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« backPage 385 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
planetary rotation Planetenrotation {f}
planetary science Planetenwissenschaft {f}
planetary sciencePlanetologie {f}
planetary scientist Planetenwissenschaftler {m}
planetary scientist Planetenforscher {m}
planetary scientist Planetologe {m}
planetary scientist [female] Planetologin {f}
planetary scientist [female] Planetenforscherin {f}
planetary space Planetenraum {m}
planetary (space) probe Planetensonde {f}
planetary spherePlanetensphäre {f}
planetary surfacePlanetenoberfläche {f}
planetary symbolPlanetensymbol {n}
planetary system Planetensystem {n}
planetary transmissionPlanetengetriebe {n}
planetary votricity planetarische Vortizität {f}
planetary wave Rossby-Welle {f}
planetary waveplanetarische Welle {f}
planetary week Planetenwoche {f}
planetary wheel Planetenrad {n}
planetary-mass brown dwarfBrauner Zwerg {m} planetarer Masse
planetary-mass object <PMO>Planemo {m}
planetary-mass object <PMO>Objekt {n} planetarer Masse
planetesimalsPlanetesimale {pl}
planet-forming planetenbildend
planetoidPlanetoid {m}
planetoid belt [rare for: asteroid belt]Planetoidengürtel {m}
planetologist Planetologe {m}
planetologist [female] Planetologin {f}
planetology Planetologie {f}
planetree / plane-tree / plane tree family {sg} [family Platanaceae]Platanaceen {pl}
plane-tree / planetree family {sg} [family Platanaceae]Platanengewächse {pl}
plane-tree / planetree maple [Acer pseudoplatanus] [sycamore maple] Berg-Ahorn {m}
planetrees / plane trees [family Platanaceae] Platanaceen {pl}
planetrees / plane trees [family Platanaceae] Platanengewächse {pl}
planets Planeten {pl}
planets Wandelsterne {pl} [veraltet]
planet's [attr.] [e.g. atmosphere, mass] Planeten- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Masse]
planet's atmosphere Planetenatmosphäre {f}
planet's core Planetenkern {m}
planet's mass Planetenmasse {f}
plangent [chiefly literary]widerhallend
plangorous [literary]klagend [Ton, Gesang etc.]
planigales [genus Planigale]Flachkopf-Beutelmäuse {pl}
planiglobePlaniglob {n}
planigramPlanigramm {n}
planigraph Planigraph {m}
planigraphic attachment Schichtzusatz {m} [planigraphisch]
planigraphic operationSchichtbetrieb {m} [Planigraphie]
planigraphical planigraphisch
planigraphy Planigraphie {f}
planigraphyPlanigrafie {f}
planigraphy Schichtaufnahmeverfahren {n} [Planigraphie, parallele Geradeausbewegung]
planigraphy (lineare) Schichttechnik {f} [Planigraphie]
planimeterPlanimeter {n}
planimetric mapplanimetrische Karte {f}
planimetrical planimetrisch
planimetrics Planimetrie {f}
planimetry Planimetrie {f}
planing hobelnd
planing Gleiten {n}
planing Hobeln {n}
planing downAbhobelung {f}
planing hull Gleiter {m}
planing machineHobelmaschine {f}
planing machineLanghobelmaschine {f}
planing machine Dicktenhobelmaschine {f} [ugs.]
planing mill Hobelwerk {n}
planishing Planieren {n} [von Blech]
planishing hammer Setzhammer {m}
planishing hammer Planierhammer {m} [zum Glätten von Blechen]
planishing hammerSchlichthammer {m}
planishing tool Planierwerkzeug {n}
planispherePlanisphäre {f} [Sternkarte]
planispiral planispiral
planispiral coiling Planispirale {f} [planispirale Einrollung]
plankBohle {f}
plank Brett {n} [länger u. dicker]
plankPlanke {f}
plank Diele {f} [Fußbodenbrett]
plankSteg {m} [Brett]
plank Katalogpunkt {m} [Punkt in einem Forderungskatalog]
plankHolzbohle {f}
plank [Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [idiot]Trottel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
plank [exercise] Unterarmstütz {m}
plank bedPritsche {f} [Liegestatt]
plank boatPlankenboot {n}
plank bridge Bohlenbrücke {f}
plank doorBrettertür {f}
plank fencePlankenzaun {m}
« plaiplaiplanPlanplanplanplanplanplanplanplan »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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