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English-German Dictionary

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plankedmit Planken belegt
planked floor Dielenfußboden {m}
planked footpath Bohlenweg {m}
planking verzimmernd
planking Planken {pl}
planking Beplankung {f}
planking Bohlenbelag {m}
planking Verschalung {f}
plankingDielung {f}
planking Verzimmern {n}
planking [lying down game] Planking {n} [sich in steifer Positur und Bauchlage (an öffentlichen Plätzen) fotografieren lassen]
planks Bohlen {pl}
planks Bretter {pl}
planksPlanken {pl}
planksHolzbohlen {pl}
plankter Planktont {m}
planktivore Planktonfresser {m}
planktivorousPlankton fressend
planktivorous planktonophag
planktivorously planktivor
planktivory Planktivorie {f}
planktologist Planktologe {m}
planktology Planktologie {f}
plankton Plankton {n}
plankton biomassPlanktonbiomasse {f}
plankton bloom Planktonblüte {f}
plankton catchPlanktonfang {m}
plankton community Planktongemeinschaft {f}
plankton composition Planktonzusammensetzung {f}
plankton culture Algenkultur {f}
plankton culturePlanktonkultur {f}
plankton development Planktonentwicklung {f}
plankton distribution Planktonverteilung {f}
plankton diversity Planktondiversität {f}
plankton diversityPlanktonvielfalt {f}
plankton drift Planktondrift {f}
plankton ecologyPlanktonökologie {f}
plankton feeder Planktonfresser {m}
plankton gauze Planktongaze {f}
plankton growthPlanktonwachstum {n}
plankton identification Planktonbestimmung {f}
plankton larva Planktonlarve {f}
plankton net Planktonnetz {n}
plankton researchPlanktonforschung {f}
plankton sample Planktonprobe {f}
plankton species Planktonart {f}
plankton succession Planktonsukzession {f}
plankton trapPlanktonfalle {f}
planktonic planktonisch
planktonic algaePlanktonalgen {pl}
planktonic larvaPlanktonlarve {f}
planktonic larvaplanktonische Larve {f}
planktonic organism Planktonorganismus {m}
planktonic organisms Planktonorganismen {pl}
planktotrophic planktotroph
planktotrophyPlanktotrophie {f}
plankwise [timber]mit der Maserung [Holzes]
planless planlos
plannability Planbarkeit {f}
planned geplant
planned entworfen
planned angedacht
planned disponiert
planned vorgehabt
planned baby Wunschbaby {n}
planned balance sheet Planbilanz {f}
planned capitalPlanhauptstadt {f}
planned childWunschkind {n}
planned cityPlanstadt {f}
planned cost calculationPlankostenrechnung {f}
planned cuts Sparvorhaben {pl}
planned economy Planwirtschaft {f}
planned economyplanwirtschaftlich
planned financing program [Am.]geplantes Finanzierungsprogramm {n}
planned investment geplante Kapitalanlage {f}
planned language Plansprache {f}
planned maintenance <PM>geplante Wartung {f}
planned maintenance <PM> planmäßige Wartung {f}
planned obsolescenceeingeplante Obsoleszenz {f}
planned obsolescence eingeplante Veralterung {f} eines Gebrauchsguts
planned obsolescence geplante Obsoleszenz {f}
planned performance geplante Leistung {f}
planned performance Leistungsvorgabe {f}
planned preventive maintenance <PPM>geplante vorbeugende Wartung {f}
planned quantityPlanmenge {f}
planned target Plansoll {n}
planned town Gründungsstadt {f} [entworfene Stadt]
planned urban development geordnete städtebauliche Entwicklung {f}
planned venture geplantes Unternehmen {n}
planned working time Sollarbeitszeit {f}
(planned) obsolescence (gewollte) Produktalterung {f} [Obsoleszenz]
(planned) settlement [i.e. of new settlers in sparsely populated areas] Peuplierung {f} [veraltet] [Besiedlung]
planner Planer {m}
planners Planer {pl}
planning planend
planningPlanung {f}
« plaiplanplanplanplanplanplanplanplanplanplan »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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