv.] [peavey] Stammwender {m} [Wendehaken]
pew Kirchenbank {f}
pewBank {f} [in der Kirche]
Pew Research Center [Am.] Pew-Forschungszentrum {n} [Pew Research Center]
Pew! Pfui!
pewage Kirchengestühl {n}
Péwé Peak Péwé Peak {m}
pewit [esp. Am.] [Vanellus vanellus]Kiebitz {m}
pewsBankreihen {pl} [in einer Kirche]
pews Kirchenbänke {pl}
pews {pl}Gestühl {n} [Kirche]
pews {pl} Kirchengestühl {n}
pewtalloy [commercial name for Wood's metal] Wood'sche Legierung {f}
pewterZinngeschirr {n}
pewterZinngerät {n}
pewterHartzinn {n}
pewter Zinn {n} [Hartzinn, bes. für Haushaltswaren]
pewter {sg}Zinnarbeiten {pl}
pewter [attr.] zinnern [aus Hartzinn]
pewter [attr.] [e.g. plate, tankard] Zinn- [z. B. Teller, Krug]
pewter [container]Zinngefäß {n}
pewter castingZinngießen {n}
pewter casting businessZinngießerei {f}
pewter figure Zinnfigur {f}
pewter foundry Zinngießerei {f}
pewter knight Zinnsoldat {m}
pewter mug [jug]Zinnkrug {m}
pewter physa [Physella acuta, syn.: P. (Costatella) acuta, Physa acuta](Spitze) Blasenschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
pewter physa [Physella heterostropha, syn.: P. (Costatella) heterostropha]Amerikanische Blasenschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
pewter plate Zinnteller {m}
pewter tankard Zinnkrug {m}
pewter trade Zinnhandel {m} [mit zinnernen Haushaltswaren]
pewter ware Zinn {n} [Gegenstände, Geschirr]
pewterer Zinngießer {m}
pewterer Kannengießer {m}
pewterer Kandelgießer {m} [veraltet]
pewterer Affengießer {m}
pewterware {sg}Zinnartikel {pl}
-pexia -pexie
-pexy -pexie
Peyer's patches Peyer-Plaques {pl}
peyote [drug] Peyotl {m}
peyote [hallucinogenic drug] Peyote {m}
peyote [Lophophora williamsii] Peyote {m}
peyote [Lophophora williamsii] Peyotl-Kaktus {m}
peyote [Lophophora williamsii] Peyotl {m} {n}
peyote buttonPeyote-Knopf {m}
peyote cult Peyote-Kult {m}
peyotl [Lophophora williamsii] Peyotl-Kaktus {m}
peyotl [Lophophora williamsii]Peyote {m}
peyotl [Lophophora williamsii]Peyotl {f}
peyotl [spv.] [peyote] [drug] Peyotl {m}
Peyrieras' avahi [Avahi peyrierasi] Peyrieras-Wollmaki {m}
Peyrieras' woolly lemur [Avahi peyrierasi]Peyrieras-Wollmaki {m}
Peyronie's disease [Induratio penis plastica] <IPP> Peyronie-Krankheit {f}
Peyronie's disease [Induratio penis plastica] <IPP>Induratio penis plastica {f} <IPP>
Peyronie's disease [Induratio penis plastica] <PD, IPP> Morbus Peyronie {m} <MP>
Peyronie's disease <PD, IPP> [Induratio penis plastica]De-la-Peyronie-Krankheit {f}
Peyronie's disease <PD> [Induratio penis plastica] (erworbene) Penisverkrümmung {f}
peytral [horse pectoral]Fürbug {m} [Brustplatte als Teil des Rossharnisches]
PEZ® dispenser PEZ®-Spender {m}
Pezzer's catheter Pezzer-Katheter {m}
Pezzi ® ball [Swiss ball]Pezziball {m} [ugs.] [PEZZI ®-Gymnastikball]
pezzottaite [Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18]Pezzottait {m}
Pfaendler's molehopper [Xya pfaendleri] Pfändlers Grabschrecke {f}
pfalzgraviate [obs.] [rare] Pfalzgrafschaft {f}
Pfannenstiel incision Pfannenstiel-Schnitt {m}
Pfannenstiel incisionPfannenstiel-Inzision {f}
Pfannenstiel's incisionPfannenstiel-Schnitt {m}
Pfannenstiel's incisionPfannenstiel-Inzision {f}
PfarrkirchenPfarrkirchen {n}
Pfaundler-Hurler disease [Dysostosis multiplex] Pfaundler-Hurler-Krankheit {f}
Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell]Pfeffersche Zelle {f} [alt]
Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell] Pfeffer'sche Zelle {f}
pfeffernuss [German spice cookie]Pfeffernuss {f} [Gebäck]
Pfeffer's flamboyant cuttlefish [Metasepia pfefferi] Prachtsepia {f}
Pfeffer's flamboyant cuttlefish [Metasepia pfefferi]Pfeffers Prachtsepia {f}
Pfeffer's flamboyant cuttlefish [Metasepia pfefferi] Flammende Sepia {f}
Pfeffer's (two-horned) chameleon [Trioceros pfefferi, syn.: Chamaeleo pfefferi] Pfeffers Chamäleon {n}
Pfeiffer's / Pfeifer syndrome <PS> Pfeiffer-Syndrom {n}
Pfeiffer's amber snail [Oxyloma elegans, syn.: O. (Oxyloma) elegans, Succinea elegans] Schlanke Bernsteinschnecke {f}
Pfeiffer's disease [Mononucleosis infectiosa] Pfeiffer-Drüsenfieber {n}
« petipetrpetrpetrpettpetuPfeiphagphalPhanphar »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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