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English-German Dictionary

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photoelectric scanning lichtelektrische Abtastung {f}
photoelectric sensorLichtschranke {f}
photoelectrical photoelektrisch
photoelectrical fotoelektrisch
photoelectrical lichtelektrisch
photoelectrochemical photoelektrochemisch
photoelectrochemical cell <PEC> photoelektrochemische Zelle {f} [auch engl. Abk.: PEC]
photoelectrochemical process photoelektrochemischer Prozess {m}
photoelectrochemistryPhotoelektrochemie {f}
photoelectronPhotoelektron {n}
photoelectron spectroscopy Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie {f}
photoelectron spectroscopy <PES> Photoelektronenspektroskopie {f} <PES>
photoemissionFotoemission {f}
photoemission Photoemission {f}
photoemission electron microscopy <PEEM>Photoelektronenmikroskopie {f} <PEEM>
photoemission spectroscopy <PES> Photoemissionsspektroskopie {f} <PES>
photoemitter Fotoemitter {m}
photoemitter Photoemitter {m}
photoengraving Lichtdruck {m}
photoepilation Photoepilation {f}
photo-etched partsFotoätzteile {pl}
photo-etching Fotoätzen {n}
photoevaporation Photoevaporation {f}
photo-finish camera Zielkamera {f} [Zielbildfotografie]
photo-finish cameraZielbildkamera {f}
photofit [Br.] Phantombild {n}
photoflash Blitzlicht {n}
photoflash lamp Blitzgerät {n}
photoflood (lamp) Jupiterlampe {f}
photofluorogram Röntgenschirmbild {n}
photofluorogram Röntgenschirmbildaufnahme {f}
photofluorographicröntgenbildschirmdarstellend [fluorografisch]
photofluorographic procedure Schirmbildaufnahmeverfahren {n}
photofluorography Röntgenschirmbildfotografie {f}
photofluorography Röntgenschirmbildaufnahmeverfahren {n}
photofluorographyRöntgenschirmbildphotographie {f}
photogalvanic cellphotogalvanische Zelle {f}
photogeneration cellPhotogenerationszelle {f}
photogenic photogen [Rsv.]
photogenic bacteria lichterzeugende Bakterien {pl}
photogenically fotogen
photogenicity Fotogenität {f}
photogenicityPhotogenität {f} [Rsv.]
photogeology Luftbildgeologie {f}
photogram Fotogramm {n}
photogrammetric surveyfotogrammetrische Vermessung {f}
photogrammetrical 3D documentationphotogrammetrische 3D-Dokumentation {f}
photogrammetrically photogrammetrisch
photogrammetry Messbildverfahren {n}
photogrammetry Fotogrammetrie {f}
photogrammetryPhotogrammetrie {f}
photogrammetry Bildmessung {f}
photogramsFotogramme {pl}
photograph Aufnahme {f}
photograph Foto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
photographFotografie {f}
photograph fotografische Aufnahme {f}
photograph Lichtbild {n} [veraltend für: Foto, amtssprachlich für: Passbild]
photograph Photo {n}
photograph Fotoaufnahme {f}
photograph [printed on paper] Papierbild {n}
photograph album Fotoalbum {n}
photograph albumsFotoalben {pl}
photograph collectionFotosammlung {f}
photograph of the holder Lichtbild {n} des Inhabers
photographed fotografiert
photographed abfotografiert
photographed upskirt [coll.] [up-skirt photograph] unter den Rock fotografiert [ugs.] [Upskirt-Foto]
photographerFotograf {m}
photographer Photograph {m}
photographerBildautor {m}
photographer [female] Fotografin {f}
photographer [female]Photographin {f}
photographers Fotografen {pl}
photographers Photographen {pl}
photographer's Photoatelier {n}
photographers [female] Photographinnen {pl}
photographers [female] Fotografinnen {pl}
photographers' briefingFotografen-Briefing {n}
photographer's pit Fotograben {m}
photographer's salon Fotoatelier {n}
photographer's studio Fotoatelier {n}
photographic accessories {pl}Fotozubehör {n}
photographic agencyFotoagentur {f}
photographic (air) reconnaissance Luftbildaufklärung {f} <Lubi>
photographic album Photoalbum {n}
photographic archives {pl} Fotoarchiv {n}
photographic artFotokunst {f}
photographic artistFotokünstler {m}
photographic artist [female] Fotokünstlerin {f}
photographic chemicalsFotochemikalien {pl}
« phosphosphotphotphotphotphotphotphotphotphot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers