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English-German Dictionary

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photolysis Photolyse {f}
photolysis Fotolyse {f}
photolytic photolytisch
photomacrographyMakrofotografie {f}
photomacrography Makrophotographie {f}
photomagnetic photomagnetisch
photomagnetic fotomagnetisch
photomagnetism Photomagnetismus {m}
photomap Luftbildplan {m}
photomaskFotomaske {f}
photomasking Fotomaskierung {f}
photomechanic infrared sensor photomechanischer Infrarotsensor {m}
photomechanical fotomechanisch
photomechanically photomechanisch
photomechanically fotomechanisch
photomechanics [usually treated as sg.]Photomechanik {f}
photometer Fotometer {n}
photometer Lichtmesser {m}
photometer Photometer {n}
photometric fotometrisch
photometric photometrisch
photometric brightnessLeuchtdichte {f}
photometric stereo photometrisches Stereo {n}
photometric system photometrisches System {n}
photometric system [photometry system]Photometriesystem {n}
photometric units photometrische Einheiten {pl}
photometries Lichtstärkemessungen {pl}
photometryLichtstärkemessung {f}
photometry Fotometrie {f}
photometry Photometrie {f}
photometry Lichtmessung {f}
photometry system Photometriesystem {n}
photomicrograph Mikroaufnahme {f}
photomicrographMikrophotographie {f}
photomicrographic microscope Mikroskop {n} mit Fotozusatz
photomontageFotomontage {f}
photomorphogenesis Photomorphogenese {f}
photomorphogenetically photomorphogenetisch
photomorphosis Photomorphose {f}
photomosaicFotomosaik {n}
photomosaic [photomap] Luftbildplan {m}
Photomultiplier Photomultiplier {m}
PhotomultiplierFotomultiplier {m}
photomultiplierFotoelektronenvervielfacher {m}
photomultiplier Photoelektronenvervielfacher {m}
photomultiplier tube <PMT> Photomultiplier-Röhre {f}
photomultiplier tube <PMT>Photoelektronenvervielfacher {m}
photomultiplier (tube) Photovervielfacher {m} [kurz für: Photoelektronenvervielfacher]
photomutagenic photomutagen
photon Photon {n}
photon absorption Photonenabsorption {f}
photon correlation spectroscopy <PCS> Photonenkorrelationsspektroskopie {f} <PKS>
photon detector Photonendetektor {m}
photon diffusion Photonendiffusion {f}
photon diffusion equation Photonendiffusionsgleichung {f}
photon emissionPhotonenemission {f}
photon emissionPhotonenabstrahlung {f}
photon energy Photonenenergie {f}
photon fluence rate <PFR> Photonenflussrate {f}
photon flux density <PFD>Photonenflussdichte {f} <PFD>
photon hypothesis of Einstein einsteinsche Lichtquantenhypothese {f}
photon irradiationPhotonenbestrahlung {f}
photon number Photonenzahl {f}
photonastic photonastisch
photonastyPhotonastie {f}
photonic band gap <PBG> photonische Bandlücke {f}
photonic crystalphotonischer Kristall {m}
photonic crystal fiber [Am.]photonische Kristallfaser {f}
photonic crystal fibre [Br.] photonische Kristallfaser {f}
photonics Photonik {f}
photonicsFotonik {f}
photon-induced photoneninduziert
photons Photonen {pl}
photonuclear reaction [effect]Kernphotoeffekt {m}
photo-optical fotografisch
photo-optical fotooptisch
photo-optical storage optische Speicherung {f}
photooptical system photooptisches System {n}
photooxidant Photooxidans {n}
photooxidants Photooxidantien {pl}
photo-oxidation Photooxidation {f}
photopatternable photostrukturierbar
photoperception Lichtwahrnehmung {f}
photoperceptive photoperzeptiv
photoperiod Photoperiode {f}
photoperiod Licht-Dunkel-Periode {f}
photoperiodically fotoperiodisch
photoperiodicity Photoperiodizität {f}
photoperiodism Photoperiodismus {m}
« photphotphotphotphotphotphotphotphotphrephyc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers