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English-German Dictionary

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Pfeiffer's disease [Mononucleosis infectiosa]Morbus Pfeiffer {m} [fachspr.]
Pfeiffer's red bat [Lasiurus pfeifferi, syn.: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) pfeifferi, Atalapha pfeifferi] Pfeiffer-Rotfledermaus {f}
Pfeilstorch [also: pfeilstorch]Pfeilstorch {m}
pfennigPfenning {m} [veraltet]
pfennig <pf.> [former German currency]Pfennig {m} <Pf.>
Pfettrach (River) Pfettrach {f}
Pfister formPfisterform {f}
Pfitzeriana blue juniper [Juniperus chinensis, syn.: J. procumbens, J. sargentii] Chinesischer Wacholder {m}
Pfitzinger reaction Pfitzinger-Reaktion {f}
Pfizer-Biontech vaccine Pfizer-Biontech-Impfstoff {m}
Pfizer's / Pfizer rule of five <Pfizer's RoF, Pfizer RoF>Rule of Five {f}
Pflip [Disney]Fips
Pforzheim AgreementPforzheimer Abkommen {n}
Pfu DNA polymerase Pfu-Polymerase {f}
Pfui! [coll.] [spv.] [phooey] Pfui!
Pfund series Pfund-Serie {f}
Pfyn culture [also: Pfyn Culture]Pfyner Kultur {f}
PG gland PG-Verschraubung {f}
PG-13 [Movie]frei ab 13 [Film]
pH buffer pH-Puffer {m}
pH change pH-Änderung {f}
pH declinepH-Abfall {m}
pH decrease pH-Abfall {m}
pH dependence pH-Abhängigkeit {f}
pH dependency pH-Abhängigkeit {f}
pH dependent pH-abhängig
pH determinationpH-Bestimmung {f}
pH drop pH-Abfall {m}
pH electrode pH-Elektrode {f}
pH elevation pH-Wert-Erhöhung {f}
pH gradient pH-Gradient {m}
pH indicatorpH-Indikator {m}
pH measurement pH-Messung {f}
pH meter pH-Meter {n}
pH meter pH-Messgerät {n}
pH metrypH-Metrie {f} [Säuremessung]
pH monitoring of the hypopharynx pH-Metrie {f} des Hypopharynx
pH number pH-Wert {m}
pH paper pH-Papier {n}
pH range pH-Bereich {m} [selten {n}]
pH reducerpH-Senker {m}
pH scale pH-Skala {f}
pH sensor pH-Sensor {m}
pH test stripspH-Wert-Teststreifen {pl}
pH unit pH-Einheit {f}
pH value pH-Wert {m}
[Ph.D. candidate] Doktorant {m} [FALSCH für: Doktorand]
[Ph.D. candidate] [female] Doktorantin {f} [FALSCH für: Doktorandin]
phablet [portmanteau of phone + tablet] Smartlet {n} [Kofferwort aus Smartphone + Tablet]
phablet [portmanteau of phone + tablet] Phablet {n} [Kofferwort aus Phone + Tablet]
phacelia [genus Phacelia]Büschelschön {n}
phacelia [genus Phacelia] Bienenweide {f}
phacelia [genus Phacelia]Bienenfreund {m} [Phazelie]
phacelias [genus Phacelia] Phazelien {pl} [auch: Phacelien]
phacelias [genus Phacelia] Büschelblumen {pl}
phacocanaloplasty Phako-Kanaloplastik {f}
phacoemulsificationPhakoemulsifikation {f}
phacomatosis [spv.] [phakomatosis] Phakomatose {f}
phacopid trilobite phacopider Trilobit {m}
pH-adjusted soap im pH-Wert ausgeglichene Seife {f}
ph-adjusted soap ph-neutrale Seife {f}
Phaedo [also: Phædo] [Platonic dialogue]Phaidon {m} [platonischer Dialog]
PhaedraPhädra {f}
Phaedra [Jules Dassin] Phaedra
Phaedrus [Platonic dialogue]Phaidros {m} [platonischer Dialog]
phaeochrome [Br.] [chromaffin]phäochrom [chromaffin]
phaeochromocytoma <PCC> Phäochromozytom {n} <PCC, PCH>
phaeomelanin Phäomelanin {n}
phaeophytin Phäophytin {n}
phaetonPhaeton {m} [Kutsche]
phage Phage {m}
phage adsorptionPhagenadsorption {f}
phage display Phagen-Display {n}
phage geneticist Phagengenetiker {m}
phage geneticist [female]Phagengenetikerin {f}
phage genetics [treated as sg.]Phagengenetik {f}
phage genome Phagengenom {n}
phage infectionPhageninfektion {f}
phage libraryPhagenbibliothek {f}
phage particlePhagenpartikel {n}
phage plaquePhagenplaque {f} [auch: Phagen-Plaque]
phage proteinPhagenprotein {n} [auch: Phagen-Protein]
phage therapy Phagentherapie {f}
phage vectorPhagenvektor {m}
phage-based phagenbasiert
phaged fressend
phagedenic ulcer [rare]phagedänisches Geschwür {n} [veraltet]
phage-ligand technology Phagenligand-Technologie {f}
phagemid Phagemid {n}
phagemids Phagemide {pl}
phages [coll.] [short for: bacteriophages] Phagen {pl} [kurz für: Bakteriophagen]
phage-specific phagenspezifisch
phagic phagisch
phagocytePhagozyt {m}
phagocyte Fresszelle {f}
phagocyte Freßzelle {f} [alt]
phagocytella theoryPhagocytella-Theorie {f}
phagocytic phagozytär
phagocytic phagozytisch
« petrpetrpetrpettpetuPfeiphagphalPhanpharphar »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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