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plagal cadence plagale Kadenz {f}
plagal modePlagaltonart {f}
plage Hilarfleck {m}
plaggen soilPlaggenesch {m}
plagiarised [Br.] plagiiert
plagiariser [Br.]Plagiator {m}
plagiariser [Br.] Nachahmer {m}
plagiarismPlagiat {n}
plagiarism literarischer Diebstahl {m}
plagiarism Nachahmung {f}
plagiarism Diebstahl {m} geistigen Eigentums
plagiarism [of texts] Abschreiben {n} [das Plagiieren]
plagiarism affair Plagiatsaffäre {f}
plagiarism allegation Plagiatsvorwurf {m}
plagiarism allegations Plagiatsvorwürfe {pl}
plagiarism assessment Plagiatsprüfung {f}
plagiarism chargesPlagiatsvorwürfe {pl}
plagiarism hunter Plagiatsjäger {m}
plagiarist Plagiator {m}
plagiarist [female]Plagiatorin {f}
plagiarizationPlagiat {n}
plagiarized plagiiert
plagiarizerPlagiator {m}
plagiarizer Nachahmer {m}
plagiarizing plagiierend
plagiarizing Plagiat {n}
plagiarizingPlagiatieren {n} [selten neben Plagiieren]
plagiary [archaic] Plagiar {m} [veraltet]
plagiocephalic head schiefer Kopf {m} [Schiefkopf]
plagiocephalyPlagiozephalie {f}
plagiocephaly Schiefköpfigkeit {f}
plagiocephaly Schiefschädel {m}
plagiocephaly Plagiozephalus {m}
plagiocephaly Plagiocephalus {m}
plagioclasePlagioklas {m} [Mineral-Serie]
plagioclase-bearing hornblende-pyroxenitePlagioklasführender Hornblende-Pyroxenit {m}
plagioclase-bearing pyroxene-hornblendite Plagioklasführender Pyroxen-Hornblendit {m}
plagioclase-bearing pyroxeniteplagioklasführender Pyroxenit {m}
plagioclase-bearing ultramafic rocksplagioklasführende ultramafische Gesteine {pl}
plagioclasite Plagioklasit {m}
plagionite [Pb5Sb8S17] Plagionit {m}
plagiotropic plagiotrop
plagiotropically plagiotrop
plagiotropism Plagiotropismus {m}
plaguePest {f}
plaguePlage {f} [z. B. Insektenplage]
plague Seuche {f}
plague [fig.]Landplage {f}
plague bacteriaPestbakterien {pl}
plague bacteriumPestbakterium {n}
plague columnPestsäule {f}
plague crossPestkreuz {n}
plague cycle [Exod 3-13] Plagenzyklus {m}
plague deaths Pesttote {pl}
plague doctor Pestarzt {m}
plague doctorPestdoktor {m}
plague epidemic Pestepidemie {f}
plague minnow [Gambusia holbrooki, syn.: Heterandria holbrooki, H. uninotata, Schizophallus holbrooki, Zygonectes atrilatus]Moskitofisch {m}
plague of algae Algenplage {f}
plague of biting flies Bremsenplage {f}
plague of feral pigsWildschweinplage {f}
plague of horseflies Bremsenplage {f}
plague of insects Insektenplage {f}
plague of jellyfish Quallenplage {f}
Plague of Justinian Justinianische Pest {f}
plague of locusts Heuschreckenplage {f}
plague of miceMäuseplage {f}
plague of rats Rattenplage {f}
plague of snakes Schlangenplage {f}
plague outbreak Pestausbruch {m}
plague pandemic Pestpandemie {f}
plague pit Pestgrube {f}
plague rat [Rattus villosissimus] Australische Langhaarratte {f}
plague saint [saint invoked against the plague] Pestheiliger {m}
plague shot [coll.] Pestimpfung {f}
plague sufferer Pestkranker {m}
plague sufferer [female]Pestkranke {f}
plagued by angry customers [postpos.]von verärgerten Kunden geplagt
plagued by congestionstaugeplagt
plagued by fears [postpos.] von Ängsten geplagt
plagued by noise lärmgeplagt
plaguer Peiniger {m}
plague-ridden von der Pest heimgesucht
plagues Heimsuchungen {pl}
Plagues of EgyptLandplagen {pl}
Plagues of EgyptÄgyptische Plagen {pl}
plague-spot Pestbeule {f}
plaguey [troublesome] verflixt [ugs.] [unangenehm, ärgerlich]
plaguing belästigend
plaguy [spv.] [troublesome] verflixt [ugs.] [unangenehm, ärgerlich]
plaice [caught in spring]Maischolle {f}
plaice [Pleuronectes platessa] Scholle {f}
plaice [Pleuronectes platessa] Goldbutt {m} [Fischart]
plaid Schottenstoff {m}
plaidschottisches Plaidtuch {n}
plaid kariert
plaid pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Karohose {f}
« PJs{placplacplacplacplagplaiplaiplaiplaiplai »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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