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English-German Dictionary

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phoney [coll.]unecht
phoney [coll.] erfunden
phoney [coll.] vorgetäuscht
phoney [coll.] Fälschung {f} [Gegenstand]
phoney [coll.] Schwindler {m}
phoney [coll.]Blüte {f} [ugs.] [falsche Banknote]
phoney [coll.]Scharlatan {m}
phoney [coll.] künstlich [falsch, gefälscht]
phoney [coll.] Blender {m} [ugs.]
phoney [coll.] [insincere] verlogen
phoney [coll.] [pretentious person]Angeber {m} [ugs.] [Wichtigtuer, Scharlatan]
phoney asylum seeker [female]Scheinasylantin {f}
phoney business [coll.]faules Geschäft {n} [ugs.]
phoney ID [coll.]gefälschter Ausweis {m}
phoney money [coll.] falsches Geld {n}
phoney peaceScheinfriede {m}
phoney war [coll.] Sitzkrieg {m}
phoniatrician Phoniater {m}
phoniatrician [female] Phoniaterin {f}
phoniatrics Phoniatrie {f}
phoniatrics [treated as sg.] Stimmheilung {f} [Phoniatrie]
phoniatrics [treated as sg.] Foniatrie {f} [Rsv.]
phoniatrics [treated as sg.]Stimm- und Sprachheilkunde {f} [Phoniatrie]
phoniatristPhoniater {m} [Stimmheiler]
phonic phonisch
phonic fonisch [Rsv.]
phonic wheelphonisches Rad {n}
phonicsPhonetik {f}
phonier [coll.] falscher
phoniesFälschungen {pl}
phoniest [coll.] falscheste
phonily falsch
phoninessFalschheit {f}
phoniness Verlogenheit {f}
phoning telefonierend
phoning [coll.] [telephoning]anklingelnd [regional] [am Telefon]
phono equipment [coll.]Phonogerät {n}
phono plug [RCA plug] Cinchstecker {m} [ugs. für: ungenormte Steckverbinder zur Übertragung von elektrischen Signalen]
phonocardiogram <PCG>Phonokardiogramm {n} <PKG>
phonocardiograph Herzschallschreiber {m}
phonocardiograph Phonokardiograph {m}
phonocardiographic phonokardiographisch
phonocardiographic phonokardiografisch
phonocardiographically phonokardiografisch
phonocardiography <PCG> Phonokardiographie {f} <PKG>
phonocardiography <PCG>Phonokardiografie {f} <PKG>
phonocardiography <PCG> Fonokardiografie {f} [selten]
phonocentrism Phonozentrismus {m}
phonofiddle Strohgeige {f}
phonogram Lautzeichen {n}
phonogramTelefontelegramm {n}
phonogramPhonogramm {n}
phonogram producer Tonträgerhersteller {m}
phonographTonaufzeichnungsgerät {n}
phonograph Grammophon {n} [schweiz. auch {m}]
phonographFonograf {m} [Rsv.]
phonograph Phonograph {m}
phonograph Grammofon {n} [schweiz. auch {m}]
phonograph [Am.] [record player]Plattenspieler {m}
phonograph cylinder Wachswalze {f}
phonograph cylinder Wachszylinder {m}
phonograph cylinder Phonographenwalze {f}
phonograph cylinderPhonographenzylinder {m}
phonograph horn [Am.]Grammophontrichter {m}
phonograph record [Am.] Schallplatte {f}
phonography Phonographie {f}
phonography Fonografie {f} [Rsv.]
phonolite Phonolith {m}
phonolite Klingstein {m}
phonolite rock Phonolithgestein {n}
phonolitic phonolitisch
phonolitic-tephrite phonolithischer Tephrit {m} [auch: Phonotephrit]
phonological phonologisch
phonological fonologisch [Rsv.]
phonological awareness phonologische Bewusstheit {f}
phonological dyslexia phonologische Dyslexie {f}
phonological loop phonologische Schleife {f}
phonological rule phonologische Regel {f}
phonological storephonologischer Speicher {m}
phonologist Phonologe {m}
phonologyPhonologie {f}
phonology Lautbildung {f} [Phonologie]
phonology [phonological system] Lautsystem {n}
phonometerLautstärkemesser {m}
phonometerPhonometer {n}
phonometer Fonometer {n}
phonometryPhonometrie {f}
phonon Phonon {n}
phonon annihilationPhononenvernichtung {f}
phonon branchPhononenzweig {m}
phonon creation Phononenerzeugung {f}
phonon dispersion Phononendispersion {f}
phonon energy Phononenenergie {f}
phonon excitationPhononenanregung {f}
phonon frequencyPhononenfrequenz {f}
phonon scattering Phononenstreuung {f}
« PhilphilphlePhoephonphonphonphosphosphotphot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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