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phycology Algenkunde {f}
phycology Phykologie {f} [Algenkunde, Algologie]
phycologyAlgologie {f}
phycomycetePhykomyzet {m}
phycomycosisPhykomykose {f}
phycomycosisPhykomyzetose {f}
phycoplast Phycoplast {m}
phycosphere Phykosphäre {f}
phycotoxin Phycotoxin {n} [Algengift]
phyla Stämme {pl}
phyla {pl}Phyla {pl}
phylacobiosis Phylakobiose {f}
phylacteries Gebetsriemen {pl}
phylacteriesPhylakterien {pl}
phylactery Phylakterion {n}
phylacteryGebetsriemen {m}
phylacteryPhylakterium {n}
Phylacus Phylakos {m}
phyle [clan organization in ancient Greece, esp. Athens] Phyle {f}
phyletic transformation phyletische Evolution {f}
phyletic transformation Anagenese {f}
phyletism Phyletismus {m}
phyllariesPhyllarien {pl}
phyllids [family Phyllidiidae]Warzenschnecken {pl} [Marine Nacktschnecken]
Phylliroe bucephala [syn.: P. bucephalum] [marine nudibranch in the family Phylliroidae]Beilschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
phyllite Phyllit {m}
phyllite Tonglimmerschiefer {m}
phyllo pastry Filoteig {m}
phyllo (pastry)Blätterteig {m}
phyllobiology Phyllobiologie {f}
phyllobranch gills Phyllobranchien {pl}
phyllobranchiaPhyllobranchien {pl}
phyllobranchiate gillsPhyllobranchien {pl}
phyllobranchsPhyllobranchien {pl}
phylloclad Phyllokladium {n}
phylloclade Phyllokladium {n}
phylloclade Phyllocladium {n}
phyllocladium Phyllokladium {n}
phyllodium Blattstielblatt {n}
phyllodulcin [C16H14O5] Phyllodulcin {n}
phylloidPhylloid {n}
phylloid blattartig
phylloid blattförmig
phylloides tumor <PT> [Am.] Phylloidestumor {m} <PT>
phylloides tumour <PT> [Br.] Phylloidestumor {m} <PT>
phyllophage Phyllophage {m}
phyllophore Phyllophor {n}
phyllopod Phyllopode {m} [niederer Krebs, z. B. Wasserfloh]
phyllopod Blattfüßer {m} [Phyllopode]
phyllopodanPhyllopode {m} [niederer Krebs, z. B. Wasserfloh]
phylloquinonePhyllochinon {n}
phyllosilicatePhyllosilikat {n}
phyllosilicate Schichtsilikat {n}
phyllosilicatesSchichtsilikate {pl}
phyllosilicates Phyllosilikate {pl}
phyllospherePhyllosphäre {f}
phyllosporous phyllospor
phyllotactic phyllotaktisch
phyllotaxis Phyllotaxis {f}
phyllotaxis Blattstellung {f}
phyllotaxy Phyllotaxis {f}
phyllotaxy Blattstellung {f}
phyllotungstite [CaFe3H(WO4)6·10H2O] Phyllotungstit {m}
phylloxera [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix]Reblaus {f}
phylloxera [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix] Phylloxera {f}
phyllozooid Phyllozooid {n}
phylogenesis Phylogenese {f}
phylogenetic stammesgeschichtlich
phylogenetic analysisVerwandtschaftsanalyse {f} [phylogenetische Untersuchung]
phylogenetic analysis phylogenetische Analyse {f}
phylogenetic historyStammesgeschichte {f}
phylogenetic species concept phylogenetisches Artkonzept {n}
phylogenetic tree phylogenetischer Baum {m}
phylogenetical phylogenetisch
phylogenetically phylogenetisch
phylogeneticist Phylogenetiker {m}
phylogeneticist [female]Phylogenetikerin {f}
phylogenetics [treated as sg.] Phylogenetik {f}
phylogeniesStammgeschichten {pl}
phylogenomic phylogenomisch
phylogenomics [treated as sg.]Phylogenomik {f}
phylogeny Stammesgeschichte {f}
phylogeny Phylogenie {f}
phylogeny program [Am.]Phylogenieprogramm {n}
phylogeny reconstruction Phylogenierekonstruktion / Phylogenie-Rekonstruktion {f}
phylogeographic phylogeographisch
phylogeographical phylogeographisch
phylogeography Phylogeographie {f}
phylogeographyPhylogeografie {f}
phylospecies Phylospezies {f}
phylotranscriptome Phylotranskriptom {n}
phylotranscriptomic phylotranskriptomisch
phylotranscriptomics [treated as sg.]Phylotranskriptomik {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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