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pitman arm puller Lenkstockhebelabzieher {m}
pitman arm shaftLenkstockwelle {f}
pitman arm shaft Lenkhebelwelle {f}
pitman arm shaft Lenkwelle {f}
pitman arm steering (system)Lenkstockablenkung {f}
pitman arm steering (system)Lenkung {f} mit dreiteiliger Spurstange
pitman arm wedgeKugelgelenk-Trenngabel {f}
pitman arm wedgeKugelgelenktrenngabel {f}
pitman arm wedge Trenn- und Montagegabel {f} [für Kugelgelenke]
pitman arm wedge Demontagegabel {f} [für Kugelgelenke]
Pitman's shovel-snout [Prosymna pitmani] Kleinschuppige Schaufelnasen-Natter {f}
Pitman's shovelsnout snake [Prosymna pitmani] Kleinschuppige Schaufelnasen-Natter {f}
pitmasterGrillmeister {m}
Pitmatic[nordenglischer Bergarbeiterdialekt]
pitmenBergmänner {pl}
pitmenBergleute {pl}
pitonFelshaken {m}
piton Kletterhaken {m}
piton Haken {m}
pitot pressure [also: Pitot pressure] [fluit stagnation pressure] Pitot-Druck {m}
Pitot tube Pitot-Rohr {n}
Pitot tube Pitot-Sonde {f} [Staurohr]
Pitot tube Pitotrohr {n}
pits Gruben {pl}
pits Boxen {pl}
pitseed / pit-seed goosefoot [Chenopodium berlandieri] Nuttals Gänsefuß {m}
pitseed goosefoot [Chenopodium berlandieri]Berlandier-Gänsefuß / Berlandiers Gänsefuß {m}
pit-stained mit Schweißflecken [nachgestellt] [unter den Achselhöhlen]
pit-stains [armpit stains]Achselschweißflecken {pl}
Pitt Island shag [Phalacrocorax featherstoni]Pittscharbe {f}
Pitt (Island) [Rangiaotea, Rangiauria] Pitt Island {n}
Pitt shag [Phalacrocorax featherstonii, syn.: Phalacrocorax featherstoni] Pittscharbe {f}
pitta bread Fladenbrot {n}
pitta breadPittabrot {n}
pittacal [C25H29N3O6]Pittakall {n}
Pittacus (of Mytilene)Pittakos {m} (von Mytilene)
pitta-like ground roller [Atelornis pittoides] Blaukopf-Erdracke {f}
pitta-like groundroller / ground-roller [Atelornis pittoides, syn.: Brachypteracias pittoides] Blaukopferdracke {f} [auch: Blaukopf-Erdracke]
pittanceHungerlohn {m} [pej.]
pittance [low wages]Almosen {n} [niedriger Lohn]
pittance [rare] milde Gabe {f}
pittas [family Pittidae]Pittas {pl}
pitted schartig
pittedangefressen [Metall]
pitted [having the pits removed] entkernt
pitted [Am.] [Can.] [having had the pit removed] ausgesteint [Steinobst]
pitted [Am.] [Can.] [having had the pit removed] ohne Steine
pitted [e.g. contact breaker point] erodiert
pitted [fruit or vegetable pit(s) removed] entsteint
pitted [metal surfaces] von Lochfraß befallen [Metall]
pitted [scarred] narbig
pitted area Lochfraßstelle {f}
pitted corky spine fungus [Hydnellum scrobiculatum] [ridged tooth] Grubiger Korkstacheling {m}
pitted corrosion [less frequent than: pitting corrosion] Lochkorrosion {f}
pitted lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis barrelieri, syn.: E. vulgaris ssp. barrelieri]Barreliers Liebesgras {n}
pitted nail [Onychia punctata]Tüpfelnagel {m}
pitted-shelled turtle [Carettochelys insculpta]Papua-Weichschildkröte {f}
pitter [contrivance for removing the pits from stone fruit]Entkerner {m} [um Früchte zu entkernen]
pitter-patter [feet]Tapsen {n}
pitter-patter [feet] Trappeln {n}
pitter-patter [feet] trappelnd
pitter-patter [feet] tapsend
pitter-patter [heart, rain] Klopfen {n}
pitter-patter [heart, rain] klopfend
pitter-patter [of feet] Getrippel {n}
pitter-patter [of feet] Getrappel {n}
pitter-patter [rain] Klatschen {n}
Pittheus Pittheus {m}
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome Pitt-Hopkins-Syndrom {n}
Pitti PalacePalazzo {m} Pitti
pitticite [Fe2 [OH|SO4|AsO4]·nH2O] Pitticit {m}
pitting Lochfraß {m}
pitting Rostpickel {m} [ugs.] [Lochfraß]
pitting Narbigkeit {f}
pitting Grübchenbildung {f}
pitting Pitting {n} [Oberflächenfehler, Grübchen]
pittingLochbildung {f} [Oberflächenbeschädigung, z. B. bei Stoff]
pittingAnfressung {f} [Korrosion]
pitting corrosion Lochfraß {m} [an Bewehrungen in Stahlbeton]
pitting corrosion Rostfraß {m} [an Bewehrungen in Stahlbeton]
pitting (corrosion) Lochkorrosion {f}
pitting (corrosion)Lochfraßkorrosion {f}
pitting (corrosion) Muldenkorrosion {f} [Lochfraß]
pitting edema eindrückbares Ödem {n}
pitting resistance [metals] Lochfraßbeständigkeit {f}
Pittiplatsch Pittiplatsch {m}
pittle [spv.]Pisse {f}
pittosporum [genus]Klebsame {m}
pittosporum family {sg} [family Pittosporaceae]Klebsamengewächse {pl}
pittosporum family {sg} [family Pittosporaceae]Pittosporaceen {pl}
pittosporum pit scale [Planchonia arabidis, syn.: Asterolecanium arabidis] Gemeine Pockenschildlaus {f}
pittosporums [family Pittosporaceae] Pittosporaceen {pl}
pittosporums [family Pittosporaceae]Klebsamengewächse {pl}
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh {n}
Pittsburgh Agreement [May 31st, 1918] Pittsburgher Abkommen {n} [31. Mai 1918]
Pittsburgh Agreement [May 31st, 1918] Pittsburgher Vertrag {m} [31. Mai 1918]
Pittsburgh pest [Galinsoga quadriradiata, syn.: G. ciliata, Adventina ciliata]Behaartes Knopfkraut {n}
Pittsburgh pest [Galinsoga quadriradiata, syn.: G. ciliata, Adventina ciliata]Behaartes Franzosenkraut {n}
Pittsburgh pest [Galinsoga quadriradiata, syn.: G. ciliata, Adventina ciliata] Raues Knopfkraut {n}
« pistpitmpitcpitcpithpitmPittpivopixiP.J.plac »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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