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piece of informationNachricht {f}
piece of information Hinweis {m}
piece of intelligence Nachricht {f}
piece of invectiveSchmähschrift {f}
piece of iron Eisenstück {n}
piece of jewellery [esp. Br.] Geschmeide {n} [geh.]
piece of jewellery [esp. Br.]Schmuckstück {n} [nicht fig.]
piece of jewellery [esp. Br.] Schmuckgegenstand {m}
piece of jewelry [Am.] Schmuckstück {n}
piece of jewelry [Am.] Pretiose {f} [Schmuckstück]
piece of jewelry [Am.]Preziose {f} [Schmuckstück]
piece of jotting paper Schmierzettel {m}
piece of knittingStrickarbeit {f}
piece of lace Stück {n} Spitze
piece of landStück {n} Land
piece of land Grundstück {n}
piece of landLandstück {n}
piece of land Stück {n} Erde
piece of land projecting out into the sea Landvorsprung {m} ins Meer
piece of laundryWäschestück {n}
piece of legerdemain Zauberstück {n}
piece of legerdemain Taschenspielerstück {n}
piece of legislation Gesetzeswerk {n}
piece of loo roll [Br.] [coll.] Stück {n} Toilettenpapier
piece of luck glücklicher Umstand {m}
piece of luck Glücksfall {m}
piece of luck Glückssträhne {f}
piece of luggageGepäckstück {n}
piece of lunacy Aberwitz {m} [geh.] [völliger Unsinn]
piece of mail Poststück {n}
piece of maliceböswillige Tat {f}
piece of materialStoffstück {n}
piece of meanness gemeine Handlung {f}
piece of meat Fleischstück {n}
piece of metal Metallstück {n}
piece of miniature pottery Miniaturkeramik {f} [Einzelstück]
piece of moneyGeldstück {n}
piece of music Musikstück {n}
piece of needlework Nadelarbeit {f}
piece of needlework Handarbeit {f} [Gegenstand]
piece of neglect Nachlässigkeit {f}
piece of news Nachricht {f}
piece of news Neuigkeit {f}
piece of newspaperStück {n} Zeitungspapier
piece of office furnitureBüromöbel {n}
piece of office furniture Büromöbelstück {n}
piece of paperPapierbogen {m}
piece of paper Stück {n} Papier
piece of paperPapierstück {n}
piece of paper Blatt {n} Papier
piece of paper [e.g. to jot down notes]Fresszettel {m} [ugs.] [bes. alemannisch, schweiz.] [Merk-, Schmierzettel]
piece of pie [with fruits or berries] Kuchenstück {n} [gedeckt und mit Obst od. Beeren gefüllt]
piece of pizza Pizzaschnitte {f}
piece of plasterPutzstück {n}
piece of poetry Gedicht {n}
piece of potteryTöpferarbeit {f}
piece of precious metalEdelmetallstück {n}
piece of prose Prosatext {m}
piece of reasoning einzelner Gedankengang {m}
piece of reasoning Teil {m} eines Gedankens
piece of rib Rippenstück {n}
piece of rockFelsstück {n}
piece of rough paperSchmierzettel {m}
piece of rustic(-style) furnitureBauernmöbel {n}
piece of sandpaper Stück {n} Sandpapier
piece of sandpaperStück {n} Schmirgelpapier
piece of scrap paper Fresszettel {m} [ugs.] [bes. alemannisch, schweiz.] [Merk-, Schmierzettel]
piece of service Dienstleistung {f}
piece of sheet iron Stück {n} Blech
piece of shit [vulg.] [pej.] [despicable person] Dreckstück {n} [derb] [pej.] [verachtenswerte Person]
piece of shit <POS> [vulg.]Stück {n} Scheiße [vulg.]
piece of shit husband [vulg.] Scheißehemann {m} [vulg.]
piece of shoulder Schulterstück {n}
piece of shoulder Schäufele {n} [südd.]
piece of shoulderSchüfeli {n} [schweiz.]
piece of shoulder [beef, pork, horse, etc.] Laffe {f} [schweiz.] [Schulterstück]
piece of silver Silbermünze {f}
piece of sirloin Filetstück {n}
piece of skill Kabinettstück {n}
piece of solid workmanship solides Stück {n} Arbeit
piece of sports equipmentSportgerät {n}
piece of stringStück {n} Schnur
piece of stupidity Dämlichkeit {f} [ugs.] [Handlung]
piece of tactlessness Taktlosigkeit {f} [Handlung]
piece of tail [sl.] [fine young woman]Schnalle {f} [salopp] [pej.] [veraltet] [tolle junge Frau]
piece of tail [vulg.] [sl.] [woman] Fotze {f} [vulg.] [Frau]
piece of textile art [esp. three-dimensional] Stoffobjekt {n}
piece of the actionTeil {m} der Tat
piece of the cakeStück {n} vom Kuchen
piece of the Wall [Berlin Wall]Mauerstück {n}
piece of toastToastscheibe {f}
piece of twine [for sewing]Zwirnsfaden {m}
piece of utility furnitureGebrauchsmöbel {n}
piece of villainy Abgefeimtheit {f} [Handlung]
piece of wood Scheit {n}
piece of wood Holzstück {n}
piece of woodlands Waldstück {n}
piece of work Arbeitsstück {n}
piece of work Stück {n} Arbeit
piece of wreckageWrackteil {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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