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English-German Dictionary

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Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge [Richard Friedman] Phantom Nightmare – Phantom des Todes
Phantom of the Paradise [Brian De Palma]Das Phantom im Paradies
Phantom of the Ritz [Allen Plone] Phantom of the Ritz
phantom offer Scheinangebot {n}
phantom painPhantomschmerz {m}
Phantom Pain [Arnon Grunberg]Phantomschmerz
phantom people {pl}Volksgespenst {n}
phantom powerPhantomspeisung {f}
phantom pregnancy Scheinschwangerschaft {f}
phantom pregnancy eingebildete Schwangerschaft {f}
phantom pregnancy Grossesse nerveuse {f} [eingebildete Schwangerschaft]
phantom profitScheingewinn {m}
phantom punch [boxing]Phantomschlag {m} [Boxsport]
phantom quartz [SiO2] Phantomquarz {m}
phantom ringing syndrome <PRS>Phantom-Klingel-Syndrom {n}
phantom sensationPhantomgefühl {n}
phantom ship Geisterschiff {n}
phantom sound sourcePhantomschallquelle {f}
phantom spiders [family Anyphaenidae] Zartspinnen {pl}
phantom studiesPhantomstudien {pl}
phantom studyPhantomstudie {f}
phantom sun Nebensonne {f}
phantom sunParhelion {n}
phantom tumor [Am.]Pseudotumor {m}
phantom vibration [mobile phone]Phantomvibration {f} [Handy]
phantom vibration syndrome <PVS> Phantom-Vibrations-Syndrom {n} <PVS>
phantom viewdurchsichtige Darstellung {f}
phantom voltagePhantomspannung {f}
phantom withdrawal [from cash dispenser]falsche Abbuchung {f}
phantom withdrawal [from cash dispenser] irrtümliche Abbuchung {f}
phantom withdrawal [from cash dispenser] Falschbelastung {f}
phantoms Phantome {pl}
Phantoms [Joe Chappelle] Phantoms
phantoms of the imaginationFantasiegebilde {pl}
phantoms of the imaginationPhantasiegebilde {pl}
phantosmia Phantosmie {f}
PhaonPhaon {m}
phaosomePhaosom {n}
phaosphere Phaosphäre {f}
pharao cuttlefish [also: pharaoh cuttlefish] [Sepia pharaonis, syn.: Sepia pharaonensis]Pharao-Sepia {f}
pharaohPharao {m}
Pharaoh [as name] Pharao {m}
pharaoh [female] Pharaonin {f}
Pharaoh ant [Monomorium pharaonis] Pharaoameise {f}
Pharaoh eagle owl [Bubo ascalaphus]Wüstenuhu {m}
pharaoh eagle owl [Bubo ascalaphus] Pharaonenuhu {m}
pharaoh eagle-owl / eagle owl [Bubo ascalaphus]Wüstenuhu {m}
pharaoh hound Pharaoh Hound {m}
pharaoh houndPharaonenhund {m}
Pharaohs Pharaonen {pl}
Pharaoh's ant [Monomorium pharaonis] Pharao-Ameise {f}
Pharaoh's chicken [Neophron percnopterus] Schmutzgeier {m}
Pharaoh's serpent [chemical phenomenon] Pharaoschlange {f} [chemische Erscheinung]
Pharaoh's serpent [chemical phenomenon]Schlange {f} des Pharao [Pharaoschlange] [chemische Erscheinung]
Pharaoh's serpent [type of fireworks] Pharaonenschlange {f} [Art des Feuerwerks]
Pharaoh's tomb Pharaonengrab {n}
pharaonic pharaonisch
pharaonic dynastyPharaonendynastie {f}
Pharaonic kingdom Pharaonenreich {n}
Pharaonic periodPharaonenzeit {f}
Pharaonic tomb Pharaonengrab {n}
Pharaonic tombs Pharaonengräber {pl}
Pharao's Revenge [coll.] Pharaos Rache {f} [ugs.] [Diarrhoe]
phare [lighthouse]Leuchtturm {m}
Pharisaic pharisäisch
pharisaic [fig.] pharisäerhaft
pharisaic [fig.] selbstgerecht
Pharisaical pharisäisch
pharisaical [fig.] pharisäerhaft
pharisaicalnessPharisäerhaftigkeit {f}
Pharisaism [also fig.] Pharisäismus {m} [auch fig.]
Pharisee Pharisäer {m}
Pharisee [coffee made with rum and whipped cream on top] Pharisäer {m} [Getränk]
pharisee [pej.] Pharisäer {m} [fig.] [pej.]
PhariseesPharisäer {pl}
pharma sector [coll.]Pharmasparte {f} [ugs.]
pharmaceutic pharmazeutisch
pharmaceutical pharmazeutisch
pharmaceutical Arzneimittel {n}
pharmaceutical Pharmazeutikum {n}
pharmaceutical Pharmakon {n}
pharmaceutical [e.g. company, industry, representative] Pharma- [z. B. Unternehmen, Industrie, Referent]
pharmaceutical [e.g. development, examiner, index, research] Arzneimittel- [z. B. Entwicklung, Prüfer, Index, Forschung]
pharmaceutical additives pharmazeutische Hilfsstoffe {pl}
pharmaceutical advertising Pharmawerbung {f}
pharmaceutical area pharmazeutisches Gebiet {n}
pharmaceutical biology <PB> pharmazeutische Biologie {f} <PB>
pharmaceutical biotechnology <PB> pharmazeutische Biotechnologie {f}
pharmaceutical chemist Pharmazeut {m}
pharmaceutical chemistArzneimittelchemiker {m}
pharmaceutical chemist [female] Arzneimittelchemikerin {f}
pharmaceutical chemistrypharmazeutische Chemie {f}
pharmaceutical chemistryArzneimittelchemie {f}
pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmakochemie {f}
pharmaceutical chemistry <PC>medizinische Chemie {f} <MC>
pharmaceutical companiesPharmaunternehmen {pl}
pharmaceutical company Pharmaunternehmen {n}
pharmaceutical companyPharma-Konzern {m}
pharmaceutical companyPharmakonzern {m}
« pettpetuPfeiphagphalPhanpharpharpharphasphas »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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