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photoBrustaufnahme {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Lichtbild]
photo [attr.] [e.g. album, archives, artist, competition, equipment]Foto- [z. B. Album, Archiv, Künstler, Wettbewerb, Ausrüstung]
photo [attr.] [e.g. database, editor, journalist, material] Bild- [Foto-] [z. B. Datenbank, Redakteur, Journalist, Material]
photo- [relating to light] Photo- / Foto- [Licht-]
photo- [relating to light] photo- / foto- [licht-]
photo / photograph of criminalVerbrecherfoto {n}
photo / photograph of suspected criminalVerbrecherfoto {n}
photo 51Foto {n} 51
photo albumFotoalbum {n}
photo albumsFotoalben {pl}
photo amplifier Fotoverstärker {m} [Rsv.]
photo amplifierPhotoverstärker {m}
photo archives {pl}Fotoarchiv {n}
photo art Fotokunst {f}
photo artist Fotokünstler {m}
photo artist [female] Fotokünstlerin {f}
photo backpackFotorucksack {m}
photo bag [Am.]Fototasche {f}
photo boardFototafel {f}
photo booth Passfotoautomat {m}
photo booth Fotoautomat {m}
photo boothFotokabine {f}
photo booth Passbildautomat {m}
photo cakeFotokuchen {m}
photo callFototermin {m}
photo camera Fotokamera {f}
photo catalogueFotokatalog {m}
photo cellFotozelle {f}
photo cell Photozelle {f}
photo chemistryFotochemie {f}
photo collage Fotocollage {f}
photo collectionFotosammlung {f}
photo comp [coll.] [photographic composition]Filmsatz {m} [Druckverfahren]
photo competition Fotowettbewerb {m}
photo compositionFotomontage {f}
photo composition Lichtsatz {m}
photo contestFotowettbewerb {m}
photo corners Fotoecken {pl}
photo coverage Fotoreportage {f}
photo coverage Bildberichterstattung {f}
photo creditFotocredit {m} [auch: Foto-Credit]
photo credit Urhebernachweis {m} [Fotocredit]
photo credits {pl}Bildnachweis {m} [Fotonachweis]
photo credits {pl}Fotonachweis {m}
photo database Bilddatenbank {f}
photo design Fotodesign {n} [auch: Foto-Design]
photo designer Fotodesigner {m}
photo designer [female] Fotodesignerin {f}
photo detector Fotozelle {m}
photo detector <PD> Fotodetektor {m}
photo diodeFotodiode {f}
photo diodePhotodiode {f}
photo documentation Fotodokumentation {f}
photo editor Bildredakteur {m}
photo editor [female]Bildredakteurin {f}
photo equipmentFotoausrüstung {f}
photo essay Fotoreportage {f}
photo exhibitionFotoausstellung {f}
photo exhibition Photoausstellung {f} [Rsv.]
photo festival Fotofestival {n}
photo finish [athletics, horse racing] Fotofinish {n}
photo finish cameraZielkamera {f}
photo flashFotoblitz {m}
photo frame Fotorahmen {m}
photo from the archivesArchivbild {n}
photo galleryBildstrecke {f}
photo gallery Fotostrecke {f}
photo gallery Fotogalerie {f}
photo galleryBilderstrecke {f}
photo gear [coll.] [photo equipment] Fotoausrüstung {f}
photo hunt [coll.]Fotopirsch {f} [ugs.]
photo ID Lichtbildausweis {m}
photo ideaFotoidee {f}
photo identification Lichtbildausweis {m}
photo in the newspaper Zeitungsfoto {n}
photo interpreter [apparatus]Bildauswertungsgerät {n}
photo interpreter [personnel]Bildauswerter {m}
photo journalismFotojournalismus {m}
photo journalismPhotojournalismus {m}
photo journalistFotojournalist {m}
photo journalist Bildjournalist {m}
photo journalist [female] Fotojournalistin {f}
photo journalist [female] Bildjournalistin {f}
photo kiosk Fotokiosk {m}
photo lab [coll.] Fotolabor {n}
photo lab technicianFotolaborant {m}
photo lab technician [female] Fotolaborantin {f}
photo laboratory Fotolabor {n}
photo letteringLichtsatz {m}
photo libraryFotoarchiv {n}
photo library Fotothek {f}
photo libraryPhotothek {f}
photo lithography Fotolithographie {f}
photo manipulationFotomanipulation {f}
photo marketBildermarkt {m} [für Fotografien]
photo material Bildmaterial {n}
photo modelFotomodell {n}
photo mosaicFotomosaik {n}
photo motifFotomotiv {n} [Darstellung, z. B. als Aufdruck]
photo mount [also: photo-mount]Passepartout {n} {m} [eines Photos]
« phonphonphonphosphosphotphotphotphotphotphot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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