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English-German Dictionary

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piezometric level Standrohrspiegelhöhe {f}
piezo-resistance Piezowiderstand {m}
piezo-resistive druckelektrisch
piezo-resistive effectPiezowiderstandseffekt {m}
piezoresonant [sensors] piezoresonant [Sensoren]
piffle [coll.]Unsinn {m}
piffle [coll.] hohles Geschwätz {n} [ugs.]
piffle [coll.] Quatsch {m} [ugs.]
piffle [coll.] Blech {n} [ugs.] [Unsinn]
piffler [coll.] Schwätzer {m} [pej.]
piffler [female] [coll.] Schwätzerin {f} [pej.]
piffling [coll.]quatschend
piffling [coll.] unwichtig
pig Schwein {n}
pig Ferkel {n} [unsauberer Mensch]
pig Wutz {f} {m} [bes. westmd.]
pig Borstentier {n} [ugs.] [hum.]
pig [Am.] [young pig, piglet] Ferkel {n}
pig [attr.] Schweine-
pig [oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace] Massel {f} [Hüttenwesen]
pig [pej.] [sl.] [policeman]Polyp {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Polizist]
pig [pej.] [sl.] [policeman] Bulle {m} [pej.] [ugs.] [Polizist]
pig [pipeline technology] Molch {m} [Pipeline-Technik]
pig [receiving adapter]Spinne {f} [Eutervorlage]
pig / pig's blood Schweineblut {n}
pig / pig's stomachSchweinemagen {m}
Pig and Potato War [1859]Schweinekonflikt {m}
pig boneSchweineknochen {m}
pig breederSchweinezüchter {m}
pig breeding Schweinezucht {f} [Züchten von Schweinen]
pig bristle Schweinsborste {f}
pig bristlesSchweinsborsten {pl}
pig casting machine Masselgießanlage {f}
pig castration Ferkelkastration {f}
pig dung Schweinemist {m}
pig embryoSchweineembryo {m}
Pig Episode [1859]Schweinekonflikt {m}
pig farm Schweinefarm {f}
pig farm Schweinezucht {f} [Zuchtbetrieb]
pig farmSchweinezuchtbetrieb {m}
pig farmer Schweinezüchter {m}
pig farmer Schweinebauer {m}
pig farmerSchweinemäster {m} [Schweinezüchter]
pig farming Schweinezüchtung {f}
pig farmingSchweinezucht {f} [das Züchten von Schweinen]
pig fat Schweinefett {n}
pig fatteningSchweinemast {f}
pig fattening farmSchweinemastbetrieb {m}
pig feedSchweinefutter {n}
pig feeding trough Schweinetrog {m} [Futtertrog]
pig feeding troughSautrog {m} [veraltet, noch ugs. regional für: Futtertrog für Schweine]
pig flu Schweinegrippe {f}
pig follicle mite [Demodex phylloides] Haarbalgmilbe {f} der Schweine
pig frog [Lithobates grylio, syn.: Rana grylio] Schweinsfrosch {m}
pig goose [Cereopsis novaehollandiae]Hühnergans {f}
pig halves Schweinehälften {pl}
pig heart Schweineherz {n}
pig housing Schweinehaltung {f}
pig husbandrySchweinehaltung {f}
pig inseminatorSchweinebesamer {m}
pig insulinSchweineinsulin {n}
pig intestine Schweinedarm {m}
pig ironRoheisen {n}
pig iron Masseleisen {n} [Hüttenwesen]
pig knuckle Schweinehachse {f}
pig knuckleSchweinehaxe {f}
Pig Latin [Spielsprache des engl. Sprachraums]
pig louseSchweinelaus {f}
pig manure Schweinedung {m}
pig market Schweinemarkt {m}
pig of a day [Br.] [coll.] Scheißtag {m} [vulg.]
pig of a man [pej.]Scheißkerl {m} [vulg.]
pig pen Schweinepferch {m}
pig plague [classical swine fever] (klassische) Schweinepest {f}
pig producerSchweineproduzent {m}
pig production Schweineproduktion {f}
pig raising [Am.] Schweineaufzucht {f}
pig rearingSchweineaufzucht {f}
pig ruderotzfrech
pig scale Sauwaage {f}
pig scalesSauwaage {f}
pig skullSchweineschädel {m}
pig squeak [Bergenia purpurascens]Purpurrötliche Bergenie {f}
pig stall Schweinestall {m}
pig sticker [hunting dagger]Saufänger {m} [schwerer Dolch zum Abfangen von Schwarzwild]
pig swillSchweinefutter {n} [Futtersuppe bzw. Spültrank]
pig trade Schweinehandel {m}
pig transportSchweinetransport {m}
pig trap station Molchstopper {m}
pig trap systemMolchsystem {n}
pig trough Schweinetrog {m}
pig wallowSuhle {f}
Pig War [1859] Schweinekonflikt {m}
pig weed [Alternanthera philoxeroides, syn.: Achyranthes philoxeroides]Alligatorkraut {n}
pig whipworm [Trichuris suis]Schweinepeitschenwurm {m}
pig whipworm eggs [Trichuris suis ova <TSO>]Schweinebandwurmeier {pl}
(pig) scalderSautrog {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Brühtrog]
(pig) scalderBrühtrog {m}
(pig) scalder Brühfass {n} [regional]
(pig) scalderBrenntrog {m} [regional, z. B. Niedersachsen] [Brühtrog]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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