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pheasant-eye adonis [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] Herbst-Feuerröschen / Herbstfeuerröschen {n}
pheasant-eye adonis [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis]Herbst-Adonisröschen / Herbstadonisröschen {n}
pheasant-eye adonis [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] Herbst-Teufelsauge / Herbstteufelsauge {n}
pheasantry Fasanerie {f} [Gehege]
pheasantsFasane {pl}
pheasants Fasanen {pl}
pheasant's back mushroom [Polyporus squamosus]Schuppiger Porling {m}
pheasant's back mushroom [Polyporus squamosus] Schuppiger Stielporling {m}
pheasant's back mushroom [Polyporus squamosus]Schwarzfußporling / Schwarzfuß-Porling {m}
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea]Sommer-Feuerröschen / Sommerfeuerröschen {n}
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea] Sommer-Teufelsauge / Sommerteufelsauge {n}
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea]Sommerblutströpfchen / Sommer-Blutströpfchen {n}
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea] Sommer-Adonisröschen / Sommeradonisröschen {n}
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea]Blutauge {n} [Sommer-Adonisröschen]
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea] Kleines Teufelsauge {n} [Sommer-Adonisröschen]
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis, syn.: A. phoenicea]Blutströpfchen {n} [regional] [Sommer-Adonisröschen]
pheasant's eye [Adonis aestivalis]Sommeradonis {m} {f} [veraltet]
pheasant's eye [Adonis amurensis] [Amur adonis] Amur-Adonisröschen {n} [auch: Amuradonisröschen]
pheasant's eye [Adonis vernalis] Adonisröschen {n}
pheasant's eye [Narcissus poeticus, syn.: Narcissus radiiflorus] Stern-Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye [Narcissus poeticus, syn.: Narcissus radiiflorus] Sternblütige Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye [Narcissus poeticus, syn.: Narcissus radiiflorus] Weiße Berg-Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye [Narcissus poeticus, syn.: Narcissus radiiflorus] Schmalblättrige Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye (daffodil) [Narcissus poeticus] Echte Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye (daffodil) [Narcissus poeticus] Montreux-Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye (daffodil) [Narcissus poeticus]Weiße Narzisse {f}
pheasant's eye (daffodil) [Narcissus poeticus] Dichternarzisse {f} [auch: Dichter-Narzisse]
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea]Brennendes Adonisröschen {n}
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea]Brennendes Teufelsauge {n}
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea] Brennendrotes Teufelsauge {n}
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea]Flammen-Adonisröschen / Flammenadonisröschen {n}
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea] Brennendes Feuerröschen {n}
pheasant's-eye adonis [Adonis flammea]Flammenadonis {m} {f} [veraltend]
pheasant's-tail grass [Anemanthele lessoniana, syn.: Oryzopsis lessoniana, Stipa arundinacea] Neuseeland-Wind-Gras / Neuseeland-Windgras {n}
pheasant's-tail grass [Anemanthele lessoniana, syn.: Oryzopsis lessoniana, Stipa arundinacea] Fasanenschwanz-Gras {n}
pheasant-tailed jacana [Hydrophasianus chirurgus] Wasserfasan {m}
pheasant-tailed jacana [Hydrophasianus chirurgus]Fasanblatthühnchen {n}
Pheidippides [also called Philippides, Thersippus or Eukles]Pheidippides {m} [auch Philippides, Thersippos und Eukles genannt]
phellamurin [C26H30O11]Phellamurin {n}
phellem [cork] Phellem {n} [Kork]
phellodermPhelloderm {n}
phellogen Phellogen {n}
phelonion [liturgical vestment] Phelonion {n} [liturgisches Kleidungsstück]
phenacetin [C10H13NO2]Phenacetin {n}
phenakism [archaic, rare] Betrug {m}
phenakite [Be2SiO4]Phenakit {m}
phenanthrene Phenanthren {n}
phenazepamPhenazepam {n}
phenazine methosulfate Phenazinmethosulfat {n}
phenazocine Phenazocin {n}
phencyclidine <PCP> [C17H25N] Phenzyklidin {n} <PCP> [Betäubungsmittel]
phencyclidine <PCP> [C17H25N] [short for: phenylcyclohexylpiperidine] Phencyclidin {n} <PCP> [kurz für: Phenylcyclohexylpiperidin]
phenethyl isothiocyanate <PEITC> Phenylethylisothiocyanat {n} <PEITC>
phenethylamine <PEA> [also: 2-phenethylamine, β-phenethylamine] [C8H11N] Phenethylamin {n} <PEA> [auch: 2-Phenylethylamin, β-Phenylethylamin]
phenethylline [spv.] Fenetyllin {n}
phenetic phänetisch
phenetic cladistics [treated as sg.] phänetische Kladistik {f}
phenetics [treated as sg.] Phänetik {f}
phenforminPhenformin {n}
phengite [muscovite, rich in Si]Phengit {m} [Si-reicher Muskovit]
phengophobia Phengophobie {f}
Phenicia [spv.] Phönizien {n}
phenix [spv.] [Am.]Phönix {m}
phenmetrazine [C11H15NO] Phenmetrazin {n}
phenobarbitalPhenobarbital {n}
phenobarbital-induced phenobarbitalinduziert [auch: Phenobarbital-induziert / Phenobarbital induziert]
phenobarbitonePhenobarbiton {n}
phenocopyPhänokopie {f}
phenocrystEinsprengling {m}
phenogenesis Phänogenese {f}
phenogenetics [treated as sg.]Phänogenetik {f}
phenogram Phenogramm {n}
phenogram Phänogramm {n}
phenol [C6H6O]Phenol {n}
phenol acids Phenolsäuren {pl}
phenol oxidase [also: phenoloxidase]Phenoloxidase {f}
phenol poisoningPhenolvergiftung {f}
phenol resin Phenolharz {n}
phenolate Phenolat {n}
phenolglycosidesPhenolglykoside {pl}
phenolic phenolisch
phenolic acidPhenolsäure {f}
phenolic compound Phenolverbindung {f}
phenolic contentPhenolgehalt {m}
phenolic resin Phenolharz {n}
phenolicsPhenole {pl}
phenological clock phänologische Uhr {f}
phenological gardenphänologischer Garten {m}
phenological interception phänologische Interzeption {f}
phenological map phänologische Karte {f}
phenological observationsphänologische Beobachtungen {pl}
phenological phase phänologische Phase {f}
phenologyPhänologie {f}
phenolphthaleinPhenolphthalein {n}
phenols Phenole {pl}
phenolsulfonic acid <PSA> [Am.]Phenolsulfonsäure {f} <PSA>
phenolsulfonphthalein <PSP> [Am.] Phenolsulfonphthalein {n} <PSP>
phenolsulphonic acid <PSA> [Br.]Phenolsulfonsäure {f} <PSA>
« pharpharphasphasphaspheaphenpheophilPhilPhil »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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