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plain tiger [Danaus chrysippus] [butterfly]Gewöhnlicher Tiger {m} [Tagfalterart]
plain tiger (butterfly) [Danaus chrysippus] Kleiner Monarch {m} [Schmetterling]
plain tiger (butterfly) [Danaus chrysippus] Afrikanischer Monarch {m} [Schmetterling]
plain tile roof cladding Biberschwanzdacheindeckung {f}
plain tile roof cladding Biberschwanzbedachung {f}
plain titmouse [Baeolophus inornatus, syn.: Parus inornatus] Schlichtmeise {f}
plain titmouse [Baeolophus inornatus, syn.: Parus inornatus] Eichenmeise {f}
plain tread tyre [Br.]profilloser Reifen {m}
plain tread tyre [Br.] Reifen {m} ohne Profil
plain tripe [gras-double] Pansen {m} [Kutteln]
plain truth nackte Wahrheit {f}
plain truth reine Wahrheit {f}
plain truth ungeschminkte Wahrheit {f}
plain tube (nozzle) Lochtülle {f}
plain turkey [Meleagris gallopavo] Truthuhn {n}
plain turkey [Meleagris gallopavo]Wildtruthuhn {n}
plain turkey [Meleagris gallopavo] Wildes Truthuhn {n}
plain tyrannulet [Inezia inornata]Graukopftachuri {m}
plain tyre [Br.]profilloser Reifen {m}
plain tyre [Br.] Reifen {m} ohne Profil
plain vanilla [coll.]ganz einfach
plain vanilla [coll.] [idiom]nichts Besonderes [nur prädikativ]
plain vanilla option [coll.] Plain-Vanilla-Option {f} [etwas Gewöhnliches oder Normales]
plain washer Unterlegscheibe {f}
plain wave [Idaea straminata] [moth] Strohgelber Staudenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
plain wave [Idaea straminata] [moth] Olivgrauer Doppellinien-Zwergspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
plain weaveLeinenbindung {f}
plain weave Leinwandbindung {f}
plain (white) cake [Am.] Gesundheitskuchen {m}
plain white-eye [Zosterops hypolais]Schlichtbrillenvogel {m}
plain willow warbler [Phylloscopus neglectus]Eichenlaubsänger {m}
plain wren [Thryothorus modestus] Cabaniszaunkönig {m}
plain writingKlarschrift {f}
plain wrong schlichtweg falsch
plain xenops [Xenops minutus] Sparrmansteigschnabel {m}
plain (yellow) cake [Am.] Gesundheitskuchen {m}
plain yoghurt Naturjoghurt {m} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] [bes. ostösterr. auch {f}]
(plain) seamstress [female] [old-fashioned] Weißnäherin {f}
(plain) vanilla [coll.] [plain, dull, ordinary]08/15 [ugs.]
(plain-) vanilla software [basic system without any added features or updates](plain) Vanilla {n} [Software ohne Modifikation oder Anpassung]
plain-backed antpitta [Grallaria haplonota]Ockerbart-Ameisenpitta {f}
plain-backed antpitta [Grallaria haplonota]Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta {f}
plain-backed mountain thrush [Zoothera mollissima]Himalayadrossel {f}
plain-backed mountain-thrush [Zoothera mollissima] Himalayadrossel {f}
plain-backed mountain-thrush / mountain thrush [Zoothera mollissima] Felserddrossel {f}
plain-backed pipit [Anthus leucophrys] Braunrückenpieper {m}
plain-backed snowfinch [Montifringilla blanfordi]Blanfordschneefink {m}
plain-backed sparrow [Passer flaveolus] Gelbbauchsperling {m}
plain-backed sunbird [Anthreptes reichenowi]Blaukehl-Nektarvogel {m}
plain-backed thrush [Zoothera mollissima] Himalayadrossel {f}
plain-backed thrush [Zoothera mollissima] Felserddrossel {f}
plain-bellied emerald [Amazilia leucogaster] Gmelinamazilie {f}
plain-bellied emerald [Amazilia leucogaster] Hellbauchamazilie {f}
plain-bellied water snake [Nerodia erythrogaster] Rotbauch-Wassernatter {f}
plain-bellied water snake [Nerodia erythrogaster] Rotbauchige Wassernatter {f}
plainbelly water snake [Nerodia erythrogaster]Rotbauch-Wassernatter {f}
plainbelly water snake [Nerodia erythrogaster]Rotbauchige Schwimmnatter {f}
plain-breasted brush finch [Atlapetes apertus] Fahlbrust-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
plain-breasted dove [Columbina minuta]Zwergtaube {f}
plain-breasted earthcreeper [Upucerthia jelskii]Buscherdhacker {m}
plain-breasted ground dove [Columbina minuta] Zwergtaube {f}
plain-breasted ground dove [Columbina minuta] Zwergtäubchen {n}
plain-breasted hawk [Accipiter ventralis, syn.: Accipiter striatus ventralis]Andensperber {m}
plain-breasted piculet [Picumnus castelnau] Gelbbauch-Zwergspecht {m}
plain-brown woodcreeper [Dendrocincla fuliginosa]Grauwangen-Baumsteiger {m}
plain-capped ground tyrant [Muscisaxicola alpinus] Felsentyrann {m}
plain-capped starthroat [Heliomaster constantii]Funkenkehlchen {n}
plain-capped starthroat [Heliomaster constantii]Funkenkehlkolibri {m}
plainchant gregorianischer Choral {m}
plainchant (gregorianischer) Choralgesang {m}
plain-clothedin Zivil [nachgestellt]
plainclothesZivilkleidung {f}
plain-clothes [police officer] in Zivil
plain-clothes [attr.] [e.g. police officer] zivilgekleidet
plainclothes [police officer] in Zivil
plain-clothes man Mann {m} in Zivilkleidung
plainclothes officer [Am.] Polizist {m} in Zivil
plain-clothes officers {pl} Zivilstreife {f}
plain-clothes policeZivilfahnder {pl}
plainclothes police officer Ziviler {m}
plainclothes police officer Zivilpolizist {m}
plainclothes police officer [female] Zivile {f}
plain-clothes policeman Polizist {m} in Zivil
plain-clothes policeman Zivilfahnder {m}
plainclothes policemanZivilfahnder {m}
plain-clothes policemenZivilstreife {f}
plain-clothes policewomanZivilfahnderin {f}
plainclothesman Zivilfahnder {m}
plainclothesmanBeamter {m} in Zivil [Polizei]
plainclothesman Ziviler {m} [Polizist]
plainclothesman Polizist {m} in Zivil
plain-colored [Am.] einfarbig
plain-colored [Am.]unifarben
plain-colored laughing thrush [Garrulax subunicolor] [Am.] Goldschwingenhäherling {m}
plain-colored laughingthrush [Am.] [Garrulax subunicolor, syn.: Trochalopteron subunicolor] Goldschwingenhäherling {m} [auch: Goldschwingen-Häherling]
plain-colored seedeater [Catamenia inornata] [Am.] Schlichtcatamenie {f}
plain-colored sunbird [Anthreptes simplex] [Am.]Schlichtnektarvogel {m}
plain-colored tanager [Am.] [Tangara inornata] Schlichttangare {f}
plain-coloured [Br.]einfarbig
plain-coloured [Br.]unifarben
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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