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physicalist [female] Physikalistin {f}
physicalistic physikalistisch
physicality Körperlichkeit {f}
physically physikalisch
physically physisch
physically körperlich
physically vom Aussehen her
physically abnormal physisch anomal
physically and mentally physisch und psychisch
physically based rendering <PBR>physikalisch basiertes Rendering {n} <PBR>
physically challenged [also hum.] körperbehindert
physically cohesive property räumlich zusammenhängender Grundbesitz {m}
physically demanding körperlich anstrengend
physically demanding körperlich belastend
physically dependent körperlich abhängig
physically disabled körperbehindert
physically disabled bewegungsbehindert
physically disabledkörperlich behindert
physically disabled man [specifically in the lower extremities] Gehbehinderter {m}
physically disabled person Körperbehinderter {m}
physically disabled (person) [accident victim or war casualty]Versehrter {m}
physically fitkörperlich fit
physically handicapped körperbehindert
physically handicapped körperlich behindert
physically handicapped person Körperbehinderter {m}
physicalnessKörperlichkeit {f}
physicals Untersuchungen {pl}
physician Arzt {m}
physician Mediziner {m}
physician [female]Ärztin {f}
physician by trainingausgebildeter Arzt {m}
physician factors <PF> arztseitige Faktoren {pl}
physician finger [Digitus annularis, Digitus medicus, Digitus Medicinalis, Digitus IV]Arztfinger {m} [auch: Ärztefinger]
physician group vehicleArzttruppkraftwagen {m} <ATrKW> [Katastrophenschutz]
Physician, heal thyself! Kehr erstmal vor deiner eigenen Haustür!
physician in charge behandelnder Arzt {m}
physician in charge [female]behandelnde Ärztin {f}
physician in private practice niedergelassener Arzt {m}
physician of the fleet Flottenarzt {m}
physician sample Ärztemuster {n}
physician staffing agency Ärztevermittlung {f}
physician stool Arzthocker {m}
physician-assisted suicide ärztliche Suizidbeihilfe {f}
physician-directed ärztlich verordnet
physician-patient consultationArzt-Patienten-Gespräch {n}
physician-patient privilege Arztgeheimnis {n}
physician-patient relations {pl} Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung {f}
physician-patient talk Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch {n}
physicians Ärzte {pl}
physicians [female]Ärztinnen {pl}
physician's assistantArzthelfer {m}
physician's assistant [female]Arzthelferin {f}
physician's certificate of medical treatment ärztlicher Behandlungsschein {m}
physician's letterArztbrief {m}
physician's microscope Arztmikroskop {n}
physician's secretary [female] Arztsekretärin {f}
physicians shortage [also: physicians' shortage] Ärztemangel {m}
physician's stool Arzthocker {m}
(physician's) everyday practice Praxisalltag {m}
physicistPhysiker {m}
physicist [female] Physikerin {f}
physicistsPhysiker {pl}
physic-nut tree [Jatropha curcas] Purgiernussbaum {m}
physicochemical physikalisch-chemisch
physico-chemical physikalisch-chemisch
physico-chemical physisch-chemisch
physico-chemical shelf life physikalisch-chemische Haltbarkeit {f}
physico-chemist [also: physicochemist] Physikochemiker {m}
physico-chemist [female] [also: physicochemist] Physikochemikerin {f}
physico-theologian Physikotheologe {m}
physico-theological physikotheologisch
physico-theological proof of Godphysiktheologischer Gottesbeweis {m}
physico-theology Physikotheologie {f}
physics [treated as sg.] Physik {f}
physics book Physikbuch {n}
physics examPhysikprüfung {f}
physics experiment Physikexperiment {n}
Physics has never been my strong point. Physik ist nie meine Stärke gewesen.
physics instructionPhysikunterricht {m} [Lehre]
physics lab Physiksaal {m}
physics lessonPhysikstunde {f}
physics lesson Physikunterricht {m} [Physikstunde]
physics of atoms and quanta Atom- und Quantenphysik {f}
physics of condensed matter Physik {f} der kondensierten Materie
Physics Olympiad Physikolympiade {f}
physics program [Am.] Physikprogramm {n}
physics programme [Br.]Physikprogramm {n}
physics roomPhysiksaal {m}
physics room Physikraum {m}
physics teacherPhysiklehrer {m}
physics teacher [female]Physiklehrerin {f}
Physics was never my strong point. Physik ist nie meine Stärke gewesen.
physics-informed neural network <PINN> physikinformiertes neuronales Netz {n} <PINN>
physio [coll.]Physiotherapeut {m}
physio [coll.] [physiotherapist]Physio {m} [ugs.] [Physiotherapeut]
physio [coll.] [physiotherapist]Betreuer {m}
physio fish [Garra rufa] Rötliche Saugbarbe {f}
« phrephycphysphysphysphysphysphysphytphytpian »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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