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pickled onions eingelegte Zwiebeln {pl}
pickled pigs' feet [also: pickled pig's feet] eingelegte Schweinefüße {pl}
pickled salmongebeizter Lachs {m}
pickled steelgebeizter Stahl {m}
(pickled) herring saladHeringssalat {m}
(pickled) knuckle of porkEisbein {n}
pickles Essiggurken {pl}
pickles {pl} Sauerkonserve {f}
pickles [pickled cucumbers] eingemachte Gurken {pl} [veraltet]
pickling einlegend
pickling Abbeizen {n}
picklingMarinieren {n}
picklingBeizen {n} [Metall, Tabak]
pickling säuernd
pickling Pöckeln {n}
pickling [industrial cleaning process] Dekapieren {n}
pickling agent Beizmittel {n}
pickling agent [caustic] Abbeizer {m} [Reiniger mit Säure]
pickling aidsBeizhilfsmittel {pl}
pickling bath Beizbad {n}
pickling inhibitor Sparbeize {f}
pickling inhibitor Sparbeizzusatz {m}
pickling lime [Ca(OH)2] [calcium hydroxide] Kalziumhydroxid {n}
pickling lineBeizanlage {f}
pickling medium [pickling agent] Beizmedium {n} [Beizmittel]
pickling paste Beizpaste {f}
pickling plant Beizanlage {f}
pickling processBeizvorgang {m}
pickling resultBeizergebnis {n}
pickling saltPökelsalz {n}
pickling salt [canning salt] Einlegesalz {n} [Salz zum Konservieren, bes. von Kräutern, Gemüse]
pickling shop Beizerei {f}
pickling solution Ätzlösung {f}
pickling solutionBeize {f} [Metallbeize]
pickling solution Metallbeize {f}
pickling solutionBeizlösung {f}
pickling spicesPökelgewürze {pl}
pickling tank Beiztank {m}
picklist Kommissionierliste {f}
picklock Dietrich {m}
picklock [burglar]Einbrecher {m}
pick-me-up Stärkungsmittel {n}
pick-me-up [coll.]Mageneinrenker {m} [ugs.]
pickney [Carib.] [coll.] Kind {n}
pickpocketTaschendieb {m}
pick-pocketTaschendieb {m}
pickpocketLangfinger {m}
pickpocket Taschelzieher {m} [österr.] [Taschendieb]
pickpocketBeutelschneider {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Taschendieb]
pickpocket [female] Taschendiebin {f}
pickpocketing Taschendiebstahl {m}
pickpockets Taschendiebe {pl}
Pickpockets relieved him of his money. Taschendiebe erleichterten ihn um sein Geld.
pickpurse [Spergula arvensis, syn.: S. maxima] [corn spurrey]Acker-Spörgel / Ackerspörgel {m}
pickpurse [Spergula arvensis, syn.: S. maxima] [corn spurrey] Acker-Spark / Ackerspark {m}
pickpurse [Spergula arvensis, syn.: S. maxima] [corn spurrey]Acker-Spergel / Ackerspergel {m}
picks [plectrums]Plektren {pl}
Pick's disease Morbus Pick {m}
Pick's disease Pick-Krankheit {f} [frontotemporale Demenz]
Pick's diseasePicksche Krankheit {f} [alt] [veraltend] [Pick-Krankheit]
Pick's theoremSatz {m} von Pick
pickupPritschenwagen {m}
pickup Schalldose {f}
pick-up Erholung {f} der Konjunktur
pickup Magnetkopf {m}
pick-up Tonabnehmer {m}
pickup zufällige Bekanntschaft {f}
pickup Abgriff {m}
pick-upAufnehmer {m} [Messgrößen-]
pick-upAnsprecherregung {f} [Relais]
pick-upNachdreh {m}
pickupTonabnehmer {m}
pickup [Am.] Auftakt {m}
pickup [improvement, recovery] Erholung {f} [fig.]
pickup [sl.] Aufriss {m} [ugs.] [Bekanntschaft]
pick-up [stimulation, upturn]Belebung {f}
pick-up address Abholadresse {f}
pick-up area Abholbereich {m}
pickup arm Tonarm {m}
pickup artist Aufreißer {m} [ugs.]
pick-up artist Aufreißer {m} [ugs.]
pick-up artist <PUA>Pick-up Artist {m} [Verführungskünstler]
pickup assembly Impulsgeber {m} [elektronische Zündanlage]
pick-up balerSammelpresse {f}
pickup bar [Am.] [sl.] Aufreißerschuppen {m} [ugs.]
pickup cable Aufnehmerleitung {f}
pickup carKleinlastwagen {m}
pick-up coil Pickup-Spule {f}
pickup coil Aufnahmespule {f}
pickup coil [also: pick-up coil] Aufnehmerspule {f}
pick-up date Abholtermin {m}
pick-up dateAbholungstermin {m}
pick-up element Aufnahmeelement {n}
pick-up head Tonabnehmer {m}
pick-up in demand Belebung {f} der Nachfrage
pick-up in salesZunahme {f} der Verkäufe
pickup limb Impulsgeber {m} [elektronische Zündanlage]
pick-up line [coll.]Anmache {f} [ugs.]
pick-up line [coll.]Anmachspruch {m} [ugs.]
pick-up magazine Pick-up-Magazin {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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