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English-German Dictionary

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phytomass Phytomasse {f}
phytomass production Phytomasseproduktion {f}
phytomedicinePhytomedizin {f}
phytomedicine Kräutermedizin {f}
phytomedicinePflanzenmedizin {f}
phytomedicinePflanzenheilkunde {f}
phytominingPhytomining {n}
phytomitogensPhytomitogene {pl}
phytomorphologistPhytomorphologe {m}
phytomorphology Phytomorphologie {f}
phytonadionePhytonadion {n}
phytoncidePhytonzid {n}
phytonematology Phytonematologie {f}
phytoneuston Phytoneuston {n}
phytonomyPhytonomie {f}
phytonutrientPhytonährstoff {m}
phyto-oestrogen [Br.] Phytoöstrogen {n}
phytopalaeontological [Br.]phytopaläontologisch
phytopalaeontology [Br.] Phytopaläontologie {f}
phytopaleontological [Am.] phytopaläontologisch
phytopaleontology [Am.]Phytopaläontologie {f}
phytoparasite Phytoparasit {m}
phytoparasitism Phytoparasitismus {m}
phytopathogenic phytopathogen
phytopathologist Phytopathologe {m}
phytopathologist [female]Phytopathologin {f}
phytopathology Phytopathologie {f}
phytopathologyLehre {f} der Pflanzenkrankheiten
phytophage Phytophage {m}
phytophage species Phytophagenart {f}
phytophagic pflanzenfressend
phytophagous pflanzenfressend
phytophagous phytophag
phytophagyPhytophagie {f}
phytopharmaceutical (agent)Phytopharmakum {n}
phytopharmaceuticals Phytopharmaka {pl}
phytopharmacologyPhytopharmakologie {f}
phytopharmacy Phytopharmazie {f}
phytophilic phytophil
phytophilous phytophil
phytophotodermatitis <PPD>Phytophotodermatitis {f} <PPD>
phytophototoxic dermatitis [Photodermatitis phytogenica] phytophototoxische Dermatitis {f}
phytophysiological pflanzenphysiologisch
phytophysiology Phytophysiologie {f}
phytoplanktivorous Phytoplankton fressend
phytoplankton Phytoplankton {n}
phytoplankton abundance Phytoplanktonabundanz {f}
phytoplankton algae Phytoplanktonalgen {pl}
phytoplankton biomass Phytoplanktonbiomasse {f}
phytoplankton bloomPhytoplanktonblüte {f}
phytoplankton cellsPhytoplanktonzellen {pl}
phytoplankton community Phytoplanktongemeinschaft {f}
phytoplankton composition Phytoplanktonzusammensetzung {f}
phytoplankton culturePhytoplanktonkultur {f}
phytoplankton developmentPhytoplanktonentwicklung {f} [auch: Phytoplankton-Entwicklung]
phytoplankton eater Phytoplanktonfresser {m}
phytoplankton ecology Phytoplanktonökologie {f} [auch: Phytoplankton-Ökologie]
phytoplankton growthPhytoplanktonwachstum {n}
phytoplankton net Phytoplanktonnetz {n}
phytoplankton populationPhytoplanktonpopulation {f}
phytoplankton production Phytoplanktonproduktion {f}
phytoplankton sample Phytoplanktonprobe {f}
phytoplankton species Phytoplanktonart {f}
phytoplankton successionPhytoplanktonsukzession {f}
phytopneumoconiosis Phytopneumokoniose {f}
phytoremediation Phytosanierung {f}
phytoremediation Phytoremediation {f}
phytosanitary phytosanitär
phytosanitary pflanzenschutzrechtlich
phytosaprophagous phytosaprophag
phytosisPhytose {f}
phytosociological pflanzensoziologisch
phytosociological phytosoziologisch
phytosociologically pflanzensoziologisch
phytosociologyPflanzensoziologie {f}
phytosociology Phytosoziologie {f}
phytosphere Phytosphäre {f}
phytosphingosine Phytosphingosin {n}
phytostabilization Phytostabilisierung {f}
phytosterol Phytosterol {n}
phytosterol Phytosterin {n}
phytosterolaemia [Br.]Phytosterolämie {f}
phytosterolemia [Am.]Phytosterolämie {f}
phytosuccivorous phytosug
phytotechnology Phytotechnologie {f}
phytotelmaPhytotelma {n}
phytotherapeutic phytotherapeutisch
phytotherapeutic (agent) Phytotherapeutikum {n}
phytotherapeutic agents Phytotherapeutika {pl}
phytotherapeutics Phytotherapeutika {pl}
phytotherapy Phytotherapie {f}
phytotomy Phytotomie {f}
« physphysphysphysphysphytphytpianpic[pickpick »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers