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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 298 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
photovoltaic modulePhotovoltaikelement {n}
photovoltaic panel Photovoltaikmodul {n}
photovoltaic parkPhotovoltaik-Park {m}
photovoltaic plant Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk {n}
photovoltaic power plantPhotovoltaikanlage {f} <PV-Anlage> [Solarkraftwerk]
photo-voltaic system Photovoltaik-System {n}
photovoltaic system Photovoltaikanlage {f}
photovoltaic systemFotovoltaikanlage {f}
photovoltaic technologyFotovoltaiktechnologie {f}
photovoltaic technology Photovoltaiktechnologie {f}
photovoltaics [treated as sg.] <PV> Photovoltaik {f} <PV>
photovoltaics <PV> Fotovoltaik {f} [Rsv.]
photovoltaics company Photovoltaikunternehmen {n}
phragmaScheidewand {f}
Phragmatobia luctifera [syn.: Epatolmis caesarea] [tiger moth species] Kaiserbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Phragmatobia luctifera [syn.: Epatolmis caesarea] [tiger moth species] Trauerbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Phragmite [genus Phragmites] Schilfrohr {n}
phragmobasidial phragmobasidial
phragmobasidial Phragmobasidien-
phragmobasidiumPhragmobasidie {f}
phragmoconePhragmokon {m}
phragmocone Phragmocon {m}
phragmocone Phragmoconus {m}
phragmoplast Phragmoplast {m}
phrasal Ausdrucks-
phrasal verb Verb {n} plus Partikel [Präposition oder Adverb]
phrase Ausdruck {m}
phrasekurzer Satz {m}
phrasePhrase {f} [auch mus.]
phrase Redensart {f}
phrase Redewendung {f}
phrase Satz {m} [meist grammatikal. unvollständig]
phrase Satzglied {n}
phrase Schlagwort {n}
phraseSprechtakt {m}
phraseWortverbindung {f}
phraseSatzteil {m}
phrase Zusatz {m}
phrase Wendung {f}
phrase accent Phrasenakzent {m}
phrase bookSammlung {f} von Redewendungen
phrase book Sprachführer {m} [Buch]
phrase mongerPhrasendrescher {m}
phrase monger [female]Phrasendrescherin {f}
phrase mongersPhrasendrescher {pl}
phrase mongers [female]Phrasendrescherinnen {pl}
phrase of civility Höflichkeitsfloskel {f}
phrase structure grammar Phrasenstrukturgrammatik {f}
phrase tone Phrasenton {m}
phrasebookSammlung {f} von Redewendungen
phrased in general terms [text, etc.]allgemein gehalten [Text usw.]
phrasemakerPhrasendrescher {m}
phrasemePhrasem {n}
phrasemonger Phrasendrescher {m} [pej.]
phrase-mongerSchmock {m} [veraltet]
phrasemonger [female] Phrasendrescherin {f}
phrasemongeringPhrasendrescherei {f}
phrasemongers Phrasendrescher {pl}
phrasemongers [female] Phrasendrescherinnen {pl}
phraseological dictionary phraseologisches Wörterbuch {n}
phraseologism Phraseologismus {m}
phraseology Ausdrucksweise {f}
phraseologyPhraseologie {f}
phraseologySammlung {f} von Redewendungen
phraseologyRedeweise {f}
phraseology dictionary Phraseologiewörterbuch {n}
phraseology dictionary Phraseologie-Wörterbuch {n}
phrasesPhrasen {pl}
phrasing Phrasierung {f}
phrasing Formulierung {f}
phrasingAusdrucksweise {f}
phrasingStil {m}
phrasing [legato slurs in sheet music]Bogensetzung {f} [Legatobogen in Partituren]
phrasing element [HTML text]Phrasenelement {n}
phrasing of a letterBriefgestaltung {f}
phrasing of a letterBriefstil {m}
phrasing slur [also: phrasing mark] Phrasierungsbogen {m}
phratry Phratrie {f}
phreakerPhreaker {m} [Hacker in Telefonnetzen]
phreakingPhreaking {n}
phreatic aquifier phreatischer Grundwasserleiter {m}
phreatic eruption phreatischer Ausbruch {m}
phreatic eruption phreatische Eruption {f}
phreatic eruption hydrovulkanische Dampfexplosion {f}
phreatic eruption hydromagmatische Dampfexplosion {f}
phreatic explosionphreatische Explosion {f}
phreatic fluctuationSchwankung {f} des Grundwasserspiegels
phreatic headStandrohrspiegelhöhe {f}
phreatic level Grundwasserspiegel {m}
phreatic spring Grundwasserquelle {f}
phreatic spring phreatische Quelle {f}
phreatic water phreatisches Grundwasser {n}
phreatomagmatic eruptionphreatomagmatische Eruption {f}
phreatophyte Phreatophyt {m}
« photphotphotphotphotphotphrephycphylphysphys »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers