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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 274 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
phase in / of one's life Lebensabschnitt {m}
phase information Phaseninformation {f}
phase insulation Phasenisolierung {f}
phase interface (area)Phasengrenzfläche {f}
phase inversion Phasenumkehr {f}
phase inverterPhasenumkehrer {m}
phase inverter Phasenwender {m}
phase inverterPhaseninverter {m}
phase inverting amplifierPhasenumkehrverstärker {m}
phase jitterPhasenunruhe {f}
phase jitter Phasenzittern {n}
phase jump Phasensprung {m}
phase lag Phasennacheilung {f}
phase lag Phasenverzögerung {f}
phase lead Phasenvoreilung {f}
phase leadPhasenvorschub {m}
phase lock loop <PLL>Phasenregelschleife {f}
phase locked loop <PLL>Phasenregelkreis {m}
phase management Phasenmanagement {n}
phase margin Phasenrand {m}
phase margin Phasenreserve {f}
phase matching Phasenanpassung {f}
phase measurementPhasenmessung {f}
phase meter Phasenmessgerät {n}
phase meterPhasenmesser {m}
phase meter Phasenmeter {n}
phase microscopePhasenmikroskop {n}
phase mixer Phasenmischer {m}
phase mode Phasenmodus {m}
phase modelPhasenmodell {n}
phase model of advertising effect Stufenmodell {n} der Werbewirkung
phase modifier Phasenschieber {m}
phase modulation Phasenmodulierung {f}
phase modulation <PM> Phasenmodulation {f} <PM>
phase module Phasenbaustein {m}
phase noise Phasenrauschen {n}
phase object Phasenobjekt {n}
phase of a cycle Phase {f} der Konjunktur
phase of buildingBauabschnitt {m}
phase of defiance Trotzphase {f}
phase of development Stufe {f} der Entwicklung
phase of developmentEntwicklungsphase {f}
phase of differentiation Differenzierungsphase {f}
phase of dormancy [in nature]Ruhephase {f} [in der Natur]
phase of (economic) weakness Schwächephase {f}
phase of financing Stufe {f} der Finanzierung
phase of industrializationIndustrialisierungsphase {f}
phase of infection Infektionsphase {f}
phase of inflammation Entzündungsphase {f} <EP>
phase of life Lebensphase {f}
phase of matterAggregatzustand {m}
phase of planningStufe {f} der Planung
phase of sleep Schlafphase {f}
phase of stagnationStagnationsphase {f}
phase of the gameSpielphase {f}
phase of the moon Mondphase {f}
phase of trainingTrainingsphase {f}
phase of use Nutzungsphase {f}
phase pair Phasenpaar {n}
phase patternPhasenmuster {n}
phase phenomenaPhasenphänomene {pl}
phase phenomenonPhasenphänomen {n}
phase plane Phasenebene {f}
phase platePhasenplatte {f}
phase portraitPhasenporträt {n}
phase position Phasenlage {f}
phase problem Phasenproblem {n}
phase ratioPhasenverhältnis {n}
phase reaction Phasenreaktion {f}
phase reconstruction Phasenrekonstruktion {f}
phase regionPhasenbereich {m}
phase regionPhasengebiet {n}
phase relationPhasenverhältnis {n}
phase relationPhasenbeziehung {f}
phase relation Phasenrelation {f}
phase relationship Phasenverhältnis {n}
phase relationship Phasenbeziehung {f}
phase response Phasengang {m}
phase retardationPhasenverzögerung {f}
phase reversalPhasenumkehr {f}
phase rotation Phasendrehung {f}
phase rotation Phasenrotation {f}
phase rule Phasenregel {f}
phase rule Phasengesetz {n}
phase separation Phasentrennung {f}
phase separationPhasenseparierung {f}
phase separation Phasenseparation {f}
phase separation stage Phasentrennstufe {f}
phase separator Phasentrenner {m}
phase sequencePhasensequenz {f}
phase shift Phasenverschiebung {f}
phase shift Phasensprung {m}
phase shiftPhasenshift {m}
phase shift angle Phasenverschiebungswinkel {m}
phase shift keying <PSK> Phasenumtastung {f}
phase shift modulation Phasensprungmodulation {f}
phase shift process Phasenshiftverfahren {n}
phase shifter Phasenschieber {m}
phase shifting Phasenverschiebung {f}
phase spacePhasenraum {m}
« phanpharpharpharphasphasphasphaspheaphenphia »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers