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English-German Dictionary

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pitch factor <p> Pitch-Faktor {m} <p>
pitch fiber [Am.] Pechfaser {f}
pitch fibers [Am.] Pechfasern {pl}
pitch fibre [Br.] Pechfaser {f}
pitch fibres [Br.] Pechfasern {pl}
pitch hole [on a wind instrument]Griffloch {n}
pitch invasionPlatzsturm {m}
Pitch LakeAsphaltsee {m}
pitch level Tonhöhe {f}
pitch line Teilungslinie {f}
pitch movement Tonhöhenbewegung {f}
pitch of a roofDachschräge {f} [Schräge eines Daches]
pitch of a song Tonhöhe {f} eines Lieds
pitch of spring [spiral spring] Federweg {m} [Spiralfeder]
pitch of the roofDachschräge {f} [Schräge des Daches]
pitch of the voiceStimmlage {f}
pitch perceptionTonhöhenwahrnehmung {f}
pitch pine [obs.] [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Sumpf-Kiefer / Sumpfkiefer {f}
pitch pine [obs.] [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia] Harz-Kiefer {f}
pitch pine [Pinus albicaulis] Weißstämmige Kiefer {f}
pitch pine [Pinus albicaulis]Weißstämmige Zirbelkiefer {f}
pitch pine [Pinus rigida] Pechkiefer {f}
pitch pipe Stimmpfeife {f}
pitch pocketHarzgalle {f}
pitch point Berührungspunkt {m} auf einem Teilkreis
pitch polishingPechpolitur {f} [Silikattechnik]
pitch rangeTonumfang {m}
pitch rate Drehgeschwindigkeit {f} um die Querachse
pitch sequenceGewindesteigungsreihung {f}
pitch shiftTonhöhenanpassung {f}
pitch shiftTonhöhenverschiebung {f}
pitch shifter Pitch Shifter {m}
pitch shifter [harmonizer] Harmonizer ® {m}
pitch streak Harzstreifen {m}
pitch streak verharztes Holz {n}
pitch (surface) [Br.] Sportplatzbelag {m}
pitch trefoil [Bituminaria bituminosa] Pechklee {m}
pitch trefoil [Bituminaria bituminosa]Harzklee {m}
pitch trefoil [Bituminaria bituminosa] Asphaltklee {m}
pitch unit Tonhöheneinheit {f}
pitch variationTonhöhenschwankung {f}
pitch wheel Tonhöhenrad {n}
pitch wheel Pitch Wheel {n}
pitch wheel Pitchwheel {n}
pitch-and-toss Kopf oder Zahl
pitchback waterwheel rückschlächtiges Wasserrad {n}
pitch-black pechschwarz [ugs.]
pitch-blackstockfinster [ugs.]
pitch-black kohlrabenschwarz [Nacht]
pitch-black zappenduster [ugs.]
pitch-blackpechrabenschwarz [ugs.]
pitch-black stockdunkel [ugs.]
pitch-blackpechdunkel [veraltend] [stockfinster, pechschwarz]
pitchblende [UO2] [dated] [uraninite] Pechblende {f}
pitch-dark pechschwarz [ugs.]
pitch-dark rabenschwarz
pitch-darkzappenduster [ugs.]
pitch-darkstockdunkel [ugs.]
pitch-dark stockduster [ugs.]
pitch-dark [coll.] stockfinster [ugs.]
pitch-dark [coll.] ägyptische Finsternis {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
pitched abgestimmt
pitched [by a horse] abgeworfen [vom Pferd]
pitched [tent, camp ec.] aufgeschlagen [Zelt, Lager etc.]
pitched battleoffene Feldschlacht {f}
pitched roofSatteldach {n}
pitched roofGiebeldach {n}
pitched roof Steildach {n}
pitched roof Schrägdach {n}
pitched roofgeneigtes Dach {n}
pitched threadPechdraht {m}
[pitched to match the range of the human voice] Äquallage {f} [Orgel 8']
pitcherWerfer {m} [Baseball]
pitcherKanne {f}
pitcher [archaic] [rare] [paraffiner]Verpicher {m} [veraltet]
pitcher [baseball] Ballwerfer {m}
pitcher [jug] Krug {m}
pitcher [obs.] [a sort of crowbar for digging, etc.] [Haue, Hacke, Brechstange, Brecheisen]
pitcher [of a pitcher plant]Kannenblatt {n}
pitcher plant Kannenpflanze {f}
pitcher plant [genus Sarracenia]Schlauchblatt {n}
pitcher plants [family Cephalotaceae]Zwergkruggewächse {pl}
pitcher plants [family Cephalotaceae]Cephalotusgewächse {pl}
pitcher plants [family Cephalotaceae]Cephalotaceen {pl}
pitcher plants [family Cephalotaceae] Krugblattgewächse {pl}
pitcher plants [family Sarraceniaceae] [genus Sarracenia] Schlauchpflanzen {pl}
pitcher plants [genus Sarracenia] Becherpflanzen {pl}
pitcher plants [genus Sarracenia]Krugpflanzen {pl}
pitcher plants [genus Sarracenia] Sarrazenien {pl}
pitcher plants [genus Sarracenia]Trompetenpflanzen {pl}
pitcher sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] Blauer Salbei {m} [Blaue Salbei {f}]
pitcher sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] Spätherbst-Salbei / Spätherbstsalbei {m} {f}
pitcher sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri]Herbst-Salbei / Herbstsalbei {m} {f}
pitcher sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri]Prärie-Salbei / Präriesalbei {m} {f}
pitcher siphon weed [Polysiphonia stricta]Zarter Fadentang {m}
pitcher-plant family {sg} [family Sarraceniaceae] Schlauchpflanzengewächse {pl}
pitchers Krüge {pl}
pitcher's box [baseball]Standort {m} des Werfers
pitcher's box [hist.: predecessor to pitcher's mound] Wurfmal {n}
pitcher's mound [baseball]Werferplatte {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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