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pilgrimage church Wallfahrtskirche {f}
Pilgrimage Church of WiesWallfahrtskirche "Die Wies" {f}
pilgrimage city Pilgerstadt {f}
pilgrimage destinationPilgerziel {n}
pilgrimage destination Wallfahrtsort {m}
pilgrimage director Wallfahrtsdirektor {m}
pilgrimage festival Wallfahrtsfest {n}
pilgrimage for the elderly Seniorenwallfahrt {f}
Pilgrimage of the Rose Der Rose Pilgerfahrt [Robert Schumann]
pilgrimage Psalms [Pss. 120-134]Wallfahrtspsalmen {pl}
pilgrimage route Pilgerweg {m}
pilgrimage site Pilgerstätte {f}
pilgrimage site Wallfahrtsort {m}
pilgrimage site Wallfahrtsstätte {f}
pilgrimage souvenir Wallfahrtsandenken {n}
pilgrimage to AachenAachenfahrt {f} [auch: Aachener Heiligtumsfahrt oder Aachener Betefahrt]
pilgrimage to Abydos Abydosfahrt {f}
pilgrimage to Rome Romfahrt {f} [Pilgerfahrt nach Rom]
pilgrimage townWallfahrtsstadt {f}
pilgrimage townPilgerstadt {f}
pilgrimage tradition Wallfahrtstradition {f}
pilgrimaging pilgernd
Pilgrims Pilgerväter {pl}
pilgrims Pilger {pl}
pilgrims badgePilgerzeichen {n}
pilgrims' hostelPilgerherberge {f}
pilgrims hostelrySpital {n} [schweiz. ugs. auch {m}] [Pilgerherberge]
pilgrims' path Pilgerweg {m}
pilgrims' resting place Pilgerraststätte {f}
pilgrim's scallop [Pecten jacobaeus, syn.: P. intermedius, P. jacobeus, Ostrea jacobaea] Jakobsmuschel {f}
pilgrim's scallop [Pecten jacobaeus, syn.: P. intermedius, P. jacobeus, Ostrea jacobaea]Pilgermuschel {f}
pilgrim's scallop [Pecten jacobaeus, syn.: P. intermedius, P. jacobeus, Ostrea jacobaea] Mittelmeer-Pilgermuschel {f}
pilgrim's song Reiselied {n} [Pilgerlied]
pilgrim's staffPilgerstab {m}
pilgrims to RomeRompilger {pl}
pilgrims' wayPilgerweg {m}
Pili Pili {n}
pili {pl} [fimbriae] Pili {pl} [Fimbrien]
pili anulatiRingelhaare {pl}
pili (nut) [seed of Canarium ovatum] Pilinuss {f}
pili (tree) [Canarium ovatum, syn.: C. melioides, C. pachyphyllum]Pilinuss {f}
pili (tree) [Canarium ovatum, syn.: C. melioides, C. pachyphyllum]Pilinussbaum {m}
pili trianguli et analiculi [uncombable hair syndrome]Syndrom {n} der unkämmbaren Haare
piliferous behaart [haartragend, mit Haaren]
piliform haarartig
piligerous haartragend
piliginous [rare] behaart
pilinPilin {n}
pilingAnhäufen {n}
piling Stapeln {n}
piling Pfahlkonstruktion {f}
piling [pilework]Pfahlwerk {n}
piling equipment Rammgerät {n}
piling frame Rammgerüst {n}
piling hammerFallhammer {m}
piling of the fire altar [agnicayana] [Vedic religion] Feueraltarschichtung {f}
piling upanschichtend
piling up sich anhäufend
piling upsich ansammelnd
piling up of demand Nachfragestau {m}
piling up of orders Stau {m} von Aufträgen
piling (up) Aufschichten {n} [Stapeln]
pilings Stützpfeiler {pl}
pilinut / pili nut (tree) [Canarium ovatum, syn.: C. melioides, C. pachyphyllum]Pilinuss {f}
pilinut / pili nut (tree) [Canarium ovatum, syn.: C. melioides, C. pachyphyllum] Pilinussbaum {m}
Pilis Mountains {pl} Pilisgebirge {n} [auch: Pilis-Gebirge]
pillMedikament {n}
pill Pille {f}
pill Tablette {f}
pill [sl.] [annoying person]Nervensäge {f} [ugs.]
pill addiction Tablettenabhängigkeit {f}
pill beetle [Byrrhus pilula]Gemeiner Pillenkäfer {m}
pill beetles [family Byrrhidae] Pillenkäfer {pl}
pill beetles [family Byrrhidae] Byrrhiden {pl} [Pillenkäfer]
pill bottleTablettenfläschchen {n}
pill bottle Pillenfläschchen {n}
pill box [spv.] Pillenbox {f}
pill bug [Armadillidium vulgare] Kugelassel {f}
pill bug [woodlouse] Assel {f}
pill bug [woodlouse]Kellerassel {f}
pill carousel [round pill dispenser] Pillenkarussell {n} [ugs.] [runde Pillenbox]
pill cassette [pill dispenser / organizer] Arzneikassette {f} [Tablettenbox]
pill clock Medikamentenwecker {m}
pill crusherPillenzerkleinerer {m}
pill dispenser Medikamentendispenser {m}
pill dispenser Tablettenspender {m}
pill dispenser Tablettendispenser {m}
pill dispenser [pillbox]Pillenbox {f}
pill organiser [Br.]Medikamentenbox {f}
pill organizerTablettenbox {f}
pill organizer Tablettenhalter {m}
pill organizerMedikamentenschieber {m}
pill organizer Tablettenschieber {m}
pill popper [coll.] Tablettenabhängiger {m}
pill sedge [Carex pilulifera] Pillen-Segge {f}
pill sedge [Carex pilulifera] Pillentragende Segge {f} [Pillen-Segge]
« piglpig'pigwpilepilepilgpillpillpilopilopilo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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