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phlegmaticPhlegmatiker {m}
phlegmatic seelenruhig
phlegmatic schwerfällig
phlegmatic schwerblütig
phlegmatic person Phlegmatiker {m}
phlegmatic typePhlegmatiker {m}
phlegmatically phlegmatisch
phlegmon Phlegmone {f}
phlegmon of the floor of the mouth [Angina Ludovici] [Ludwig's angina] Mundbodenphlegmone {f} [Ludwig-Angina]
phlegmonous phlegmonös
phlegmonously phlegmonös
phlegmy phlegmatisch
Phlegraean Fields Phlegräische Felder {pl}
Phlegraean Islands Phlegräische Inseln {pl}
phloem Phloem {n}
phloem Siebteil {m} [Phloem]
phloem anastomosisPhloemanastomose {f}
phloem bundle Phloembündel {n}
phloem cell Phloemzelle {f}
phloem element Phloemelement {n}
phloem feeder Phloemsauger {m}
phloem feeder Phloemsaftsauger {m}
phloem fiber [Am.] Bastfaser {f}
phloem fibre [Br.] Bastfaser {f}
phloem necrosisPhloemnekrose {f} [auch: Phloëmnekrose]
phloem parasite Phloemparasit {m}
phloem parenchyma Phloemparenchym {n}
phloem parenchyma cell Phloemparenchymzelle {f}
phloem ringPhloemring {m}
phloem sap Phloemsaft {m}
phloem transport Phloemtransport {m}
phloem unloading Phloementladung {f}
phloem-sap feeder Phloemsauger {m}
phloem-sap feeder Phloemsaftsauger {m}
phloeophagousphlöophag [sich von Rinde und Bastgewebe ernährend]
Phloeostichidae [family of beetles, in the suborder Polyphaga] Ahornplattkäfer {pl}
Phloeostichidae [family of beetles, in the suborder Polyphaga] Rindenplattkäfer {pl}
phlogisticsPhlogistika {pl}
phlogiston Phlogiston {n}
phlogistonWärmestoff {m}
phlogiston theory Phlogistontheorie {f}
phlogopite [KMg3(Si3Al)O10(F,OH)2]Phlogopit {m}
Phloiophilidae [family of beetles] Winter-Rindenkäfer {pl} [auch: Winterrindenkäfer]
phloretin [C15H14O5] Phloretin {n}
phlorizin [C21H24O10] Phlorizin {n} [auch: Phloridzin, Phlorrhizin]
phlorotanninsPhlorotannine {pl}
phlox [genus Phlox]Phlox {m}
phlox [Phlox paniculata]Flammenblume {f}
phlox family {sg} [family Polemoniaceae] Sperrkrautgewächse {pl}
phlox family {sg} [family Polemoniaceae]Himmelsleitergewächse {pl}
phloxinophilic phloxinophil
Phnom Penh Phnom Penh {n}
pho [Vietnamese noodle soup] Pho {f} [vietnamesiche Nudelsuppe]
-phobe -phober
-phobe -phobe
-phobe -feind
-phobe [female] -feindin
phobiaPhobie {f}
phobiakrankhafte Angst {f}
phobia of sth.Phobie {f} vor etw. [Dat.]
phobias Phobien {pl}
phobiatic angstgestört
-phobic -phob
phobic phobisch
phobic Phobiker {m}
phobic [female]Phobikerin {f}
phobic postural vertigo <PPV> phobischer Schwankschwindel {m} <PSS>
phobicsPhobiker {pl}
phobics [female] Phobikerinnen {pl}
phobist [rare] Phobiker {m}
phobophobia [fear of phobias] Phobophobie {f} [Angst vor Ängsten]
phobophobic phobophob
Phobos Phobos {m}
phobotaxisPhobotaxis {f}
phocine distemper virus <PDV> Seehund-Staupevirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
phocomeliaPhokomelie {f}
phocomeliaRobbengliedrigkeit {f} [Phokomelie]
phocomelic robbengliedrig
Phocylides (of Miletus)Phokylides {m} (von Milet)
Phoebe Phoibe {f} [auch: Phoebe]
Phoebe Saturn-Mond {m} Phoebe {f} [Saturn IX]
Phoebe Phöbe {f}
phoebe [genus Sayornis]Phoebetyrann {m}
Phoebe ring Phoebe-Ring {m}
Phoebus cartel Phoebuskartell {n}
Phoebus Parnassian [Parnassius phoebus] [butterfly]Alpen-Apollofalter {m}
Phoebus Parnassian [Parnassius phoebus] [butterfly] Alpenapollo {m}
Phoebus Parnassian [Parnassius phoebus] [butterfly] Hochalpen-Apollofalter {m}
Phoebus Parnassian [Parnassius phoebus] [butterfly] Hochalpen-Apollo {m}
Phoenicia Phönizien {n}
« philPhilPhilPhilphilphlePhoephonphonphonphos »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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