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piano maker Klavierbauer {m}
piano maker [female] Klavierbauerin {f}
piano makingKlavierbau {m}
piano manufacturer Klavierfabrikant {m}
piano manufacturing Klavierbau {m}
piano marketKlaviermarkt {m}
piano musicKlaviermusik {f}
piano musicKlavierspiel {n}
piano music Pianomusik {f}
piano part Klavierstimme {f}
piano part Klavierpart {m}
piano pedalKlavierpedal {n}
piano performance Klaviervortrag {m}
piano performance Klavierspiel {n}
piano pieceKlavierstück {n}
piano playerKlavierspieler {m}
piano player [female] Klavierspielerin {f}
piano player [female] Pianistin {f}
piano player [pianist] Pianist {m}
piano player extraordinaire Ausnahmepianist {m}
piano playing Klavierspiel {n}
piano playingPianospiel {n}
piano playing Klavierspielen {n}
piano professorKlavierprofessor {m}
piano professor [female] Klavierprofessorin {f}
piano quartet Klavierquartett {n}
piano quintet Klavierquintett {n}
piano recital Klavierkonzert {n} [Aufführung, Vortrag]
piano recital Klaviervortrag {m}
piano recital [in the evening] Klavierabend {m}
piano reduction [of an orchestral score]Klavierauszug {m}
piano rental shop Klavierverleih {m} [Geschäft]
piano repertoireKlavierrepertoire {n}
piano roll [for player piano] Notenrolle {f} [für mechanische Musikinstrumente]
piano score Klavierpartitur {f}
piano scoreKlavierauszug {m}
piano setting Klaviersatz {m}
piano sheet music {sg}Klaviernoten {pl}
piano shop Klavierladen {m}
piano solo Klaviersolo {n}
piano sonata Klaviersonate {f}
piano soundKlavierklang {m}
piano stool Klavierhocker {m}
piano stool Klavierstuhl {m}
piano stool Klavierbank {f}
piano stool Klavierschemel {m}
piano string Klaviersaite {f}
piano stringsKlaviersaiten {pl}
piano student Klavierschüler {m}
piano student [female] Klavierschülerin {f}
piano studies {pl} Klavierausbildung {f}
piano teacherKlavierlehrer {m}
piano teacher Klavierpädagoge {m}
piano teacher [female]Klavierlehrerin {f}
piano teacher [female] Klavierpädagogin {f}
piano technicianKlaviertechniker {m}
piano technician [female] Klaviertechnikerin {f}
piano techniqueKlaviertechnik {f}
piano trioKlaviertrio {n}
piano tuner Klavierstimmer {m}
piano tunerKlavier- und Flügelstimmer {m}
piano tuner [female]Klavierstimmerin {f}
piano tuners Klavierstimmer {pl}
piano tutor [Br.] [book of instruction] Klavierschule {f} [Lehrwerk]
piano virtuoso Tastenvirtuose {m} [am Klavier]
piano virtuosoKlaviervirtuose {m}
piano wireStahldraht {m}
piano wireKlaviersaitendraht {m}
piano wireKlavierdraht {m}
piano wire Pianodraht {m}
piano works Klavierwerke {pl}
[piano]Clavier {n} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Klavier]
(piano) fall boardTastenklappe {f} [Klavier]
pianoforte Hammerklavier {n}
pianofortePianoforte {n}
pianolaPianola {n}
piano-manufacturing companyPianofortefabrik {f}
pianos Klaviere {pl}
pianowood [Dalbergia nigra] Rio-Palisander {m}
piapiac [Ptilostomus afer] Piapia {f}
piapiac [Ptilostomus afer] Spitzschwanzelster {f}
Piarist churchPiaristenkirche {f}
Piarists <Sch. P.>Piaristen {pl}
piassava Piassava {f} [Piassave, Para grass, Monkey grass]
Piast duchyPiastenherzogtum {n}
Piast dynasty {sg}Piasten {pl}
piastre [also piaster]Piaster {m}
Piaui blackhead [Apostolepis longicaudata] Piaui-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Piaui blackhead [Apostolepis polylepis] Kleinschuppige Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Piauí woodpecker [Celeus obrieni] Kaempferspecht {m}
piazza Piazza {f}
piazzaPlatz {m}
piazza [Am.](überdachte) Veranda {f}
piazzettaPiazzetta {f}
pibal [pilot balloon] Pilotballon {m}
piberaline Piberalin {n}
pibgorn [Welsh]Pibgorn {n} [Rohrpfeife]
pibroch Pibroch {m} [klass. Dudelsackstück]
pic [coll.]Foto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
« physphysphysphytphytpianpic[pickpickpickpick »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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