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English-German Dictionary

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Piedmontese {sg} Piemontese {m}
Piedmontese [female] Piemontesin {f}
Piedmontese cattle {pl} Piemonteser Rind {n}
piedmontite [Ca2(Al,Mn,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH)]Piedmontit {m} [Piemontit]
piedness Buntheit {f}
Piedras-Pacora spindle snake [Atractus imperfectus]Piedras-Pacora-Spindelnatter {f}
pied-winged swallow [Hirundo leucosoma]Scheckflügelschwalbe {f}
pie-eyed [coll.] knülle [ugs.]
pie-eyed [coll.]hacke [ugs.]
pieing Tortung {f}
pieing Tortenwurf {m}
pie-in-the-face gag Torten-Gag {m}
pie-marker [Abutilon theophrasti, syn.: A. avicennae, Sida abutilon] (Chinesische) Samtpappel {f}
pie-marker [Abutilon theophrasti]Lindenblättrige Schönmalve {f}
Piemont white truffle [Tuber magnatum] Weiße Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}: Weißer Trüffel]
Piemont white truffle [Tuber magnatum] Herrentrüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
Piemont white truffle [Tuber magnatum] Piemont-Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
Piemont white truffle [Tuber magnatum] Alba-Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
piemontite [Ca2(Al,Mn,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH)]Piemontit {m} [Piedmontit]
piemontite-(Pb) [CaPbAl2Mn [Si2O7] [SiO4]O(OH)] Piemontit-(Pb) {m}
Piemont-Liguria Ocean Piemont-Ligurischer Ozean {m}
piend (scharfe) Kante {f} [auch: vorspringende Ecke]
pieplant [Rheum rhabarbarum]Rhabarber {m}
piepowder [England] [travelling market trader] Wanderhändler {m}
pierBrückenpfeiler {m}
pier Pier {m} [bes. Seemannssprache {f}]
pier Anlegestelle {f}
pier Landungssteg {m}
pier Stützpfeiler {m}
pier Seebrücke {f}
pierLandebrücke {f}
pier [breakwater structure] Mole {f}
pier [breakwater structure] Hafendamm {m}
pier [breakwater]Hafenmole {f}
pier [of an arch or bridge] Pfeiler {m} [Bogenpfeiler, Brückenpfeiler]
pier [quay, wharf] Kai {m}
pier [wharf at a port] Hafenkai {m}
pier buttressStrebepfeiler {m}
pier foundationPfeilergründung {f}
pier glassWandspiegel {m}
pier head Molenkopf {m}
pierceable cartridge Stechkartusche {f}
pierced durchstochen
pierced [lips etc.] gepierct
pierced cockSpindel-Unruhkloben {m}
pierced eyebrow gepiercte Augenbraue {f}
pierced oildrum durchlöchertes Ölfass {n}
pierced through durchstoßen
pierced walldurchbrochene Wand {f}
piercer Lochdorn {m}
piercerLuftspieß {m} [Gießerei]
piercer Piercer {m}
piercer-and-suckerStechsauger {m} [bei Insekten, Milben, Würmern]
piercing durchbohrend
piercingPiercing {n}
piercingstechend [Blick, auch: durchstechend]
piercing durchdringend
piercing durchstechend
piercingDurchstechen {n}
piercingDurchbohren {n}
piercing [cry, voice etc.]gell
piercing [cry, voice etc.] grell
piercing [fig.] [cold] eisig
piercing [look, pain] bohrend [Blick, Schmerz] [durchdringend]
piercing [making holes] lochend
piercing [production of a hole in a sheet of metal by the use of a punch and a die] Lochen {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden]
piercing [sound, voice] schrill
piercing [wind, remark] schneidend [Wind, Kälte, Bemerkung]
piercing clampPiercingklammer {f}
piercing cold durchdringende Kälte {f}
piercing cold scharfe Kälte {f}
piercing coldschneidende Kälte {f}
piercing cold beißend kalt
piercing cry durchdringender Schrei {m}
piercing eyesstechende Augen {pl}
piercing forceps {pl} [one pair]Piercingzange {f}
piercing glance durchdringender Blick {m}
piercing gun Piercingpistole {f}
piercing jewellery [esp. Br.] Piercingschmuck {m}
piercing jewelry [Am.] Piercingschmuck {m}
piercing look bohrender Blick {m}
piercing mind durchdringender Verstand {m}
piercing needle Piercingnadel {f}
piercing painstechender Schmerz {m}
piercing pliers {pl} [one pair] Piercingzange {f}
piercing punch Schneidstempel {m}
piercing screamdurchdringender Schrei {m}
piercing shriekdurchdringender Schrei {m}
piercing the corporate veilDurchgriffshaftung {f} bei juristischen Personen
piercistPiercer {m}
Pierian Mountains {pl}Pieria-Gebirge {n}
pierogiPiroggen {pl}
pierogiesPiroggen {pl}
pierogies [also: pierogi]Kurländer Speckkuchen {pl} [deutschbaltische Küche: gefüllte Teigtaschen (russische „Piroggen“)]
Pierpont prime Pierpont-Primzahl {f}
Pierre Robin syndrome Pierre-Robin-Syndrom {n}
« piddpiecpiecpiecpiedPiedPierpigfPigepigfpigl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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