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pale yellowweißgelb
pale yellow blassgelb
pale yellowzartgelb
pale yellow fahlgelb
pale yellow robin [Tregellasia capito]Fahlgesichtschnäpper {m}
pale yellowishblassgelblich
palea Vorspelze {f} [bei Süßgräsern]
paleanthropology [Am.] Paläanthropologie {f}
Palearctic [Am.] paläarktisch
Palearctic collared lemming [Dicrostonyx torquatus, syn.: D. chionopaes, Lemmus ungulatus, Mus lenae, M. lenensis]Echter Halsbandlemming {m}
Palearctic collared lemming [Dicrostonyx torquatus, syn.: D. chionopaes, Lemmus ungulatus, Mus lenae, M. lenensis]Gabelkrallenlemming {m}
Palearctic region [Am.]paläarktische Region {f}
Palearctic (region) [Am.] Paläarktis {f}
Palearctic worm lizards [family Trogonophidae]Spitzzahn-Doppelschleichen {pl}
Paleargid [also: paleargid]Paleargid {m}
pale-backed pigeon [Columba eversmanni]Gelbaugentaube {f}
pale-backed pigeon [Columba eversmanni]Östliche Hohltaube {f}
pale-backed pigeon [Columba eversmanni]Ufertaube {f}
pale-banded sepia [Elophos caelibaria] [moth]Fuchsens Alpen-Steinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
pale-bark pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis] Heldreichs Kiefer {f}
pale-bark pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis]Panzerkiefer {f}
pale-bark pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis] Schlangenhaut-Kiefer {f}
pale-bark pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis]Lorica-Kiefer {f}
pale-bark pine [Pinus heldreichii, syn.: P. leucodermis]Weißrindige Kiefer {f}
pale-barred coris [Coris dorsomacula]Flossenfleck-Junker {m}
pale-bellied brant (goose) [Branta (bernicla) hrota]Atlantische Ringelgans {f}
pale-bellied brant (goose) [Branta (bernicla) hrota] Hellbäuchige Ringelgans {f}
pale-bellied francolin [Francolinus ochropectus, syn.: Pternistis ochropectus]Dschibuti-Frankolin {m}
pale-bellied francolin [Pternistis ochropectus] Wacholderfrankolin {m}
pale-bellied hermit [Phaethornis anthophilus] Fahlbaucheremit {m}
pale-bellied hermit [Phaethornis anthophilus] Fleckenkehl-Schattenkolibri {m}
pale-bellied mourner [Rhytipterna immunda] Fahlbauchrhytipterna / Fahlbauch-Rhytipterna {f}
pale-bellied mourner / pale bellied [Rhytipterna immunda] Hellbauch-Schmucktyrann {m}
pale-bellied myna [Acridotheres javanicus] Mohrenmaina {m}
pale-bellied myna [Acridotheres javanicus] Javamaina {m}
pale-bellied myna [Acridotheres javanicus] Bleichrückenmaina {m}
pale-bellied tapaculo [Scytalopus griseicollis]Südlicher Rostbürzeltapaculo {m}
pale-bellied tyrant-manakin [Neopelma pallescens] Weißbauchpipra {f}
pale-bellied tyrant-manakin [Neopelma pallescens] Rahmbauchpipra {f}
pale-bellied white-eye [Zosterops citrinella, syn.: Z. citrinellus] [ashy-bellied white-eye]Zitronenbrillenvogel / Zitronen-Brillenvogel {m}
pale-bellied white-eye [Zosterops consobrinorum] Celebesbrillenvogel {m}
pale-bellied woodpecker [Campephilus guatemalensis, syn.: Phloeoceastes guatemalensis] Königsspecht {m}
pale-billed antpitta [Grallaria carrikeri]Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta {f}
pale-billed fire finch [Lagonosticta landanae] Landanaamarant {m}
pale-billed firefinch [Lagonosticta landanae] Landanaamarant {m} [auch: Landana-Amarant]
pale-billed flowerpecker [Dicaeum erythrorhynchos] Lachsschnabel-Mistelfresser {m}
pale-billed hornbill [Tockus pallidirostris]Blassschnabeltoko {m}
pale-billed hornero [Furnarius torridus] Blassschnabeltöpfer {m}
pale-billed hornero [Furnarius torridus]Blaßschnabeltöpfer {m} [alt]
pale-billed hornero [Furnarius torridus] Brauner Töpfer {m}
pale-billed scrubwren / scrub-wren [Sericornis spilodera]Fahlschnabelsericornis / Fahlschnabel-Sericornis {m}
pale-billed sericornis [Sericornis spilodera] Fahlschnabelsericornis / Fahlschnabel-Sericornis {m}
pale-billed sicklebill [Drepanornis bruijnii, syn.: Epimachus bruijnii] Weißschnabel-Paradieshopf {m}
pale-billed sicklebill [Drepanornis bruijnii, syn.: Epimachus bruijnii] Braunschwanz-Sichelhopf {m}
pale-billed sicklebill [Drepanornis bruijnii, syn.: Epimachus bruijnii] [species of bird-of-paradise]Braunschwanz-Paradieshopf {m}
pale-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta landanae] Landanaamarant {m} [auch: Landana-Amarant]
pale-billed woodpecker [Campephilus guatemalensis]Königsspecht {m}
pale-bordered piercer [Grapholita janthinana] [moth] Kleiner Weißdornfruchtwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
pale-bordered piercer [Grapholita janthinana] [moth] Weißdornwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
pale-breasted illadopsis [Illadopsis rufipennis, syn.: Trichastoma rufipennis]Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
pale-breasted robin [Turdus leucomelas]Fahlbrustdrossel {f}
pale-breasted spinetail [Synallaxis albescens] Temminckschlüpfer {m}
pale-breasted thrush [Turdus leucomelas]Fahlbrustdrossel {f}
pale-breasted thrush babbler [Illadopsis rufipennis] Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
pale-breasted thrush-babbler [Illadopsis rufipennis, syn.: Trichastoma rufipennis] Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m}
pale-browed tinamou [Crypturellus transfasciatus]Brauentinamu {m}
pale-browed treehunter [Cichlocolaptes leucophrus] Fahlbrauen-Blattspäher {m}
paleburgher [peasant outburgher] [Br.] bäuerlicher Ausbürger {m}
pale-capped pigeon [Columba punicea] Kupfertaube {f}
pale-capped pigeon [Columba punicea] Rote Waldtaube {f}
pale-capped pigeon [Columba punicea] Purpurwaldtaube {f}
pale-chinned blue flycatcher [Cyornis poliogenys] Grauwangenschnäpper {m}
pale-chinned blue-flycatcher [Cyornis poliogenys, syn.: Niltava poliogenys] Grauwangenschnäpper {m}
pale-chinned flycatcher [Cyornis poliogenys, syn.: Niltava poliogenys] Grauwangenschnäpper {m}
pale-chinned niltava [Cyornis poliogenys, syn.: Niltava poliogenys]Grauwangenschnäpper {m}
pale-collared snake-eater [Polemon collaris] Hellköpfiger Schlangenfresser {m}
pale-collared snake-eater [Polemon graueri] Uganda-Schlangenfresser {m}
pale-colored [Am.] mattfarbig
pale-colored feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]acholischer Stuhl {m} [bei verschlossenem Gallengang, z. B. Gelbsucht]
pale-coloured faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] acholischer Stuhl {m} [bei verschlossenem Gallengang, z. B. Gelbsucht]
pale-crested woodpecker [Celeus lugubris]Blaßschopfspecht {m} [alt]
pale-crested woodpecker [Celeus lugubris] Blassschopfspecht {m}
pale-crowned crested woodpecker [Celeus elegans, syn.: Celeus immaculatus]Fahlkopfspecht {m}
paledmit Pfählen versehen
paled [inclosed with paling] umschlossen [umzäunt]
(paled) gateGittertor {n}
pale-edged flycatcher [Myiarchus cephalotes] Taczanowskityrann {m}
paleencephalon [Am.] Althirn {n} [Palaeencephalon]
paleencephalon [Am.] Palaeencephalon {n}
paleencephalon [Am.] Palaeoencephalon {n}
pale-eyed blackbird [Agelasticus xanthophthalmus] Gelbaugenstärling {m}
pale-eyed marsh-blackbird [Agelasticus xanthophthalmus, syn.: Chrysomus xanthophthalmus, Agelaius xanthophthalmus]Gelbaugenstärling {m}
pale-eyed pygmy tyrant [Atalotriccus pilaris]Isabellwangentyrann {m}
pale-eyed thrush [Platycichla leucops]Taczanowskidrossel {f}
pale-face Bleichgesicht {n}
palefaceBleichgesicht {n}
pale-faced blassgesichtig
pale-faced bleichgesichtig
pale-faced bleich
pale-facedblass [mit blassem Gesicht]
« palapalaPalapalepalepalepalepalepalePalepali »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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