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phosphoric phosphorhaltig
phosphoric phosphorig
phosphoric acid [Acidum phosphoricum] [H3PO4] [E-338]Phosphorsäure {f}
phosphoric acid ester Phosphorsäureester {m}
phosphoric acid ester poisoning Phosphorsäureestervergiftung {f}
phosphoric acid esters Phosphorsäureester {pl}
phosphoric acid fuel cell <PAFC>Phosphorsäure-Brennstoffzelle {f} [Phosphorsäurebrennstoffzelle]
phosphoric esterPhosphorsäureester {m}
phosphorical [archaic] phosphorig
phosphoritePhosphorit {n}
phosphorolysis Phosphorolyse {f}
phosphorous phosphorsauer
phosphorous phosphorig
phosphorous phosphorhaltig
phosphorous acid [H3PO3]phosphorige Säure {f}
phosphorous acid [H3PO3] Phosphonsäure {f}
phosphorous content Phosphorgehalt {m}
phosphorous demand Phosphorbedarf {m}
phosphorous level Phosphorspiegel {m}
phosphorous pentasulfide [Am.] [P4S10] Phosphor(V)-sulfid {n}
phosphorous pentasulfide [Am.] [P4S10] Phosphorpentasulfid {n}
phosphorous requirement Phosphorbedarf {m}
phosphorrösslerite [MgHPO4·7H2O]Phosphorrößlerit {m}
phosphorus <P> Phosphor {m} <P>
phosphorus atom Phosphoratom {n}
phosphorus availability Phosphorverfügbarkeit {f}
phosphorus balancePhosphorhaushalt {m} [auch: Phosphor-Haushalt]
phosphorus bombPhosphorbombe {f}
phosphorus bombPhosphorfliegerbombe {f}
phosphorus bombPhosphor-Fliegerbombe {f}
phosphorus bronze Federbronze {f}
phosphorus budget Phosphorbilanz {f}
phosphorus budget Phosphorhaushalt {m} [auch: Phosphor-Haushalt]
phosphorus buffer [rare] [phosphate buffer] Phosphorpuffer {m} [selten] [Phosphatpuffer]
phosphorus compoundPhosphorverbindung {f}
phosphorus concentrationPhosphorkonzentration {f}
phosphorus contentPhosphorgehalt {m}
phosphorus deficiencyPhosphormangel {m}
phosphorus elimination Phosphatelimination {f}
phosphorus isotopePhosphorisotop {n}
phosphorus oxide Phosphoroxid {n}
phosphorus pentachloride [PCl5]Phosphorpentachlorid {n}
phosphorus pentafluoride [PF5] Phosphorpentafluorid {n}
phosphorus pentoxide [P2O5, P4O10] Phosphorpentoxid {n}
phosphorus pentoxide [P2O5, P4O10]Diphosphorpentoxid {n}
phosphorus poisoning Phosphorvergiftung {f}
phosphorus recovery from agricultural residueslandwirtschaftliche Phosphorrückgewinnung {f}
phosphorus removalPhosphorelimination {f}
phosphorus retention Phosphorretention {f}
phosphorus sorption <P sorption> Phosphorsorption {f}
phosphorus source Phosphorquelle {f}
phosphorus statusPhosphorstatus {m}
phosphorus tribromide [PBr3] Phosphortribromid {n}
phosphorus trichloride [PCl3]Phosphortrichlorid {n}
phosphorus trifluoride [PF3]Phosphortrifluorid {n}
phosphorus triiodide [PI3] Phosphortriiodid {n}
phosphorus trioxide [P4O6] Phosphortrioxid {n}
phosphorus-potassium fertilizer [PK fertilizer] PK-Dünger {m} [Phosphor-/Kalium-Dünger]
phosphorus-rich phosphorreich
phosphorylase Phosphorylase {f}
phosphorylase kinase <PhK> Phosphorylase-Kinase {f}
phosphorylated phosphoryliert
phosphorylating phosphorylierend
phosphorylation Phosphorylierung {f}
phosphorylation reaction Phosphorylierungsreaktion {f}
phosphorylation site Phosphorylierungsstelle {f}
phosphorylation state Phosphorylierungsstatus {m}
phosphorylative phosphorylierend
phosphorylcholine <PC>Phosphorylcholin {n} <PC>
phosphorylethanolaminePhosphorethanolamin {n}
phosphoserine Phosphoserin {n}
phosphosiderite [FePO4·2H2O] Phosphosiderit {m}
phosphosphingolipid Phosphosphingolipid {n}
phosphothreonine Phosphothreonin {n}
phosphotransacetylase Phosphotransacetylase {f}
phosphotransferase Phosphotransferase {f}
phosphotyrosine Phosphotyrosin {n}
phosphovanadylite-Ba [(Ba,Ca)0.5 [(PO4)2|(V,Al)4(OH,O)8]·12H2O]Phosphovanadylit-Ba {m}
phosphovanadylite-Ca [Ca [V4P2O10(OH)6]·12H2O]Phosphovanadylit-Ca {m}
phosphowalpurgite [(UO2)Bi4O4(PO4)2·2H2O] Phosphowalpurgit {m}
phosphuranylite [KCa(H3O)3(UO2)7(PO4)4O4·8H2O] Phosphuranylit {m}
phosphuretted hydrogen gasPhosphorwasserstoffgas {n}
phot- Photo- / Foto-
phot <ph> Phot {n} <ph> [alte Leuchtstärkeeinheit]
photian schism morgenländisches Schisma {n}
Photian schismPhotius-Schisma {n}
photic sneeze reflex photischer Niesreflex {m}
photic zone photische Zone {f}
Photinians Photinianer {pl}
photino <γ͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] Photino {n} <γ͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen]
photism Photismus {m}
photoFoto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
photoFotografie {f} [Foto]
photo Lichtbild {n} [veraltend für: Foto, amtssprachlich für: Passbild]
photo Photographie {f}
photo Aufnahme {f}
« phoephonphonphonphosphosphotphotphotphotphot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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